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The role of the Pharmacist and the legalization on Aesthetic Health

RC: 4016
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FERREIRA, Rogério [1]

FERREIRA, Bruno Roger. The role of the pharmacist and the legalization on aesthetic health. Multidisciplinary Core scientific journal of knowledge. Year 1. Vol. 8. Pp. 93-98. September 2016. ISSN:2448-0959


The aesthetics of beauty is already today in Brazil, one of the most promising and highly competitive markets. Considering a great aesthetic products and services development, the pharmaceutical profession, which is one of the oldest, historically developed as an integral part of society, providing relevant services to humanity since the manipulation, distribution of medicines, cosmetics and supplies, that made that pharmacists ever return to the area of health, which is multidisciplinary. A profession only monopolize the market seems unfair, with so many possibilities that exist in the area of aesthetics. All seek a solution for dissatisfaction and improvements in self-esteem, perhaps for these reasons more professionals and occupations has won the right to exercise a part of science. Objectives: to report the current resolution of pharmacists and their duties in exercising aesthetes of aesthetic health and technical responsibility for establishments that perform similar activities. Methods: this is a review carried out by means of retrospective survey of scientific articles, legislation and resolutions published in the last five years (2011 to 2016). Articles were reviewed and categorized with a view to the classification and delineation of the studies, observing: year of publication, source, formation and origin of author/researcher, object of study, the study population, exposure time, instrument rating or data collection and results and discussion thereof.

Keywords: aesthetics, aesthetics, Health Pharmacy Pharmacist Aesthete, legalization.


The profession of pharmacist has excelled by professionals, more and more, they want to stand out in a market so competitive.

The pharmacist plays in over 70 private and non-private areas, that is, multidisciplinary, it shows that we're winning the market and aware of the new trends in the middle of the aesthetic and technological health.

One of the most promising markets in Brazil's cosmetics and beauty (SEBRAE 2015). Aesthetics is no longer a matter of beauty, today came to represent health. The number of professionals is growing in the country, aesthetes updates and career investments are entirely necessary, in a market that is renewed rapidly.

The treatments are seen as a moment of leisure is the time you invest to feel good and raise self-esteem.

In Brazil the aesthetic health becomes a pattern that is present in all classes, ages and genders. In the face of a culture that the body turns into an important dimension to the happiness of the people, the natural aging of the body is lived so repressed (PEREIRA et al., 2010).

The Brazil in recent decades, has been expanding the areas of training and professional experience in top level and, among them, there are the areas for aesthetic treatments, aesthetic medicine, where the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) does not recognize as a medical specialty, technology in cosmetic and aesthetic (MACHADO et al., 2008).

The pharmacist began to be interested with the area of aesthetics, when he realized that there were common among professions disciplines who work in aesthetics, in the handling of medicines, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, pharmacological action and mechanism works with all routes of administration of drugs, it was then that the Federal Council of Pharmacy (CFF) started a fight in search of legalization of technical responsibility as a pharmacist Aesthete.

Legalization of pharmaceutical Aesthete

According to the judgment of the judicial section of the Federal District, the doctors ' arguments against the resolution 573/2013, which describes the responsibilities of the pharmacist in health, aesthetics do not proceed and the CFF gained the right to act on aesthetics (SOUL .2015).

The Brazilian Federal Constitution is the Supreme law granted to the nation by the sovereign will of the people, through their representatives chosen. Refers to laws and principles, with the purpose to establish all forms necessary to delimit the competence of the public authorities, by imposing the rules of action of PR institutions and restrictions that must be adopted to guarantee individual rights (SILVA 2008).

The Federal Council of Pharmacy provides for the duties of a pharmacist in aesthetic and health exercise technical responsibility for establishments that perform similar activities.

So the resolution No. 573 of 22 may 2013 confirms the role of the pharmacist Aesthete.

In this way non-surgical invasive procedures in the area of health, can be charged by pharmacists.

Whereas the minimum infrastructure of health services, as well as the instrumental and material resources required for this activity which is correlated with the professional pharmacist, and aiming at the provision of assistance with dignity are disciplined in their own regulations or in Federal, State or municipal sphere and the national health surveillance agency (ANVISA). The resolution recognizes the aesthetic as health role of the pharmacist.

In the area of aesthetic health pharmacist and must be regularly enrolled in the Regional Council of Pharmacy of your jurisdiction may be responsible for establishments which use techniques of nature aesthetic and therapeutic resources for aesthetic purposes, since there is no practice of plastic surgery interventions, (CFF, 2013).

The Federal Council of Pharmacy CITES and discriminate nature aesthetic techniques used by the pharmacist.

Cosmetoterapia: is the external and superficial cosmetic products called generically with therapeutic and beautifying purpose (CFF, 2013).

Electrotherapy: Consists in the use of electrical currents within the therapy (CFF, 2013).

Iontophoresis: is the introduction of chemical radicals in tissues, through an electric field produced by a current one-way. During this introduction and Ionic attraction, repulsion occurs according to the polarity of each electrode and its interaction with the biological membrane (CFF, 2013).

Laser therapy: technique used to epilation, ablative dyschromias, skin aging, sagging facial and vascular lesions (CFF, 2013).

Intense pulsed light: it is considered a non-laser light source generated by light bulbs, resulting in the emission of heat and light radiation and is therefore classified as a resource fototermoterapêutico (CFF .2013).

Chemical and mechanical peeling: aesthetic procedures Are able to promote cell renewal, gradually by stimulating natural regeneration of tissues (CFF, 2013).

Aesthetic: radio is a type of electromagnetic radiation in higher frequency generates heat in biological tissues. Is considered non-ablative technique, inducing collagen production without breaking the skin (CFF, 2013).

Aesthetic health: healthcare focused on promotion, protection, maintenance and aesthetic recovery of the individual, in order to select and apply procedures and aesthetic resources, using for this cosmetic products, specific techniques and equipment, according to the characteristics and needs of the client (CFF, 2013).

Sonoforesis (aesthetic ultrasound): is the use of ultrasound to enhance skin absorption of topically applied drugs. Sonoforesis increases exponentially the topical absorption of substances through the epidermis, DermIS and cutaneous adnexa (CFF, 2013).

In the year 2015, the CFF acting as supervisory entity of the exercise of liberal professions defined the technical requirements for the Office of the pharmacist in the field of health, increasing the list of such techniques and therapeutic resources used by pharmacists in health establishment aesthetics according to resolution No. 616, of 25 November 2015.

The resolution considers that examples of invasive non-surgical procedures, according to the Federal law that is only 2013 12842/private medical professionals Act the execution and implementation of invasive procedures, which are considered as only the invasion of natural body openings to reach internal organs. Based on that situation was legalized a few more aesthetic activities, like lifting of autosustentação, the application of botulinum toxin, the dermal filler, carboxytherapy, intradermotherapy/Mesotherapy, needling, aesthetic and technical microagulhamento crioterápicas as criolipólíse.

For the trader to become able to carry out aesthetic health has some mandatory requirements:

Being a former student of the graduate-Undergraduate Courses recognized by the Ministry of education, in the area of health. Be graduate of course free aesthetic area, recognized by the Federal Council of Pharmacy.

Demonstrate experience for at least 2 (two) years, continuous or intermittent, which should submit the supporting documents.

In the case of a pharmacist with employment bond, needs to submit documents required from the employer, CNPJ, full address and function exercised with description of activities and an indication of the period in which they were held.

So according to your qualification for exercise of aesthetics, health pharmacist in health establishments aesthetics under its responsibility, is responsible for the acquisition of the equipment and substances necessary for the development of nature aesthetic techniques and therapeutic resources.


The pharmacy aesthetics is the newest area of the pharmacy, which operates in various treatments and aesthetic facial and bodily disorders physiology. Acquired rights, WINS full force in health, aesthetics which is legitimized through the regulation of the profession and resolution No. 573/2013 and extending techniques, by resolution No. 616/2015 and that allows legally applying various techniques non-invasive that certainly was a great achievement for the profession, today the pharmacy aesthetics has a more scientific involvement and secure.


SOUL, JANETE MOUSSA. Aesthetics: a compromise healthcare careers, 2015.

The NATIONAL HEALTH SURVEILLANCE AGENCY, national health services Program. Brasilia: ANVISA, 2007. Available at: accessed August 2016 <.

FEDERAL COUNCIL of PHARMACY, resolution No. 573 of 22 may 2013. <çoes/573.pdf

FEDERAL COUNCIL of PHARMACY, resolution No. 616 of 25 December 2015. <çoes/616.pdf

MACHADO, Erica SIMONETO et al. The influence of the aesthetic in the improvement of quality of life, 2008.

PEREIRA, PATRÍCIA GUIMARÃES et al. Male vanity: new market segment for aesthetic professionals, 2010.

SEBRAE, the market Tendency of beauty. Brasilia: SEBRAE, 2015. Available at: August 2016. access <

SILVA, PLÁCIDO. Concise Legal vocabulary, 1° ed. Rio de Janeiro: forensics, 2008.

THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF PLASTIC SURGERY. Plastic surgery in Brazil, BRAZILIAN, 2009. Available at: August 2016. access <

[1] Specialist in clinical pharmacology and graduate student in Pharmacy Aesthetics by the Center for the study and training Ana Carolina Puga-NEPUGA. Contact. [email protected]

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