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The contributions of psychological assessment in the context of traffic

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SILVA, Hustane Oliveira Martins da [1]

SILVA, Hustane Oliveira Martins da. The contributions of psychological assessment in the context of the traffic. Multidisciplinary Core scientific journal of knowledge. 03 year, Ed. 06, vol. 06, pp. 123-134, June 2018. ISSN:2448-0959


This article aims to present the contributions of psychological assessment in the context of transit, as well as discuss possible alternatives of the traffic psychologist. A bibliographical research through scientific articles available at: Psychology-VHL, Scielo and Google Scholar (Google Scholar), from 2006 to the present day. Before the promulgation of the psychologist profession in Brazil, had transit professionals who work with “psychometric tests”, however, was in the 60 that the profession was popularized, especially with the creation of the Detrans (Department of Transit), CFP (Federal Council of Psychology) and CRPs (Regional Council of Psychology). During decades of work, criticisms and few advances in the area, one of the criticisms found in several studies is that the traffic psychologist sometimes ends up being a little restricted in your performance, performing only application and correction of psychological testing Since there are numerous possibilities of action: partnerships with schools and universities to traffic education, prevention of accidents, interventions with alcoholics, among others. It found a lack of studies on the subject, and as a suggestion to professionals, new research, discussions and reflections, participation in public policies, interventions with alcoholics, etc.

Keywords: psychological evaluation of traffic, traffic, human behavior.

1. Introduction

The world population has been growing every day at an accelerated rate, with the number of vehicles circulating on the streets is larger than a few decades ago. The come and go, the ease of locomotion, the disorder and the chaos of traffic in some cities contributes negatively to the emergence of some problems related to it, such as: accidents, death, violence, emotional imbalance, stress, pollution Sonora and air, among others. The traffic is a result of several actions, education, prevention, interventions are some alternatives to make traffic more harmonious. Specifically, when we talk about traffic accident, we speak also of human conduct, thus the traffic psychology is of paramount importance to a work as a team with other professionals, and also with the transit agencies, since it will studying human behavior in traffic. According to Acharya and Gomes (2016):

Traffic departments are the organs responsible for opening space to the work of psychologists, institutionalizing the psychotechnical clinics by the recognition of the importance of the performance of this professional in the prevention of accidents and actions of road rage, by means of the test results (CHRIST-SILVA; GÜNTHER, 2009 apud ALVES and GOMES 2016).

It is necessary to understand the traffic as human phenomenon, consisting of laws, obligations, behaviors, problems, so that we can discuss the problems that this brings us, as well as solutions for improvement of services rendered to society.

Psychology as a science, assists in the understanding of the behaviour and the human psyche, through observations, instruments (tests), surveys, studies, among others. It is in this scenario that the psychology of traffic, in order to investigate the human behaviour in traffic, making it the safest, collaborating with the well-being of the driver and the pedestrian so there is a good relationship between all. In the course of this work, will be presented as psychological assessment is made in the context of traffic, their contributions, as well as the criticisms that emerged during years of practice. According to Ravi and Garcia (2010):

The process of psychological evaluation is broad, involves information that is collected through the strategies to be used, such as: psychological interview, psychological tests and observations techniques that the psychologist deems important to consider. We note that the use of psychological tests is one of the strategies to be used in this process. (RAVI and GARCIA, p. 14, 2010).

This work is a bibliographic survey, and aims to present the contributions of psychological assessment in the context of the traffic, the more instruments used by psychologists to evaluate drivers and applicants for obtaining the CNH (Wallet Enabling national), as well as suggest other ways for the psychologist, for example, develop educational and preventive work; traffic awareness; research about human behavior. Research was used on sites such as Scielo, VHL-Psychology, and the Scholar Google (Google Scholar), from the year 2006 to the present day.

There was a certain lack of current work on the subject, there is a need to discuss more on the subject, publishing jobs, conduct research. As for the performance of the traffic psychologist, the same must be enrolled in the CRP (Regional Council of Psychology) of your region, be accredited by the Dmv (Department of motor vehicles), and according to the resolution No. 425/2012 of the CONTRAN, possess a specialization course in traffic psychology.

What if proposed with this work, was raising the contributions as well as the criticisms related to the role of the psychologist in the context of transit, discuss best ways and solutions so that the services can meet the quality demand requested.

What is expected is that this article instigate workers to study and the boost to the emergence of new research, partnerships with other professionals working in the field of transit to promote educational activities, as well as interventions, publication of the work, since there are few published works related to the theme.

2. Psychological assessment in the context of traffic

The psychological evaluation, process by which is exclusive of psychologists, uses of scientific instruments (tests) for data collection about the psychological aspects, in order to meet a demand. As Anache (2011) “tests shall be used as a way of adding to the elements and process information about the psychic functioning of the individual.” (ANACHE 2011 apud AMBIEL; MOGNON and ISHIZAWA 2015). According to the CFP:

The psychological assessment is understood as a comprehensive research process, in which the assessed and your demand, in order to set the most appropriate decision making of the psychologist. More especially, psychological assessment refers to the collection and interpretation of data, obtained through a set of reliable procedures, understood as those recognized by psychological science. (Primer PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT, 2013, p. 11).

At the end in 80 years, there have been numerous criticisms regarding the use of psychological tests, decreasing usage by psychologists in Brazil, causing also in brazilian production decrease, ethical processes, etc, Saints (2011) reports that:

Initially the psychological tests were used in Brazil based on just the translation of instruments produced in other countries, without validity studies and adaptations to the brazilian reality, making them targets of criticism and disbelief. (SANTOS, apud AMBIEL, 2011 MOGNON and ISHIZAWA, 2015).

The regulation of the profession of psychologist was in the year 1962, later, were created the Councils of Psychology: State (CRP) and Federal (CFP), and the psychology of the traffic was already recognized in the country. Traffic psychology began in 1920.  According to Silva and Günter (2009), “in the years 1940 and 1950 the psychologist was working with tests, psychometric tests performing” (SILVA and GÜNTER apud PASQUALI 2009 and 2013 LAKE). Silva (2012) points out that:

The 60 was characterized, therefore, by the political and administrative organization of category of psychologists, and also for the institutionalisation and expansion of psychology in different spaces of experience, including the DETRANs, consolidating the roots identified from the pré-regulamentação period. (SCOTT 2012).

Before the resolution No. 425/2012 of the CONTRAN, that provides for the obligation of a specialization course of transit for psychologists, the requirement to exercise your profession in the area were only a training course or the title of expert examiner of traffic, both with the load time of 180 hours. This important change has led to a greater demand for postgraduate courses in traffic psychology and an improvement in the qualification of professionals in the field.  Silva and Gunther (2009) point out that:

The increase in the supply of specialization courses may have other ramifications. One of them is that, rather than continue preparing psychologists to be exclusively experts in transit, we will have the opportunity to train professionals to act in the various traffic problems, otherwise we will continue following the model training of psychologists experts earlier, but under a new label, to expert. The prospect of preparing consultants can open doors to other markets, as various organs of transit and transportation demand knowledge and creative interventions to minimize their problems. (SILVA and GUNTHER, 2009, p. 169 apud SAMPAIO and NAKANO, 2012).

After approval by the Brazilian Transit Code (CTB), the vision of transit has become more humane, as Alves points and Gomes (2016) “psychological assessment began to focus not just on tests that evaluate information processing connected to the ability to make decisions, but also in behavior and subjectivity “(DMV, MG 2013 apud ALVES and GOMES 2016).

The psychological assessment of the transit arose from the need to investigate psychic characteristics of the candidates to obtain, renew or change of category of CNH, as also predict risk behaviors, such as traffic accidents. According to the DMV, there are three major causes of traffic accidents: speeding, lack of attention, alcohol abuse, related to the driver’s conduct. For Veronica and Rueda (2007) “the role of psychological assessment is to act preemptively to reduce eventualities of drivers in if put in dangerous situations” (LAMOUNIER and RUEDA 2007 apud RIBEIRO, ALENCAR e SOUZA 2015).

According to Silva and Alchieri (2007):

Psychological evaluation of candidates for wpgu is, still today, the main activity of the majority of traffic psychologists in the country. For over 50 years, this psychological practice including in the context of road, with the purpose to assist in traffic safety, identifying the drivers more likely to be involved in accidents. (SILVA and ALCHIERI apud PASQUALI and LAKE 2013).

Another justification for the use of tests in the context of traffic would be to predict inappropriate behaviour of drivers, according to the CFP “criterion validity studies showing that the test measures provide important behaviors that situation (such as risk behaviour, negligent involvement in accidents) “(primer PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION, p. 18). According to Ravi and Garcia (2010):

The ethical conditions of this process are in the appropriate use of psychological techniques, combined with the theoretical rigour, but, especially, to recognize and properly ethical conceptions of conceptualizing subject and citizenship, in harmony with the establishing the understanding of psychological phenomena.  (RAVI and GARCIA, p. 15, 2010).

In the context of traffic psychological evaluation, professionals dealing with different types of people, personalities, physical and/or psychological deficiencies, among others, Ravi and Garcia (2010) State, on the psychological evaluation:

The psychological evaluation conducted by psychologists in traffic, in addition to complex and specific goal, evaluates subject which are in different stages of life. Thus we have the process of psychological evaluation will include subjects at different stages of development, from adolescence to old age, with their different characteristics, cultures, and with eigenvalues introjetados. The psychologist has the task to contextualize this reality, whereas the very act of driving, the vehicle type (ride, cargo transport and collective transport), as well as all the external situations to be considered for this candidate. (RAVI and GARCIA, p. 16, 2010).

According to the CONTRAN (Conselho Nacional de transit), the psychological assessment is mandatory character, and knockout for drivers and applicants to obtain or change of category of CNH, the intellectual level of attention, psychomotor, psychophysical and personality. Silva (2008) notes that:

The CNH candidate can be considered fit when perform consistent in psychological assessment for vehicle driving in the desired category; fit with restriction when present disturbance or psychological impairment that was temporarily under control, making the record, in this case, the period of validity for revalidation of REGISTRATION; unable temporarily when present some psychological disability on psychological aspects evaluated, which would be capable of recovery or correction; or unfit when present inadequacy in the areas evaluated that are outside of the normal standards and non-recoverable. (SILVA 2008 apud SAMPAIO and NAKANO 2011). ”

It is well known that when we talk about psychological assessment, we’re also talking about rapport, behavior observation, intervention, conducting interviews, among others. As the resolution of the CONTRAN n° 425/2012, some items will be evaluated:

Art. 5° on the psychological evaluation should be measured by psychological methods and techniques, the following psychic processes:


II-information processing;



V-self-assessment of behaviour;

VI-personality traits. (CONTRAN, 2008).

As for the choice of tests, the PSC recommends “in the case of the choice of a test, it is necessary that the psychologist make the careful reading of the manual and of the research involved in building your to decide whether he may or may not be used in that situation” (primer ASSESSMENT Psychological, p. 18, 2013). Psychologists use psychological reliable instruments, that is, trusted and recommended by the CFP and in accordance with the assent of the SATEPSI (System of evaluation of psychological tests), which assess mainly attention, personality , intelligence, memory, among others, we can cite some: AC, AD (Attention), BFM-1 and BFM-2 (Battery of mental functions for Drivers – test of Attention), Palográfico, Zulliger, IFP, HTP, Rorchach (personality tests), RAVEN (test Intelligence), MVT (Visual memory test), is at the discretion of the psychologist to decide which will be used and in what context the evaluation (either to obtain, renew or change of category of CNH).

In relation to this process, Adams and Garcia (2016) state that:

Some personality traits measured during the evaluation process can be linked to impulsive behaviors, allowing for dangerous driving, irresponsibility, egocentricity, impulsivity, aggression, and intolerance to frustration, for example. These characteristics serve as factors related to the operation of personal actions as hostilities, control voltage tolerance, sociocentrismo and anxiety, which can influence more on occurrence of traffic accidents than in physiological characteristics and psicofisiológicas. (ALVES and GOMES 2016).

The psychometric tests, i.e. tests that have an objective measure, assess mainly skills, are the most used, since, according to Groeger (2003) “are used to predict the ability to drive, especially to predict the probability of a individual involved in accidents “. (2003 GROEGER apud SAMPAIO and NAKANO 2011). Last but not least, according to Alencar, Sharma and Rajan (2015) “the interview feedback presented clearly and objectively, is a right of every candidate and the psychologist must perform it within 48 hours, after the end of the psychological assessment “. During years of practice of the traffic psychologist, there were some criticisms, Rueda (2009) States that:

The criticism to the psychological evaluation performed in the context of traffic relating to the lack of standardization regarding the battery of instruments to be used-since the CFP only recommends what constructs should be considered in the assessment, because These vary greatly from one place to another-and the lack of continuity of assessment, since it is performed only once (when the person will try to get to your first wpgu-CNH), unlike the forensic medical examination, repeated every five years. This makes the personal changes that occurred over time are not considered. (RUEDA, 2009 apud SAMPAIO and NAKANO 2011).

Rueda & Gurgel (2008) point out though: “what is observed in many manuals of instruments is a standardization according to the educational level and the type of license without, in fact, prove the instrument that such differences exist” (RUEDA & GURGEL, 2008 apud SAMPAIO and NAKANO, 2012).

Silva and Alchieri (2007) justifies that there is no need of psychological assessment of traffic for the permission to drive, because according to them “the research on the evidence of the validity of the instruments and the utility of psychological tests evaluate the personality are scarce in Brazil “(SILVA and 2007 ALCHIERI apud AMBIEL, MOGNON and ISHIZAWA, 2015). Later, still under doubts and questions about the need or not of psychological assessment, there were few researches and studies. Primi and Nunes (2010) underline the importance of studies on the predictive validity and consequential “such searches could be performed correlating the results of psychological tests with the occurrence of accidents caused by driver or the repeated occurrence of violations “. (PRIMI and NANI 2010 apud SAMPAIO and NAKANO 2011). Silva and Alchieri (2007) show that:

You can tell by these discussions, that the field of psychological assessment of drivers is marked by difficulties and limitations in your reasoning and exercise, there is no consensus about your validity in relation to increased safety in road offsets public. (SILVA and ALCHIERI 2007).

Before this discussion, yet the Brazil is the only country which requires applicants for REGISTRATION to submit to psychological assessment, which brings us to another question: is it really effective for psychological evaluation of cnh? The studies are scarce, so there is no enough evidence for this assertion. Another important point is the disqualification of the traffic psychologist, because your work is not valued, disclosed, this happens in practice when only in cases of obtaining the CNH is made the psychological evaluation, which is of paramount importance to evaluate the subject from time to time, since the personality and behavior are fickle, therefore, both in obtaining and renewal of CNH, the psychological evaluation should be mandatory, as well as the physical. Pessoto (2012) brings us another question: “with regard to the profile of the driver, he has already been outlined with regard to variables that require investigation, based on empirical evidence to support this need?” (PESSOTO, 2012).  Answers to this and other questions should be answered based on studies, research, conferences, discussions, among others.

The feedback of the tests is also a problem, since due to the large number of candidates who do the assessment, doesn’t leave much time to perform it, often the candidate was not suitable in testing at that time, however, there is no clarification on the evaluation, a as the person may not present the attention and/or emotional stability sufficient for approval and to deal with the traffic. Future studies should pay attention to this and other issues related to psychological evaluation in traffic. As to the obligation of the psychological evaluation of traffic, according to Silva, Alves and Rosa (2015), it is an objective way to evaluate candidates, however:

To complete these objective data include observations and individual interviews, which composes the procedures adopted. Is also required an appreciation of the context in which motorists are inserted. (SILVA, ALVES and ROSA, 2015).

Another critical psychological assessment of traffic is that there are no specific instruments batteries for the same, being that what is assessed are constructs like personality, attention, memory, reasoning, etc, however, positive results of personality tests, for example, shows good conduct in traffic, too, what they lack are studies of relationship behavior in traffic/test results according to Saab and Nakano (2011) “there are a small number of studies geared specifically to research how to drive the driver, and the relationship between the instruments performance and your ability to drive behavior prediction. ” (SA and NAKANO 2011).

Silva and Alchieri (2007) State:

The research on the personality of drivers are scarce and fairly restricted to generalizations, so that an improvement in the area can only be achieved through the following factors: development of assessment tools and best profile of drivers, sample more representative of the population investigated and integrated action or partnerships between educational institutions responsible for collective and individual transport, and transportation companies. (SILVA and 2007 ALCHIERI apud SAMPAIO and NAKANO 2011).

Apart from the issue of the development of better instruments for evaluation cited above, there are other questions and possibilities of operation of the traffic psychologist, as points Rozestratren (2007):

Working with people who have a phobia of driving, interventions with alcohol abusers, develop activities and studies with drug users, work with companies of collective transport, promote education in traffic next to schools, assist in promotion of environmental education and act after traumatic events and traffic accidents, promote studies aimed at improvements in environmental conditions in the context of transit, among others. (2007 ROZESTRATEN apud AMBIEL, MOGNON and ISHIZAWA 2015).

Faced with so many possibilities, the reality we see is another, and the psychologist often restricts the application of testing and preparation of reports to the candidates obtaining/renewal/change of category of CNH, critique this very present most of the works found on the theme. As Ambiel, Mognon and Ishizawa (2015), another criticism we can quote in relation to psychological evaluation of traffic is “the lack of studies that contributed in the prediction of certain individual characteristics and the involvement of drivers in fines and accidents” . On the role of the psychologist, Silva, Alves and Rosa (2015) point out that:

Literature surveys reaffirm the need for publications dealing with the psychological and professional performance evaluation in the area of traffic with interface with other sciences, because acting in traffic is to know this phenomenon as part of a complex transport system and thus understand that the predictive studies in relation to the causes of traffic accidents go beyond psychological assessment. (SILVA, ALVES and ROSA, 2015).

Silva, Alves and Rosa (2015) addressed another major problem concerning the psychological assessment: there were material errors such as “lack of identification of the psychologist, the final opinion in time of completion, the lack of local registry exams, excessive use of abbreviations in writing, the name of the instruments, imprecisions, absence of results, etc. ” (SILVA, ALVES and ROSA 2015). It is important to professionals if this question offends, because according to the CFP, the largest number of ethical proceedings against psychologists refers to the preparation of documents.

It is evident that changes in both the formation of the psychologist and acting are required, to develop a work of better quality, as stresses Pasquali and Lake (2013) “it is important that the traffic psychology is discussed at congresses, courses and also be a compulsory subject in undergraduate courses in psychology, developing in the learner a professional look (…). ” (PAI and LAKE 2013).

Silva and Dagostin (2006) point out that:

Research is needed to investigate: social skills and techniques of the professionals working in the area of transit; considerations about the professional practice; perceptions of a psychologist on the activity to evaluate drivers and characterization techniques and psychological instruments, which enable the continuity of advances in the understanding of further problems and phenomena are required for activity Professional and knowledge area. (SILVA and DAGOSTIN, 2006, apud SAMPAIO and NAKANO, 2012).

Despite criticism and few perceived advances in the practice of traffic psychologist, some changes occurred in the years 2000 to the present day, Nanda and Reppold (2010) underline that “the advancement of the area has taken place due to the development of new studies of construction and validation of instruments, measures such as the emergence of the SATEPSI and of the scientific events on psychological assessment has been debated “(NORONHA and 2010 REPPOLD apud AMBIEL, MOGNON and ISHIZAWA 2015).

Some measures have been taken to ensure that traffic works in a more harmonious and less chaotic. In the city of São Paulo, for example, was deploying the caster, with the purpose of reducing the flow of vehicles circulating on the streets at least once a week, as a result, accidents, fines among others, too. Tougher laws, penalties, fines, are part of other measures, one of which is prohibition, which provides for a fine, imprisonment, and in some cases the loss of the right to drive for a year, the driver who is caught driving while intoxicated. Such measures (some polemics) could be debated with the transit agencies and other professionals, to the analysis of the effectiveness and discussion of results aiming at the improvement of these services. PASQUALI and Lake (2013) ensures that “plus a psychologist evaluating the subject, you have to be a thorough professional, involved with transit policies and human mobility and consistent with your commitment as a citizen”. (PAI and LAKE 2013).

Some initiatives have been taken to ensure that the psychology along with the CFP contributes in some way to a better functioning of traffic, one of them was the national movement of Democratization in traffic, in order to discuss with other professionals several areas public policies directed to the transit, as Silva (2012) “group formed by 27 institutions that work directly or indirectly with the issue, sought to develop actions that aim at mobility, citizenship, health and peace in traffic “(SILVA, 2012).

Another important initiative was the creation of the Latin American network of Traffic psychology, that has as a goal to share knowledge, experience, bibliographic studies, and second Silva (2012) “the network has the prospect of contributing to disseminate the traffic psychology in Latin American countries, promoting scientific and professional development, your account with 90 participants in several Brazilian States, psychologists and non-psychologists “(SILVA 2012). There are studies that prove the positive perception of the candidates in relation to psychological evaluation to the obtaining and renewal of REGISTRATION, however, Rehbein 2012, ponder that Zechariah &:

Further studies are needed to reach these attitudes, investigate since the results may serve to improve procedures in practice, besides contributing to reflections about the importance attached to the area of the psychology of transit and on the role exercised by the psychologist. (REHBEIN & 2012 apud AMBIEL, ZECHARIAH MOGNON and ISHIZAWA 2015).

The Outlook for the future of psychological assessment in traffic is that professionals seek other forms of assistance, as Silva (2012) “traffic psychologists must seek to implement also a interventionist model not only with the drivers, but also in the most vulnerable traffic users (pedestrians and cyclists) “(SCOTT, 2012).

Some authors advocate the idea that preventive education of traffic should be started as soon as possible and especially in schools, as Adams and Garcia (2016):

Analyzing the relationship between individual and a half for a safe direction, and having the behavior as main driver object, hypothetically it would be more effective a preventive psychological education directed not only to candidates to CNH, but most individuals young people, who are completing high school, for example, which will remain the way users provided not only drivers but also to pedestrians and cyclists, among others. (ALVES and GOMES, 2016).

Silva, Alves and Rosa (2015) point out that “little has been explored over the role of the professional in the field of psychological assessment or in your interface with other sciences. These data reinforce the need for research for better consolidation of this praxis “. (SILVA, ALVES and ROSA, 2015).  With this statement above, we can think that professionals still are stuck in your practice, often due to lack of incentive’s own regulatory body of the profession. Pessoto (2012) also States that:

The traffic psychologist shouldn’t be limited to the process of obtaining/renewing REGISTRATION or change of category, but should be broad, including at an earlier stage of the meaning on if you have a car, this would justify a range of studies involving, in addition to the three factors (man saw and vehicle), external components to them. (PESSOTO, 2012).

Final considerations

The growing number of cars, motorcycles, circling the streets daily brings up some concerns, such as education, traffic accidents, death, emotional/physical trauma, and also noise pollution and air, which may bring serious risks to the health of in the general population. These traffic issues involve different institutions/organizations, even related to health, since this is affected indirectly. We can understand the traffic as a set of factors: laws, rules, behaviors, among others. Psychology as a behavioral science, has a lot to cooperate in this area, since one of the goals of traffic psychology is to predict risk behaviors.

This article aims to present the contributions of psychological evaluation in traffic, how does the evaluation process in this context, as well as the difficulties and limitations that exist in this technique. The psychological assessment of traffic, from your home, which took around 40 years, it was held, back and forth little change occurred in the practice of traffic psychologist. Emerged various criticism of the role of the psychologist, one of them cited in the text, is the lack of specific instruments for psychological evaluation of traffic, since the tests used for this evaluation are used in other areas of psychology as the clinical, organizational, among others.

In order to obtain psychological evaluation/renewal/change of category of CNH, the constructs more assessed, are: attention, memory, personality, thinking, among others, in which the psychologist shall elect which batteries of tests will be applied, in accordance with the suggestion of the CFP. The most commonly used instruments were submitted by psychologists to evaluate drivers, being that the choice of the same is according to the context, be it getting/renewal or change of category of CNH. The battery of tests should be chosen by psychologists, according to suggestions of the CFP.

It was observed that there is a lack of studies and research of psychologist on the psychology of traffic and, the hope is that, with the resolution of the CONTRAN which makes mandatory a specialization course for the psychologist Act in the area of transit, new works and publications, since, at the end of the course, the professional should write a FINAL PAPER or article, such a change will enable the formation of qualified professionals working in the labour market.

The role of the psychologist in the transit area is still restricted often only the application and test correction, preparation of reports, however, that suggests is that the psychologist would explore other areas, among which the promotion of education traffic along with professionals from other areas to develop work with public transportation, schools, universities, prevention of traffic accidents, and also better clarify for applicants to obtain the work REGISTRATION psychologist and your importance. Another important initiative proposed by Castillo et al. (2015) “is to offer individual psychological care, guidance and host groups to victims of a traffic accident.” (CASTILLO et al. 2015).

It is important that educational activities about traffic mainly in schools, because the audience is young who are learning to respect laws and follow them, and many of them have intention to get the CNH.

The talk of traffic, we are referring also to human behavior, in this sense, Pai and Lake (2013) stresses that “it is necessary to show the traffic as a human phenomenon, to understand the problems that this brings about our health, as well as the impacts for our well-being “(PAI and LAKE 2013).    Finally, the psychologist must act in the psychological evaluation of traffic with a view to prevention and intervention for future drivers reduce or extinguish behavior and serious situations.

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[1] Psychological assessment-Institute of graduate studies – IPOG-Cuiabá, MT

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