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Moodle Platform: Education through technological mediation

RC: 77822
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LIMA, José Maria Maciel [1]

LIMA, José Maria Maciel. Moodle Platform: Education through technological mediation. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year 06, Ed. 01, Vol. 07, pp. 17-37. January 2021. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:  


The present study is characterized as a bibliographic research, with a qualitative approach, with data and information collected from websites, blogs, articles and books. Its main objective is to study Moodle as a collaborative and facilitating teaching / learning platform. With this aim, we tried to show that the referred software can be quite efficient for this purpose, considering that its pedagogical proposal is based on Piaget’s pedagogy – constructivism and Vygotsky’s sociointeractionist theory. In these perspectives, individuals build their own knowledge through interaction as the social and cultural environment, in which they are inserted and as their peers through interaction, based on the historical-cultural approach. In this sense, Moodle proved to be quite efficient, considering that the platform has a multitude of resources and tools that streamline the proposed activities and promote interaction, in a synchronous and asynchronous way. In addition, during the studies on the software, it was found that, in addition to being effective in the production of knowledge, it can be an extremely important tool for carrying out research and disseminating knowledge in the educational and non-educational segments – in an infinite range of fields. business.

Keywords: Moodle, E-learning, teaching, collaborative learning.


In a quick consultation to the Ministry of Education portal – MEC, it is possible to find the following definition for Distance Education. According to the portal, Distance education is the educational modality, in which students and teachers are separated, physically or temporally, therefore, technological mediation is necessary, that is, the use of information and communication means and technologies. In addition, this modality is regulated by specific legislation and can be implemented in basic education (youth and adult education, technical vocational education at secondary level) and in higher education.

Given the above, distance education, in its definition, can be characterized by two aspects: time and space. Time – because teacher / student and student / student, may or may not be in sync, connected at the same time, but it does not mean that the interaction cannot occur, both asynchronously and synchronously. Space – because what characterizes distance education is precisely the physical separation, between the same agents mentioned above. Corroborating with the idea, it is possible to affirm that the

Distance education is a teaching modality in which educational action is carried out at a distance and, normally, mediated by technologies. In this context, students and teachers are geographically and / or temporarily separated, and are not physically present in a classroom teaching / learning environment (MORAN, 2012 and LIMA, 2000, apud PINHEIRO and LIMA, 2012, p. 89).

In addition, this teaching modality gives way to an educational model, based on the behaviorist / behavioral theories and incorporates the constructivist and sociointeractionist theories, that is, the behavioral theories give way to the cognitive theories, characterizing the process in which it is consolidated , learning to learn, through collaborative teaching that promotes the emancipation of the student, helping him to achieve his own autonomy, to obtain a critical and human formation, based on ethics, commitment, respect for social diversity and and to assume the role of transforming agent in the environment in which he lives.

In the words of Lombardozzi (2015), in collaborative teaching, students work together, in groups, in favor of a common goal. Everyone is responsible for each other’s learning. “Knowledge is seen as a social product, and the educational process is facilitated by social interaction in an environment that provides for the collaboration of colleagues, evaluation and cooperation” (HILTZ, 1997, apud SANTOS, 2018, p. 7). Another important point about this type of learning is that its bases are anchored in Piaget’s constructivism and in Vygotsky’s historical-cultural theory. In this educational model, the student is the main actor in his cognitive development process, considering that he is an active agent of his education, throughout the teaching / learning process. In other words, the student is responsible for the process of building his knowledge and intellectual training.

In a historical preamble, the literature reveals to us that Distance Education is not something new. Its origin dates back to correspondence courses. Analyzing the writings of Oliveira et et. al. (2019), it was found that Distance Education has its initial mark registered since the Industrial and bourgeois Revolution, which occurred in the eighteenth century, caused by the capitalist production model, which started to demand a qualified labor, to supply, from immediate, the emergencies of economic growth, of that moment. In this scenario of profound transformations, the first signs of using Distance Education appear, when a correspondence course was offered by an institution in Boston (USA). From then on, it is possible to establish a chronology of the evolution of DE in the world.

EaD appeared in the city of Boston, in the United States, in the year 1728, and was expanding soon after an advertisement in the city’s newspaper. Professor Caleb Phillips offered a shorthand course (a technique for handwriting quickly, using codes and abbreviations) for students across the country, with materials sent weekly by mail; this is the first record of a distance learning course (OLIVEIRA et al, 2019, s / p).

Corroborating the above, Litto and Formiga (2009), affirm that the genesis of Distance Education is based on the model through correspondence, dating from the 1830s, with only one disagreement on the date of origin of distance education. From this, the models of this teaching modality were adapted to the advances of society and the new emerging technologies and were molding the needs of individuals, arriving at the current model.

Distance learning has existed since the time when correspondence courses were offered. Thanks to the advancement of the digital age, this proposal migrated to the use of technologies and, for that, the internet has become a great ally. However, when disseminating distance learning, educators and creators faced great resistance on the part of education professionals and the society itself that still defended the presence and the figure of the teacher as the owner of knowledge that passes on knowledge to students. Several institutions have faced, and still face today, social prejudices arising from stereotypes constructed and socially misrepresented (LOMBARDOZZI, 2015, apud SANTOS, 2018, p. 4).

With the growing educational market, traditional classroom spaces have undergone significant changes to keep pace with technological advances and the needs of society and human beings, especially today, when school spaces have been emptied to avoid agglomerations and the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Faced with this picture of transformations and changes, Distance Education has been gaining more and more fruitful and innovative space, so that the traditional classroom environment becomes a space where the student and the teacher change their positions and assume different roles. The teacher goes from being a figure who has knowledge, to a mediating agent, advisor, facilitator of knowledge. The student ceases to be a passive agent and becomes an active being, capable of building his own cultural baggage, through interaction with the environment in which he is inserted.

It is worth mentioning that the teacher’s role does not change in the face of new methodological procedures arising from new technologies. Teachers play the role of mediators of knowledge and, in view of the new educational technologies, the teacher discovers new methodologies that collaborate with new possibilities to develop his teaching practice, both in person and online.

[…] ICTs do not necessarily change the pedagogical relationship. They both serve to reinforce a conservative, individualistic, authoritarian vision, as well as to support an emancipatory, open, interactive, participatory vision. In this case, violating the relationship is more in people’s minds than in technological resources, although their pedagogical potential is undeniable (OLIVEIRA, 2013, apud SANTOS, 2018, p. 7).

Another important point that deserves to be highlighted is that technologies will never replace the figure of the teacher in the classroom, technological resources should be seen, by the teacher, as a didactic support / option and not as an adversary. Complementing this idea, Santos (2018), emphasizes that the role of the teacher does not change in the face of new methodologies. Teachers are mediators of knowledge and, faced with new educational technologies, they are faced with collaborative partnerships and new possibilities to develop their practice, both in person and online.

The teacher has not become less important in this context, even because he is part of him, but the roles are no longer the same. It is necessary to reflect on how technologies and proposals for distance learning can contribute to students’ learning (SANTOS, 2018, p. 4).

In the last 40 years, the definition of educational technology has evolved to what we have today. Since the early 1950s, efforts have been made to improve the teaching process, using some type of technology, such as radio, television and other audiovisual media. Currently, educational technology supports the educational process, combining teaching methods based on learning theories, with models based on information and communication technologies, adapting to the new emerging paradigms. And so, tools have emerged that anchor distance education, for example we have E-learning.

In this sense, the present work was elaborated based on a research and bibliographic studies, with a qualitative approach, based on data and information collected in blogs, websites, articles and books, according to the proposed theme. All research took into account the concepts explored correlating market practices and adapting them in education. The main objective of this study was to present the Moodle platform as a teaching / learning software, considering that its functionalities, resources and tools make it one of the most used softwares in the world.

In addition, its pedagogical proposal is based on collaborative learning, anchored in constructivist theory, in which the student has the autonomy to build her own knowledge. It is important to note that Moodle, has a multitude of resources and the possibility of adaptation and others, which make it even more didactic, interactive and dynamic, corroborating for its effectiveness as a software that facilitates E-learning.


There is no way to establish a concept for e-learning without relating it to a characteristically distinct area of ​​knowledge – pedagogy – which, when combined, are extremely efficient in promoting teaching / learning, especially when knowledge management is planned , properly. Therefore, it becomes necessary to say that among the learning theories that influence this process (teaching and learning), e-learning is generally based on constructivist theory (Jean Piaget) and socio-interactionist theory (Levy Vygotsky).

According to the mentor of the Constructivist Theory, it is through interaction with the physical and social environment that the subject builds knowledge. Unlike Piaget, but not so much, Vygotsky characterizes teaching / learning as a main process in human development, as the assimilation of knowledge, skills, signs, values ​​and languages, involving the interaction of the subject with the cultural world in which it is inserted (SANTOS , 2018).

Therefore, it is considered that in distance learning, students have the autonomy to build their own knowledge, dynamically, interacting with the cultural and social environment in which they are inserted. It should be noted that, “in relation to the different learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism) e-learning is recognized as a constructivist teaching medium” (COSTA, s / d, p. 1). However, this idea cannot be understood as a closed system, since, it is known that, one theory does not completely supplant the other in force. It is more correct to say that they complement each other, as individuals have different learning styles. But the predominant theory in E-learning is the constructivist theory.

It is important to highlight that it is not possible to deal with virtual environments, which use new technologies and active methodologies to mediate the teaching and learning processes, without understanding human development and the way students learn. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the main learning theories. In addition, aligning pedagogical knowledge with technological knowledge is one of the main successful strategies for e-learning (LOMBARDOZZI, 2015).

In the words of Lombardozzi (2015), the theories of learning enable the education professional to absorb knowledge, skills and abilities to rethink the pedagogical strategies of teaching and learning amid an extremely innovative and technological context, which represents a great challenge, considering that the characteristics of traditional pedagogy are ingrained in schools and in the pedagogical perception of managers and teachers.

That said, we return to the objective of this section – to better understand what e-learning is. E-learning is one of the modalities of distance education that uses electronic media as a basis, mainly the internet. It is a new form of teaching / learning based on technologies, which has already consolidated itself as an educational modality. Instead of a conventional classroom, one can learn on online platforms, anywhere in the world, overcoming barriers, time and space, through a computer, tablet, smartphone and other available technological resources.

According to Soeltl (2006, apud COSTA, s / d) whenever information technologies are used to mediate the teaching / learning process, we are practicing e-learning. In addition, it is crucial that this technological tool considers the pedagogical aspects involved in the use of technologies and in the condition of a human learning environment, it must, necessarily, fulfill the same functions of face-to-face education.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that this type of teaching / learning tool is characterized by communication and interaction, which is divided into: synchronous and asynchronous communication and interaction. By synchronous communication and interaction, it is understood that it is the one in which the teacher and the student are in class, connected at the same time. Examples: chats, videoconferences, etc. Asynchronous communication and interaction is understood to be that in which the teacher and student are not connected at the same time. Examples: forums, e-mails, etc., these means of communication provide interaction, but not exactly at that moment.

To conclude this section, it is necessary to emphasize that, the student of the distance education modality, based on the e-learning model, is the manager of his own knowledge, as he will manage his own time, adapting to his learning needs. Given this, the student needs to seek motivation, to plan the best way to learn to learn, considering his availability and time for study.

For distance teaching / learning to be efficient and achieve the goals set by the creators of virtual environments – multidisciplinary team, a platform is needed that provides students with greater accessibility, dynamism and interactivity with teachers / tutors, students and other agents involved in the teaching / learning process, which promotes collaborative teaching. Therefore, we will study and understand some features and functionality of the Moodle platform.


Modern times increasingly demand diverse competences and skills for teaching practice in the classroom. It is undeniable that the world is increasingly technological. Education, like other areas, has undergone major changes. The advancement of technology and its need to be used in the educational field, have been largely responsible for these changes, which demand from the teacher skills and abilities, previously, unnecessary teaching practice. Thus, it is essential that the teacher adapt to this new emerging educational paradigm, which is developing at a rapid pace, whether due to the requirement of the current moment, or the need to adapt to the development of science, technology and the reality of the clientele. which goes by the name of digital natives.

In the words of Lombardozzi (2015), we are living in the era of change, and the school, together with the agents involved in planning, executing the teaching / learning process, also, need to accompany these transformations, otherwise, we will go against theories educational, which preach the need to know the context of students, considering that our generation of students is a digital generation.

These ideas, and the moment itself, seem conducive to overcoming the injustices that social inequality has caused, especially with regard to access to education, as the Brazilian educational system, especially the private sector, has adopted pedagogical measures and practices. , based on information and communication technologies, to offer education to different places, regardless of time and geographic space, crossing borders, through virtual platforms, mainly Moodle platform, which has been widely used, worldwide, considering its cost / benefit , time and space, reaching a very diverse audience.

Moodle – (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) – Dynamic Learning Environment Oriented to Modular Objects, is a free software to support teaching / learning. It is a web-based learning management system, where teachers can create online study rooms, make teaching materials available and propose interactive tasks such as forums, creating wikis and tests. For students, this environment facilitates the exchange of knowledge, through interaction with all agents involved in the teaching / learning process. The proposal of this virtual learning environment is based on the constructivist theory, whose student has the autonomy to build his own knowledge, through a collaborative learning perspective.

In this perspective, Magnagnagno et al. (2015), point out that Moodle is an open source course management system – Course Management System (CMS) -, also known as Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) or Learning Management System (LMS), commonly translated as Virtual Environment of learning. It was originally developed to help educators to create online courses, with a focus on interaction and the collaborative construction of content.

Moodle is a virtual distance learning environment (VLE), governed by GLP and initially developed by the Australian Martin Douglas in 1999. It was developed under the social constructivist theory, which defends the construction of ideas and knowledge in social groups in a collaborative way , towards each other, thus creating a culture of sharing meanings (ALENCAR et al, 2011, s / p).

In a more complete definition, Moodle is a software package designed to produce disciplines / courses available on the web, making it possible to make available online resources, tools and activities that facilitate the interaction between the agents involved, in the teaching / learning process, aiming to facilitate the construction of knowledge, in a dynamic and interactive way. It is software distributed freely in the form of Open Source (under the GNV Public License free software license). In addition, it has the flexibility to be both a single professor site and a university site with more than 40,000 students.

Therefore, its importance for EAD is undeniable, considering that, in addition to the free of charge of soft, Moodle offers innumerable learning possibilities, considering its high potential of didactic and pedagogical interactivity, in the construction of knowledge and in the formation of people, for a increasingly demanding labor market and for the formation of citizenship. In addition, the use of the platform has provided access to education for many people who did not have the opportunity or conditions to have access to face-to-face education.

In the words of Pinheiro and Lima (2012), alumni of the post-graduate course latu sense – Specialization in school management, in partnership with the School of Managers and the Federal University of Western Pará – UFOPA, Moodle is not only a virtual space that offers a course and didactic materials, it provides training opportunities and access to knowledge to a set of previously defined interactions, in which the tutor specifies educational activities appropriate to situations and unique moments of the teaching / learning process.

In the words of Magnagnagno et al, (2015), Moodle presents a set of tools provided by the AVA administrator, which the teacher can use, considering his didactic intentions and pedagogical objectives. In this sense, Moodle offers a range of possibilities, whose teacher and student of an EAD course, through that platform, can use forums, diaries, chats, questionnaires, wiki-type texts, etc., offering and making available content to students, in a flexible, dynamic and didactic way, through different tools, in various perspectives, allowing the construction of unique didactic spaces. In this way, AVA becomes a much richer and more dynamic virtual environment than a simple space for publishing materials. In the words of the authors above (2015, p. 508),

The VLE becomes a place where the teacher mirrors the needs for interaction and communication required by the pedagogical project, the educational context or the pedagogical objectives of the course. Therefore, we are facing a complete and didactic and, pedagogically rich, learning environment.



According to the Raleduc Blog (2018), Moodle is currently one of the most used online teaching / learning platforms on the planet. Brazil stands out as the 3rd largest user of the software, worldwide, with more than 4,110 records. In a brief paraphrase to Releduc (2018), aiming to make a historical retrospective on soft, we have the following panorama. In the year 1970, the creator of Moodle, Martin Dougiamas, studied through the radio and material sent by mail, by mail, in the desert of Western Australia. These experiences lived by the scholar, will interfere in the invention of an online teaching / learning platform. In 1999, during his academic period, Martin began to develop Moodle, as a research to obtain a Phd degree, at Curtin University. In 2002, version 1.0 of Moodle was launched, as free and free software. In a short period of time, the world was using the platform, for different purposes in the educational field, mainly in training people to work in the area of ​​education. In 2004, the professor, Brent Simpson, makes reference to the platform, like Linux in the world of online teaching / learning platforms. In 2008, Martin is awarded with the Google-O’Reilly ‘Open Surce’ award, in the Education Enabler category because of Moodle. In 2015, solf became the most popular Virtual Learning Environment in the world, with a large number of users, reaching 223 countries worldwide. In 2017, Moodle celebrated its 15th anniversary and announced a partnership with ‘Education for the Many’, in addition to starting to stimulate five of its major projects: Moodle Enhancement, Moodle Curriculum, MoodleNet, Moodle Foundation and ‘Services & Program Expansion Partneshio ‘.

According to his ideal, the Moodle proposal is quite different and innovative. It is a method of learning to learn, in a collaborative, dynamic and interactive way, in an online environment, based mainly on the constructivist pedagogy (not excluding the others), which starts from the proposal, whose student can learn autonomously , being the main agent in its training process. Soft has been maintained by its creator since 2001. Currently, there is the Moodle company that maintains itself through partner companies that contributes 10% of their revenue. In addition, there is a virtual community that brings together programmers, designers, and system administrators and users from around the world.

Those who follow the evolution of moodle know of its importance in Distance Education, there are numerous institutions around the world that use this platform, as time passes the recognition and acceptance by the system increases in considerable proportions, in Brazil it is still little possibly applied due to the low investment in technology on the part of the government, but for some years now this has been changing, significantly improving these numbers, Portugal is already one of the fastest growing countries in Moodle in Europe, being one of the official representatives of the Platform, also Open University UK who say they are the biggest Moodle user in the world (MOODLELIVRE, s / d, s / p).

Given the above, its scope in the world is an eminent fact. Currently, Moodle computes 68,880 registered sites in 223 countries. Within the portal, there are 83,318,792 users, people who participate in forums, giving tips, exposing their doubts. It is a very active and interactive virtual community. And Brazil is the top 3 of these users, as shown in table 1, below.

Table 1. The twelve countries that use Moodle the most for various purposes.

1 United States 10.490
2 Spain 6.601
3 Brazil 4.110
6 United Kingdom of Great Britain 3.527
7 Mexico 3.002
8 Germany 2.341
9 Italy 2.140
10 Australia 2.101
11 Colombia 1.981
12 Russia 1.794

Source: (Table prepared by the author)

According to the table above, Moodle has thousands of access in several countries for different educational purposes. It is interesting to point out that, Brazil is in 3rd place among the countries that use soft the most. The United States standing out in 1st place. Based on researches, it was found that it is used by: Universities, Secondary and elementary schools, government department, health organizations, military organizations, training and technical education schools, teachers and professionals.


Moodle is a software that offers numerous advantages, perhaps that justifies the fact that it is quite widespread throughout the world. Among so many features, we can highlight the following: free to use – it is a virtual platform for free and free use; users can exercise total control over the soft; it is flexible – new features can be added, according to the needs and purposes of use; it is adaptable – adapts to any business model.

In addition, there is no need to worry about updating the software, as there is a development community that works directly, with Moodle updates and adaptations, to meet users’ claims of possible errors and other problems that the use of soft will present . It presents a modular functionality – it has plug-in modules that can be inserted in the soft, to make it more customized; it is not static-new features can be adapted to the platform.

Moodle is the most used virtual platform in the world, with 68 million users, divided into 223 countries. Furthermore, it is simple to use – just understand the concept and the tools that soft offers. It has a gamification feature – it has the ability to gamify any course to make it more dynamic and didactic. Within the platform there are several gamification resources, for example, the emblems within Moodle – at each step or activities that the student completes, a medal can be given to him, depending on the profile of each student, it is interesting to use this resource.

Another characteristic that the platform has, perhaps the most important of all – is collaborative learning. Moodle was thought and created so that the student develops a collaborative learning, where not only does the teacher place the didactic materials, leaving them there, static, still, but, it was thought so that there is an interaction, which the student can expose their point of view, through forums and chats, interacting with colleagues / students and with the teacher / tutor, making students actively participate in the courses in an interactive and collaborative way, and build their own knowledge, based on the constructivist theory .


Moodle has a multiplicity of resources / utilities that increase its importance in virtual learning environments, constituting itself as an interactive and collaborative platform, in which the student learns to learn, becoming an autonomous subject, capable of building his own knowledge. Through the tools available on the platform, it is possible to share study materials, elaborate texts on discussions and reflections on the topics worked on, apply evaluative exams and research activity, collect and review exercises to verify learning, launch assessment notes, among others. functions and possibilities of expanding resources, considering the reflectivity of soft.

According to the instructions of the Federal Institute of Paraíba-IFPB (s / d), the resources and functionalities of the Moodle platform, can be activated by the teacher / tutor, in line with the pedagogical objectives of the discipline and the activity that will be developed. These decisions make the virtual room a potentially dynamic, interactive and didactic environment, facilitating the teaching / learning process among students. In addition, the teacher, being able to activate, edit and build his virtual environment, thinking about the learning needs of his students, adding new resources that he deems important, to make the AVA more attractive and motivating to the student audience. It is worth mentioning that it is of utmost importance that the teacher, when building the virtual learning environment, is always in agreement with the tutor of the discipline, so that he has knowledge of what he will find in the environment to help students efficiently. That is why it is important for a multidisciplinary team to work in the construction of virtual learning environments.

Table 2: Main features of Moodle.

Source: (Table prepared by the author)

Figure 1. These are the tools that allow the teacher to ask the student to do a job and / or enable an interaction between teachers / tutors and students.


In addition to these resources described in table 2 and expressed in figure 1, there are also the main tools for inserting activities and those that promote interactivity between teacher / student and student / student. Observe table 3.

Table 3. Main tools for carrying out activities that promote interactivity between those involved in the teaching / learning process, through the Moodle platform.

Source: (Table prepared by the author)

To conclude, for now, this section, it is worth mentioning that, it was considered only the most important resources and tools that Moodle presents, considering its breadth in this regard. In addition, the resources and tools presented here are from version 2.4. Given the above, it is possible to consider that the platform is an extremely efficient virtual environment in promoting teaching / learning. It is up to the student, subject in training, to have courage and willpower to build their own knowledge, in the perspective of learning to learn, based on the constructivist theory, being the manager of their knowledge.


The Federal University of Western Pará, with little more than 10 years of creation, has provided extremely grandiose and significant experiences for education in the Amazon. Through EAD, it has given teachers of the municipal and state public network, continuous training. Through the Moodle platform, it has offered specialization courses in: school management and pedagogical coordination.

According to Pinheiro and Lima (2012), the Specialization course in School Management and Pedagogical Coordination, offered by the Federal University of Western Pará, through the Moodle platform, in conjunction with the National Program for Schools of Basic Education Managers MEC / SEB, SEDUC / PA, in partnership with the 5th Regional Education Unit and UNDIME, in collaboration with the municipal education departments of Santarém and Belterra / Pa, has been very useful, mainly in the dissemination of knowledge and the reality of education in the Amazon . The experience, according to research carried out on the institution’s website, has been very fruitful, including a book with the title: DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT: THE PUBLIC SCHOOL AND CONTINUING TRAINING AS AN OBJECT OF ANALYSIS, organized and coordinated by the professors Doctors: Maria Lília Imbiriba Sousa Colares, Solange Helena Ximenes-Rocha and Anselmo Alencar Colares.

Figure 2. Book: Democratic Management: the public school and continuing education as an object of analysis.


The present work was organized and coordinated by the teachers / researchers all PhDs in Education: Maria Lília Imbiriba Sousa Colares, Solange Helena Ximenes-Rocha and Anselmo Alencar Colares. Resulting in a collection of articles by students of the Specialization Courses in: School Management and Pedagogical Coordination, distance learning modality that used the Moodle platform, in the pedagogical mediation, through the teachers / tutors of the disciplines offered during the course.

In addition, in the construction of this very rich work, teachers-researchers from several Brazilian HEIs, professors from the environmental rooms of the School Management course and pedagogical coordination and their students, who were in effective exercise of their professions, in public schools, were involved. condition of principals, deputy principals and pedagogical coordinators of school units in the Amazon. In addition to simply socializing the results of the work produced during these courses, this publication aims to promote reflections and discussions on theories and practices of pedagogical management and coordination, in public schools, collaborating for an open and permanent dialogue for the adoption of new ones. effective strategies or review of the processes that are present in basic education, in the Amazon region and in Brazil. Thus, the institution’s experience in using the platform has been very fruitful, in the sense of producing and disseminating knowledge, which can serve as an example for other educational institutions.


In the last three decades, Distance Education has grown significantly, this statement is evidenced by the fact that some authors call e-learning education of the future, as this educational modality is a reality and needs to be faced and incorporated by we, teachers, naturally and as an innovative teaching / learning alternative. Currently, e-learning proposes a participatory, interactive and collaborative education model. For this, it is necessary that platforms and virtual environments, provide more than a virtual training environment. It is necessary for AVA’s to be attractive, interactive, didactic, dynamic and, above all, motivating.

In this sense, this work presented a bibliographic study, of a qualitative nature on the use of Moodle as a collaborative resource of teaching / learning, in the modality of Distance Education. Through research on soft, it was found that the said platform can be very useful in training people. Its pedagogical proposal is based on constructivist and socio-interactional pedagogy, not excluding other theories that can coexist, as individuals learn in different ways.

Therefore, it was found that Moodle is a platform rich in resources that facilitate the teaching / learning process. Becoming able to promote collaborative teaching, whose student is able to overcome his limitations and reach his goals, to ascend, socially, and succeed in the job market. In this sense, distance education, through the Moodle platform, more than training the individual, provides personal and professional growth, democratizing access to education.

Experiences of institutions that use or have used the platform, have shown that this software can be very efficient in the production and dissemination of knowledge. However, in the 21st century, in the age of information and communication, there is still a lot of prejudice regarding the effectiveness of distance learning. In addition, there are other barriers that prevent many people from having access to this type of education. The main one is the quality of the internet, in some regions of Brazil, mainly, North and Northeast, which are regions, in which the digital divide is quite visible.

During the research, it was found that Moodle proved to be quite efficient, considering that the platform has a multitude of resources and tools that streamline the proposed activities and promote interaction, in a synchronous and asynchronous way. In addition, during the studies on the software, it was found that, in addition to being effective in the production of knowledge, it can be an extremely important tool for carrying out research and disseminating knowledge, in the various educational and non-educational segments – in a multitude of line of business.


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[1] Master in Emerging Technologies in Education – MUST University. Specialist in Teaching Methodology of Philosophy and Sociology – UNIASSELVI, Specialist in Teaching Spanish Language – UNICAM, Specialist in Inclusive Special Education and Neuropsychopedagogy – Faculdade Futura, Specialist in Teaching Methodology of Portuguese Language, Literature and English Language – FAVENI and Specialist in Portuguese Language and Brazilian Literature – FAVENI. Full Degree in Letters / Portuguese – UFPA, Letters / Spanish – UNIUBE, Letters / English – UFOPA, Philosophy Teacher Training (Licenciatura) – FPA and Full Degree in Philosophy – FAMOSP.

Submitted: December, 2020.

Approved: January, 2021.

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José Maria Maciel Lima

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