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Contemporary problems of education: School and Family

RC: 17070
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ALMEIDA, Hélio Mangueira de [1]

ALMEIDA, Hélio Mangueira de. Contemporary problems of education: School and family. Multidisciplinary Core scientific journal of knowledge. 03 year, Ed. 06, vol. 05, pp. 17-24, June 2018. ISSN:2448-0959


This article aims to point out the importance of the family in follow-up to the school life of the student, using specific means of participation, as an incentive to study, involvement in school projects, regular visits and commitment. On contemporary school, becomes increasingly distancing of parents, involve greater responsibility upon the teachers and the school where your children are entered. Subtraction of family participation in the school life of the student generates in most cases, a deficit in learning and, therefore, school failure. The fact is that both the school as the family need each other, because this interaction must occur to ensure the success and good performance. For such statements, bibliographic searches were made and dialogue with teachers, where they found that that lack of parental involvement affects much in learning and in the student's behavior. This disintegration of family participation in school have caused obstacles and disintegration of values such as ethics, citizenship, solidarity, affection and humanization. With this, it must reflect a lot about family involvement in school, however, this reflection should be as critical, as deep and on the part of all involved, leaving then for a major mobilization of both teachers as of all school community, so that the family can follow more closely the student's school life and not only collect good grades from their teachers.

Keywords: school, family, engagement, education.


The Brazilian educational system has been suffering in recent years, change it, advances in some aspects, but also leverage problems in contemporary education. A very challenging issue is the family engagement in school, because every day it becomes more evident the convivial family estrangement. It is observed in a way, that the yield on school students whose parents accompany your school development is positively differentiated from students who do not receive such follow-up. The lack of concern and commitment of the parents to help the school to promote students ' interest in learning concerned teachers, because they argue that without the eyes of parents the individual feel inferior, wanting to call attention to itself in ways contrary to your greatness as a student, making a mess, not paying attention in class, and especially acting with imperativeness and/or violence.

Subtraction of family participation in the school life of the student generates in most cases, a deficit in learning and, therefore, school failure. The fact is that both the school as the family need each other, because this interaction must occur to ensure the success and good performance. However, note that there are family estrangement within school, leaving responsibility in the hands of teachers and other education professionals. This disintegration of family participation in school have caused obstacles and disintegration of values such as ethics, citizenship, solidarity, affection and humanization.

The importance of family involvement in school

Despite all the technological tools facilitate student learning in the classroom, there is still much to do, because even if the use of the same aid in learning, she can only actually goes through with the commitment and participation in the family. Nothing the student use technological devices in school without the proper guidance of the teacher, as well as the teacher also will not succeed without the active participation of the student and parents. It's not about the parents having to be constantly at school as if they were regular students, but they are visiting more often and asking about the school life of the child. The student understands clearly the degree of importance that their relatives give your student life and if the result is not satisfactory, causes problems in the classroom, such as lack of attention, disrespect to professor and colleagues, attention to the content and demotivation. It is of the utmost importance to family involvement in school, more than that is a must, as it is the article 2 of the law of Guidelines and Bases for national education:

Education, the family and the State, inspired by the principles of freedom and ideals of human solidarity, aims at the full development of the learner, your preparation for the exercise of citizenship and your qualification for the job.

We cannot ignore the importance of family in school, neither your participation. Such participation must be continuous and go beyond the walls of the school, because the monitoring of family members at home, encouraging, asking, assisting, monitoring, security, providing the student cause him reason to proceed with hard, because you feel embraced and supported by the family.

Note that the frequency of parents in the school meetings are every day diminishing, with it, one realizes that this lack of commitment cause negative impact on a student's life and this impact can be very overwhelming at school, and these students can feel completely outnumbered and taken lightly by the family, generating angry and thus aggravating the conviviality in the school environment. Transform society's role not only in school, but of all. Freire (1999, p. 18) says:

Education alone does not make the society, without it either society changes. If the option is progressive, if you're in favor of life and not death, fairness and injustice, not of the right and not the arbitrary, coexistence with different and not your denial, not if there's another way if not to live the option that you choose. Incarnate it, decreasing the distance between what you say and what you do.

Figure 1. Source:
Figure 1. Source:

With this, we see that the Union is the best form of social transformation. If the school get it act on education, without the participation of society, the family, do not reach good results, as well as the society and the family are unable to develop effective education without the participation of the school.

X family education school education

The family is the basis for the formation of the character of the individual, it can turn it into a model citizen as you can turn it into a being marginalized. The positive transformation, as agent transformer, model citizen, will be for monitoring, for values passed on ethics, morals, attitudes and good examples. The downside can prevail when the family fails to participate, to monitor the performance, transmitting values. TIBA (2006, p. 131) reinforces the negativity as follows:

There are parents outsourcing parenting to school, declared or underground, mainly on issues in which they have lost control. Discipline and responsibility, family values, are the parents more charge of the school.

For this reason, discussions in schools have sought to understand and assist in this chaotic framework, where the family is away more and more of the student's life and delivers nearly all responsibility for school. It is known that the school is not the Saviour, you cannot promote any character, because the larger base is the family. Is the family atmosphere that the student passes or at least shows spend most of your time.

See if today families attach to schools and teachers, the task they fit. In some cases, "play" the kids at school claiming that don't stand to be a lot of time with the kids, because they're too much trouble and they can't control them. The fact is that if the parent can't keep a convivial atmosphere of respect, ethics, morals and dialogue with their children and do nothing to help the school to spend the least amount of learning, as the teacher, who live daily with a group of 30 to 40 students of a the only time and with varied problems, will to educate them as parents expect? As the school alone could accomplish this task? Second Cast (1980 apud BOCK, 1989, p. 143):

(…) the importance of early education is so great in the formation of the person we can compare it to the Foundation of building a House. Then, over the course of your life, will come new experiences that will continue to build the House, relativising the power of family.

With this, it must reflect a lot about family involvement in school, however, this reflection should be as critical, as deep and on the part of all involved, leaving then for a major mobilization of both teachers as of all school community, so that the family can follow more closely the student's school life and not only collect good grades from their teachers. For that to become possible, the school must articulate means of involving the family of students in participatory activities, to see the importance of monitoring in your daily life. The school must engage them in projects, in debates, lectures, school parties, in all that is good for the growth of affection and commitment. It is known that the task is not easy nor simple, but there must be this approach and awareness that changes happen.

Paro (1997, p. 30), says that the school must pass information to the parents and use every opportunity to touch to it, showing them the goals, resources and the problems facing about pedagogical issues, with that, the family will feel committed to the school life of the child and with the quality and improving your development as a human being. However, that is not enough, because only show these issues doesn't make the point of causing impacts participatory so significant. What must be done is the completion of the participation of the same in the creations of the projects, i.e., involves them in the construction of them, listening to their ideas, opinions, concerns and, above all, instructing them how important their involvement as a family participatory, Builder of mediators to learning paths, strengthen contact with the children and the school/family relationship.

The importance of family in the construction of pedagogical political project of the school

Involve the family in building the school Pedagogical political project is of paramount importance. The active participation in ideas, in the joints for learning will awaken to the understanding of the school/family relationship, showing students that the fight for quality education and school development is the task of everyone, not just the school.

The purpose of the Pedagogical political project (PPP) is to guide, organize the work at school, as a benchmark that directs educational praxis.

The word is originated from the Latin projectu/projicere, which means your launch forward.

Within that middle school, PPP should be developed, evaluated, deconstructed, reconstructed and flexible by inserting it in the cultural context of the school community and prioritizing the real need of the student.

Insert the family participation in the construction of this project is a way to approach, to engage in this context of valorization of teaching and student learning. Agree Veiga and Resende (2000, p. 9), the Pedagogical political project requires an in-depth reflection about the aims of the school and your social role. With this, we can say that when it comes to something that involves society, consequently involves the family, as a tease to positive changes, which are capable of transmitting on the student feelings of desire, appreciation, interest and commitment to life Student Union.

To develop your project, it is important that the school think of the family, in the diagnosis, that is, the identification of students, their needs, the environment in which they live and the importance that the family gives to school. From this, propose means of improvement and approximation of all.

Some problematizações about school/family

The family-school aloofness has generated losses on both sides, that's because the complicity and responsibility should be divided in proportion to your success is real. Experience a smaller frequency of parents in the school meetings, visits should be made, in dialogue with the Faculty and school management. Live also on the part of teachers, the search for financial improvements and a constant stress by having to distribute your time in three times and/or in two schools, disrupting a preparation more efficient to perform schoolwork each day more expanded.

According to Oliveira (2005), the family has some specific functions, both in the universe, as in the formation of individuals and these functions are sexual, reproductive health, educational and economic. Of these functions, the first two are to ensure the sexual satisfaction of men and women and the reproduction of the species. Already the economic character ensures conditions for development, through the materials needed and ensures survival. When it comes to nurturing function, it is stated that the same involves values, beliefs, habits, rites, cultural patterns and myths that are installed in the society, and is the reason the family is always conceived of as the first institution socializadora.

Student's contemporary identity

Every day thousands of students go to school, the problem is that no one knows for sure what goal they have in mind, because with the advent of technology and instant information, many find that classes become almost unnecessary and that the information accessed by them on the internet the complete and make them able to go beyond what their parents predicted.

Classes in possession of electronic devices with instant access to information from the internet has concerned teachers in relation to the identity of this generation, that's why the classes mediated by teachers are getting in the background or in plan No, because the use of cell phones during the explanation of the subject often. The fact that attention is to know why you don't see more interest in learning about relevant issues in school, but on funny videos, ironic phrases, who is "getting" with whom, etc.

Cury (2003) reports that formerly were authoritarian and that parents today that role belongs to the children; the same also says that before the teachers were heroes. However, today, are victims of the students.

Plumer (2005) says that society becomes with a lot of speed because of the new media in real time and that events anywhere in the world are almost instantly known everywhere. The same also reinforces the idea that values, beliefs, customs and habits were overcome by the influence of the information about the behaviors of people, causing a transformation in the basis of communities that, for your time, are not always prepared for a absorption of this magnitude.

Education is broke, violence and social alienation increased, because, without realizing it, we have committed a crime against the mind of children and adolescents. Have scientific conviction that the speed of the thoughts of young people a century ago was much smaller than the current, and so the education model of the past, although not ideal, it worked (CURY, 2003, p. 59).

This multifaceted identity brings social issues able to aggravate the country's educational situation, that's because the alienation of the people both in school and outside of it, is every day more real. The problem is not access to technology, but how to use it.

For this generation, watch violent movies, sexy, controversial is normal and they say that parents should accept that. Talk about sexual acts and discuss about it in school, to them, is more normal yet. The thought that everything can and that the consequences of this are not serious and that will not affect anyone, do these young people being able to transform the identity of those who are yet to come, causing them an enormous social and educational impact. However, it is the following question: This multifaceted identity, accelerated and undefined is the reflection of society?

An interesting factor to think about identity is to observe how the contemporary generation traces your profile, both in society and in school. The attraction for quick info, stuff packed, without even worry about your context as a whole, has been the focus of the "new society", so their identities as "generation of the doubt" because attending school, but don't seek their formative developments, living the uncertainty, saying that they still don't know which directions will follow, even with all the exposed paths and opportunities waiting, like never before was provided.

The teacher's identity

The brazilian Education has gone through major transformations, as a result, we are faced with students whose behaviors are increasingly difficult to deal with. But what are the reasons that lead teachers to feel such difficulty? Or rather, why they get so worn and uncomfortable with this new student profile?

The society is in constant development, are each moment experiencing revolutionary discoveries and, consequently, expanding them into their relationships, whether in school or professional family. Education today can count on technological advances capable of bringing students from certain areas of knowledge using illustrations almost real. But for these advancements are made in practice is need of mediation and encouragement.

The teacher's identity nowadays has raised questions about the learning, the same commitment in relation to monitoring technological developments in school of Postmodernity. The profile of many teachers is causing discouragement and lack these students, do you want to update in the uses of tools developed for student purposes, not interested in learning how to deal with the equipment and either improve your school planning, opening a gap that does not match the contemporary reality.

The teacher must understand that he is not only a pillar of the school, but also a pillar of society and that your behavior reflects on the life of the student. Educators are irreplaceable, because solidarity, tolerance, kindness, and feelings, cannot be taught by machines. It is up to the teacher to get more involved and mediate their knowledge, for students whose identity is undefined can learn to use correctly the revolutionary tools.

Education and society

Get along to the next is essential and fundamental to learn to respect differences and the alien culture, even see your own. And the school environment that it gives in your space. Education aims to improve his own life and social life. The subject of this education, teachers and students, are preparing for this coexistence from the Organization of the school environment, aiming to become the best or at least what they think could be better.

The person needs to feel that, in the school environment, is treated in a dignified manner and fairly, as well as to get more involved in the expansion of the Organization, leaving present indefinite, multifaceted identity, to foster an identity, transformed and centred on learning relevant.

The school continues to be responsible for the learning and training of the person, even with all its current difficulties and in the course of the story.

Kant (1993) says that the man needs to be educated and that such education includes two plans: one from the outside in and the inside out. One can say that the student needs to become involved in the environment that will have the opportunity to transform it, to modify it, so that through this external influence he can assimilate internally this modification and also acting constructively on the environment schools. The family must also be a part of this environment, so that student involvement is more promising, because we know that students, whose school life is accompanied by family members, learning development, assimilation of content and are calmer.

However, it takes involvement and commitment of both teachers and students, as of the whole family, so that the living environment, learning is harmonious and that the school will be defined within a standard established by ethics, by respect and that new media are put into practice with the mediation of the teacher and of the family.

Final considerations

It is the family that makes up the personality of the individuals in the early stages, transmitting cognitive content. Subtraction of family participation in the school life of the student generates in most cases, a deficit in learning and, therefore, school failure. The fact is that both the school as the family need each other, because this interaction must occur to ensure the success and good performance. However, there is a crisis in this context because the nuclear family lost the predominance, paving the way for the increasingly growing generation gap, inserted into the current societies and family institutions.

However, this does not prevent the family be more present in the school life of the student, even if not as a reinforcement learning tasks or schoolwork, but as a supportive, a family able to care for the student's income, with the growth of your learning. To do this, simply be inserted in school, participate in the progress of the project, the dialogue promoted and encouraged by the school. This is the dialectic family/school, which encourages a more succinct family participation and consequently the development of school work from both the student and the teacher.

Parents who participate in the school work they feel involved in the school, connected to it. Take pleasure to see the school on the road to success and they feel bad about the failures. We cannot ignore the importance of family in school, neither your participation. Such participation must be continuous and go beyond the walls of the school, because the monitoring of family members at home, encouraging, asking, assisting, monitoring, security, providing the student cause him reason to proceed with hard, because you feel embraced and supported by the family.

Insert the family participation in the construction of this project is a way to approach, to engage in this context of valorization of teaching and student learning. With this, it must reflect a lot about family involvement in school, however, this reflection should be as critical, as deep and on the part of all involved, leaving then for a major mobilization of both teachers as of all school community, so that the family can follow more closely the student's school life and not only collect good grades from their teachers.

When a family requires a lot of school, without even doing the bit that fits, is developing a degenerative disability and contagious, because it will, of course, sent to the student, which in your time, you will be able to infect others.

Therefore, communion, engagement and commitment of the school, the students and the family, so that success is guaranteed. The school needs in fact to inform, involve, get an approximation of the family, as well as the family must do the same to ensure this success.


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CURY, Augusto Jorge, 1958-brilliant, fascinating teachers/Parents Augusto Jorge Cury. -Rio de Janeiro: Sextant, 2003.

FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogy of autonomy: Knowledge necessary for educational practice. 11. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1999.

KANT, Immanuel. Doctrine of law. Edson translation Bini. São Paulo: icon, 1993.

OLIVEIRA, c. r. de. Neoliberalism, globalization and Postmodernity. In: TESKE, o. Sociology: texts and contexts. Canoes: Ed. the Ulbra, 2005.

Paro, Eryn. Quality of education: the contribution of parents. [s.l]: shaman, p. 126.

PLUMER, AND. The Sociology of Durkheim. In: TESKE, (Coord.). Sociology: texts and contexts. Canoes: Ulbra, 2005.

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[1] He holds a Bachelor's degree in arts and Literatures of PORTUGUESE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE by the Lutheran University of Brazil (2011). Has experience in the field of Arts, with an emphasis on Lyrics Portuguese and brazilian Literature. Postgraduate studies in Methodology of teaching Portuguese Language and literature Latin American school-FLATED; Post-graduation in Geography teaching Latin American school-FLATED. Master's degree by Anne Sullivan University-ASU.

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