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Socio-emotional skills: teaching practice facing the challenge of work in the field of autism spectrum disorder

RC: 98595
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GENTILIN, Ana Floripes Berbert [1]

GENTILIN, Ana Floripes Berbert. Socio-emotional skills: teaching practice facing the challenge of work in the field of autism spectrum disorder. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year 06, Ed. 09, Vol. 05, pp. 163-198. September 2021. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by persistent deficits in communication and social interaction, in multiple situations, restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities. It is known that the reduced sharing of social interactions impoverishes communication. Studies indicate that people with ASD have difficulties in the ability to interact socially, however, there are still no studies to prove the causes. In view of the above, the question is: How to perform pedagogical mediations with the purpose of the student with ASD to be able to recognize, express, manage their emotions and be situated in regular education, without disregarding their specificities? This article aims to present, through an experience report, the result of pedagogical practices performed by professionals of regular education and special education, between the school years 2014 and 2020, in the schooling process of student J.K.L., diagnosed with ASD. The methodologies used were: experience reporting and bibliographic research. There was the study of pedagogical documents from the school years 2014 to 2020 (Elementary School II and High School) and psychopedagogical evaluation in the school context of 2013. It is concluded that the work of developing emotional intelligence in students with ASD is not simple. However, continuous interventions, through academic content, contribute to learning about emotions and their transfers in the social sphere. Therefore, it is essential to opportunistize a curriculum based on the evaluation of socio-emotional competencies and scientific knowledge. Finally, pedagogical organization, persistence and tranquility are essential in the teaching and learning processes.

Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Regular Education, Socio-emotional skills, Social interaction.


Scientifically known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as well as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), they are characterized as developmental psychopathologies that typically cause a wide range of neurological, psychic disorders, having behavioral and social effects. There are many factors that interrelate to favor the onset of these disorders, and may be environmental with multifactorial or genetic relevance. In addition, psychopathologies in reference often act together with other psychopathological problems that are involved in the clinical picture of affected individuals (CORRÊA, 2021).

According to Araújo (2011), ASD is characterized by repetitive and restricted behaviors, and by deficits in social interaction and communication. During development, with the acquisition of greater skills, social deficits tend to be the most pronounced in unstructured situations of social life, in which a quick and intuitive understanding of what is happening, what will happen next and what should or others should, could do or say, is required. In daily life, people with ASD insist on an attachment to routine inanely and find it difficult to tolerate any change.

It is known that people with ASD have difficulties in dealing with emotions and deficits in the reduced sharing of social interactions impoverish communication. In view of the above, the question is: How to perform pedagogical mediations with the purpose of the student with ASD to be able to recognize, express, manage their emotions and be situated in regular education, without disregarding their specificities?

For Valentim (2015), it is extremely important that the entire school community is involved in the inclusion process, that the topic be widely discussed and that everyone takes on their responsibilities, not just the teacher within the classroom. It is also necessary that the construction of the School’s Political-Pedagogical Project addresses the demands of students with ASD, as well as the definition of guidelines, pedagogical organization and teaching practices aimed at these students.

Thus, the interest in the proposed theme began in the professional practice in the area of the Magisterium, especially during the fourteen years in which the researcher worked in the Regional Center of Education of Cianorte-PR – (NRE) as Coordinator of Special Education and in the teaching function, at the Igléa Grollmann State College – EFM, as Teacher of Specialized Educational Support – PAEE[2], since 2012. During these years, it was possible to acquire theoretical and practical experiences. However, in order to improve it, it is necessary to research theoretical and methodological subsidies that support the work, to develop systematized actions, and that result in the resizing of pedagogical practice.

It is believed that, with professional experience, it also increases the ability to relate the facts of everyday life with the commitment to teach, one learns to be flexible, to live empathy and to seek at the core of the humblest knowledge, all possible and explainable ways of making one’s understanding. Thus, this article aims to present the results of pedagogical practices performed by professionals of regular education and special education, between the school years 2014 to 2020, in the process of schooling of a student diagnosed with ASD. It is also intended to describe about their specific difficulties in the socioemotional area and some pedagogical mediations performed, besides alerting education professionals about the relevance of the development of socio-emotional skills, especially in students with ASD, level 1 of support: “mild autism”.


The work presented consists of the descriptive study and accurately details an experience of pedagogical practices carried out at the Igléa Grollmann State College – EFM, cianorte-PR. It is an experience report, which translates into the description of an author or group that considers a successful professional practice and that facilitates the discussion, sharing and presentation of ideas for the improvement of the sector. Thus, it is developed in a contextual way with practical support and theoretical support (SOARES et al., 2014).

In this follow-up, bibliographic research was also used through a qualitative approach. Thus, the bibliographic review aims to synthesize the knowledge already constructed in previous research to then trace a content analysis, allowing to generate new knowledge, based on the results presented by the researches already elaborated. The method of approach refers to the deductive method. The deductive reasoning aims to explain the content of the initial ideas, with the help of a chain of reasoning in descending order, from analysis of the general to a detailed one, reaching a conclusion (FREITAS, 2013).

According to Gil (2010, p.25): surveys can be classified in different ways. But for this classification to be consistent, it is necessary to define in advance the criterion adopted for classification.

In addition, Kripka et al. (2015, p. 243) state that qualitative studies are characterized as those who seek to understand a phenomenon in their natural environment, where they occur and of which they are part.

The bibliographic research was carried out through electronic search in the Google Scholar, Capes and SciELO databases and the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD).


In the school year 2014, the State College Igléa Grollmann – EFM, cianorte-PR, received the registration of student J.K.L, 11 years old, diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, completed at eight years of age. However, the World Health Organization has established that by 2022, ASD and the said syndrome will have the same designation. Therefore, the designation of Asperger’s syndrome will no longer be appropriate when ICD-11 comes into force.

The pedagogical planning started from the announcement of its registration at the end of 2013, by N.R.M.G., director of the Jorge Moreira Municipal School, where she attended the 5th grade. In the educational processes, it was possible to conclude that he was a very intelligent student, but it would be necessary to improve the area of social interaction.

The following year, the student was enrolled in the 6th grade and remained in the Maurício de Sousa class, composed of thirty students, afternoon shift, in order to facilitate their stay in the Educational Institution, because there was already the previous conviviality. In the beginning, many doubts were raised by the management and pedagogical team regarding the difficulties that the student could face, mainly related to changes in his routine and the model of curricular organization that occurs in the transition from elementary school I to II, especially regarding the rotation of teachers. Through the psychoeducational evaluation in the school context carried out in 2013 and the medical report of 2008, the demand for PAEE was requested to open the demand for PAEE to the State Department of Education of Paraná – SEED/PR. As soon as she was granted Teacher F. A. began work with the school community in the afternoon shift. In the morning other classes in high school were attended by her.

In the portfolio records, according to a report by PAEE, there were several statements about the student. The main ones were: “Autism is mild, isn’t it?”; “He has the cognitive preserved and is quite quiet”; “He’s smarter with curriculum content than most other students”; “He has no emotional control.” Some health professionals ratified the term “mild” in the reports. It is noted that the word influences people to have expectations that autism comes accompanied by physical characteristics or some common behavior, however, level 1 support, manifestations are often barely visible and there is no person like another. Even at the level mentioned the work is challenging, both for the person in the mentioned condition and for those who live with it. Thus, it is up to the professionals to analyze the student globally. Thus, it is necessary that there is all pedagogical support for learning to be conducted with quality.

Over time, it was noticed that the education professionals identified the difficulty related to the area of social interaction, because during the development of academic activities, the student presented a lot of discomfort and almost no willingness to participate in tasks developed in groups, besides showing discomfort with sensory stimuli, there was attention deficit disorder. He used the drug Ritalin[3]. Some of his colleagues asked about why he remained practically with his body immobile in his wallet. In summary, “mild” autism, a term used in the diagnosis, did not provide lightness related to the concept of the word.

After the verification of the educational needs presented by J.K.L., pedagogical activities were organized in order to prioritize methodologies that favored the development of cognitive and socio-emotional areas.

The PAEE and student relationship were positive from the first contact. She sought to gain the trust of the class gradually. In addition, we sought to know the student’s personality: their preferences, hyperfocus, skills, skills and difficulties. Immediately, the school staff realized their taste for reading comicbooks and their skill with the content of the science discipline. He expressed great ease to learn the proposed curricular contents, but it was necessary to observe his favorable or unfavorable behaviors related to the socio-emotional area. According to pedagogue M.E.B, his mood and unavailability for communication oscillated, therefore, it was necessary to read the possible causes that impaired his emotional balance and anticipate mediations to favor the teaching and learning processes. It was found that the student preferred to communicate through gestures and with few words. According to Benveniste (2005), it is in language and language that man constitutes himself as a subject.

(…) A relação entre o pensamento e a palavra é um processo vivo: o pensamento nasce através das palavras. Uma palavra desprovida de pensamento é coisa morta, e um pensamento que não é expresso por palavras permanece uma sombra. A relação entre eles não é, no entanto, algo já formado e constante; surge ao longo do desenvolvimento e também se modifica (…) (VYGOTSKY, 1995, p.131).

Therefore, it is necessary to engage in activities that improve socio-emotional skills with the purpose of improving the area of social cognition. The school, in general, prioritizes the cognitive area over the others.

Next, the results of the research will be presented based on the pedagogical documents of the school years 2014 to 2020 (Elementary School II and High School) and the psychopedagogical evaluation in the school context of 2013. It is worth mentioning that the authors of the statements will not be referenced in the reports.



The experience report on the schooling of student J.K.L., was chosen because he was accompanied by the same PAEE for seven consecutive years. It is perceived through pedagogical records that this part facilitated its development, especially in moments of sudden changes in routines related to teacher turnover.

According to Barbosa (2006), the repetition of planned actions, certain practices, gives stability and safety to children. Knowing that after a given task will occur another, gives people peace of mind, whether small or large.

A ansiedade é considerada como um sistema complexo de resposta cognitiva, afetiva, fisiológica e comportamental (isto é, modo de ameaça) que é ativado quando são antecipados eventos ou circunstâncias que são considerados altamente aversivos uma vez que são percebidos como imprevisíveis e incontroláveis e podem potencialmente ameaçar a sobrevivência de um indivíduo (CHARK e BECK, 2010, p. 5).

In the pedagogical records of the 2014 school year, it is reported that student J.K.L. he remained extremely reserved in relation to social interaction and the PAEE began the work with the strategy of leaving him during the interval period by reading comicbooks, in a place where the education professionals passed constantly and often began dialogues, with the objective of stimulating their verbal communication. In the classroom, gradually, colleagues were also able to perceive many skills of the friend, in various academic contents, even demonstrating, being with above average results in most curricular disciplines. He had difficulties in physical education activities, but after much encouragement from teachers J.C.B., R.P.B. and colleagues, participated in all classes.

The discipline of Physical Education is extremely important for the development of students. According to Lima and Cury (2016), it is through the understanding that some motor dysfunctions can contribute to language and communication delay, which analyzes the process of acquiring motor skills, realizing that it should be developed in a way that is an integral part of pedagogical support programs for ASD children.

Student J.K.L. when sharing experiences in the actions of combating bullying, he repeated that when he studied in private school his nickname was “Methuselah” and was only reassured when researching and discovering that it was the name of Noé’s father and about the bullying was resolved in the punch. According to Araújo (2011) children with ASD tend to remain in a marginal position to the reference group in group activities, due to their peculiarities and also often because they are misunderstood by the other and become victims of bullying.

Also in the reports, there are several specific activities worked in the school context, among them: in order to present the J.K.L., to the other students of the afternoon period, opportunistaccessing them access to knowledge on the themes of autism, respect and empathy, the PAEE together with the pedagogical team and other education professionals of the College, organized scientific contents and were disseminated by the students of the morning shift.

In the morning, Teacher F. A., accompanied the 9th grade class, Clarice Lispector, where among the students, there were two enrollments that needed specialized care, one diagnosed with Down syndrome and the other with conduct disorder. Work on school inclusion and respect for diversity was already developed with students in the morning. These were mobilized and trained to promote short courses for all students of the summer period, in order to disseminate information on the subject of autism. According to V.V, a pedagogue, many students were surprised to learn that, among them, there was a student diagnosed with ASD and were very receptive and interested in assisting him in what was necessary to include him both inside the classroom and outside it.

Several other actions were also held at the College, such as: Campaigns at The World Autism Awareness Week and School Cinema, through the presentation of films focusing on educational and social inclusion, lectures, pedagogical workshops, etc. All students were able to know, reflect and debate on different types of educational needs. Another important event is that given the information that J.K.L. had skill with the content ofastronomy, Teacher M. T., from high school, chemistry, organized a special night in the courtyard, where the parents of the students, especially the classes of the 6th and 9th years, were able to contemplate the stars through observations with telescope. He was already developing the astronomy project at the College.

It is reported that the student had many difficulties to memorize the names of colleagues and teachers, even receiving daily care in his portfolio. The call activity was performed paused and by name. Student J.K.L., he addressed people with only hand movements and said, “Ooooo.” In view of this, he was asked to make attempts to call people by name. On this, Perissinoto states that:

Entre os prejuízos na comunicação devem ser incluídas as habilidades verbais e não verbais bem como o uso de gestos e expressão facial. Os indivíduos com TEA utilizam gestos, mas não de forma ajustada às diferentes situações sociais; tendem a utilizá-los para substituir a fala ou complementá-las, diferentemente de crianças típicas de mesma idade. São descritos gestos atípicos e ou não convencionais, cuja função comunicativa não é evidente e depende, enormemente, das habilidades de compreensão sobre o contexto que tenha o interlocutor da criança ou adolescente com TEA (PERISSINOTO apud ARAÚJO et al., 2011, p. 204).

In this sense, to improve students’ verbal skills and social interactions, teachers planned activities focused on teamwork, for example: theater, dance, preparation of pedagogical materials, etc.

In addition, in the 2014 school year records, J.K.L., demonstrated a high level of anxiety, had the need to start and complete the tasks proposed quickly, did not care about the quality of the result.

In the pedagogical records of the 2015 school year, it is punctuated that when the PAEE was absent from the classroom, to attend other classes, informed him about the possible period that would remain absent and at the beginning of the school year, the student was anxious waiting for it. At the time when he was evaluating, he requested his presence all the time inside the classroom and when he did not understand some of the questions, he signaled with his hands and the class teacher answered him. When even oriented and could not solve them, it was necessary to calm him down and emphasize on the importance of doing what he knew. He cried and wouldn’t settle.

It is noticed that in this way, some situations related to frustrations were worked. The PAEE did not remain by his side, only positioned himself in some space of the room so that he knew of his presence, the goal: to ensure him safety. Another progress presented is that it also asked for help from teachers in the curricular disciplines, after much encouragement from the specialized teacher.

It is observed in the notes, lists of curricular contents emphasizing the figures of language. The J.K.L., learned metaphors, at first repeated several times: “This does not make sense”. When he internalized learning, he laughed. After some time when asked on a day of evaluation, about the level of complexity, he replied that he was “papaya with sugar”, that is, easy.

For Leon (2008), one of the main challenges of children with ASD is language development. Among the various aspects related to it, we mention the understanding of metaphors. These result from the performance of the critical spirit, imagination and sensitivity.

In the Pedagogical Reports of 2016, one can mention several advances, such as: J.K.L., when she arrived at the college, she was looking for PAEE and when she met her, greeted her with a kiss and hug. Then they both talked and when there was some change in the routine, she was quickly informed of it. Realizing, in some moments, the increase in anxiety derived from the abrupt change in the daily life of the school, the specialized teacher said: “Leave this part to me. I’ll be with you.” He’d calm down! J.K.L., i usually talked to her about the movies she was watching. He had a great level of critical sense.

In the 2016 school year it is narrated that she was more patient, and even showed improvement in the letter tracing, which allowed her security to start using the ballpoint pen. I still didn’t recognize all the teachers by name. The student identified some through the disciplines and the sound of the voice.

It can be seen in the pedagogical reports that, although it was academically successful, it was necessary for the PAEE to always remain attentive, as in many moments J.K.L. seemed to be thinking distant and oblivious to what was happening around him. Faced with this situation, the teacher moved to various spaces in the classroom and called him by name, at certain times, she took a long time to answer and when she answered, she restarted the activity proposed by the teacher in charge. However, before that, she would twirl her pencil three times and say, “I was thinking about something else, it has nothing to do with what’s going on here.” In those intervals the teacher asked if she could know what she was thinking about, automatically answered yes and the thinking was related to fights between robots and humans. She suggested to the student that in her house, she could record the stories in a notebook, because in the future she could write a book, be a writer. In the beginning she only told the F. A., PAEE. After some time she bonded with S.V.O.R, principal, C.A.S.S, assistant principal, and A.S.T., multifunctional resource room teacher, and shared her thoughts with them.

O pensamento e a linguagem, que refletem a realidade de uma forma diferente daquela da percepção, são a chave para a compreensão da natureza da consciência humana. As palavras desempenham um papel central não só no desenvolvimento do pensamento, mas também na evolução histórica da consciência como um todo. Uma palavra é um microcosmo da consciência humana (VYGOTSKI, 1995, p. 132).

Over the years, the team of professionals reported with ownership about the intellectual capacity of the student, the difficulties in the area of social interaction and in the motor and socio-emotional skills. In the school years of 2014 and 2015, emotional crises occurred frequently.

In the 2016 school year, after an episode of emotional uncontrol, J.K.L. asked PAEE if he wanted to know how his brain worked and explained: “My thoughts come out of nowhere just like the ones in TV images and when I need to change channels it’s hard because some of them persist. Looks like it’s all separate. Internal images compete with external ones.”

About this, Araújo (2011) mentions that, if for individuals called “normal”, throughout life, especially in childhood, distress and anxiety arise from the experience of feelings of abandonment, for people who are in this condition the affliction and anxiety do not arise in the face of feelings of abandonment, but arise in the face of the finding of disorder, of the unpredictable, of the non-computable, resulting in crises that can be named as crises of disorganization, quite difficult to control.

It is highlighted in the records that the student maintained the perfectionist profile and when making mistakes presented many difficulties even to use rubber. In the first two years of elementary school II, he cried and tore his leaves. Social interaction was also stimulated through oral exchange work. The activities were developed in groups within the classrooms of the College and several classes participated. The purpose was to improve the communication of all students. Over time, J. K. L., questioned teachers during the class exhibition. The work referring to autonomy took place inside and outside the classroom.

Still, in the 2016 reports, J.K.L: He played with his teachers when they were teaching and said, “It’s a joke.” He also succeeded after much encouragement to decrease the reading of comicbooks and agreed to read literary books. He attenuated anxiety, responded when he was called frequently and quickly. Increased the time of eye contact with people, greeting them and playing with some classmates and often proposed the joke. He showed a lot of affection for his teachers. He could go to the bathroom by himself, before he felt afraid, and when the teachers released the students to drink water, he refused. After many invitations from colleagues he went to the water fountain and came back quickly. In the interval J.K.L. called some of his classmates to play on the old gallows’ game board, the other students also played with the games suggested by him. In the dance rehearsals for presentation at the “Agostina” party, student A.B., complained that his partner wasn’t taking the dance seriously. The PAEE, with tranquility, guided the duo: “A. B., if J.K.L. don’t follow the rules, you won’t dance anymore and I’ll get another boy to dance with you.” From that moment on he did everything correctly. Therefore, their participation was considered satisfactory.

In the Art class, theater activity, worked on by Teacher I.V., the group colleagues accepted the suggestion of the play: “A volta dos monstros”, written by J.K.L., PAEE coordinated the group’s rehearsals. In English classes you are hardly distracted. He was always attentive and answered the C.R.L. teacher’s questions, even when she had her back turned, that is, when she was writing on the chalkboard. In the Science class, the S.A. teacher divided the groups and provided guidance on the activity of building volcano models. Everyone participated with enthusiasm. It is noticed that the student was safer and included in all pedagogical practices.

In that period, there was difficulty regarding the curricular contents about puberty. He didn’t want to hear about it. When he started talking related to body change, he put his hands in his ears. Gradually the situation was circumvented along with the support of the family and psychologist. In one of the classes, the students asked about why he put his hands in his ears and teacher F.J. replied: “Each of us has the right time to learn. The J.K.L., you need more time to understand this content and it’s okay.” He heard the explanation, shook his head and notified her with a positive sign. It was a conflicting moment, the change generated intense discomfort.

As pessoas com TEA, e que têm a inteligência preservada, a partir da adolescência tendem a empreender uma luta para se tornarem iguais aos seres considerados neurotípicos. Essa é a luta titânica. Luta reforçada e potencializada pela sociedade e cultura. Quanto mais semelhantes eles se tornarem, quanto mais seguirem os moldes padronizados de conduta, mais poderão ser aceitos ou, pelo menos, tolerados. Na vida adulta das pessoas com TEA, pode surgir a percepção de uma diferença irreversível em relação aos outros seres humanos. O espaço construído para a subjetividade continua sendo pequeno, e a intersubjetividade possível é usualmente baseada na lógica, na correspondência, na comunicação inteligente, na confiança, na fé, na reciprocidade, na estabilidade das relações (ARAÚJO, 2011, p. 234).

It is observed, in order to have all the results mentioned, classes were planned and emphasis was placed on the field of affectivity with the following objectives: to mitigate qualitative impairments in social interaction and in the ability to recognize affection and facial emotional expressions and develop affective capacity related to empathy.

There are records that J.K.L. had behavior similar to those of other children in the item doing treours. There were days when the following complaints were recorded: The student threw his classmate’s cap in the water, jumped on his classmates’ backs, tried to jump and grab the basketball basket, pulled another classmate’s arm and smashed his wristband. At those moments, the students sought the PAEE in other rooms, saying, “Teacher F.A., run there because J.K.L., it’s impossible. The attitudes taken by the pedagogical team were the same in relation to the other students. He was taken to the room of pedagogue M.E.B., they talked about their behavior, there was a record of equal warning that happened to the other students in that situation. He apologized and a chance. She was asked to look at paee’s face and analyze her facial expression: “How is she feeling? He said, “You’re very angry!”. He was allowed the possibility to recant. To do so, you should go to your office and apologize to your colleagues. That’s how it happened. When he entered the room, the PAEE touched his chin, looked him in the eye and showed sadness. Then, the student aimed at the teacher and imitated her.

Still, in the reports, the crying decreased, especially when they were firm with him and began reading facial expressions. During the classes, PAEE exercised the activity: he looked directly into his eyes and made various types of facial expressions, for example: nervous, angry, sad, cheerful, etc. Over time he distinguished even bodily expressions. One day the PAEE was sad and upon arriving to help him organize with respect to school supplies, the student repeated her daily habit with regard to him, quickly picked up his chin and asked, “Hey, wait, are you sad?” The teacher smiled and replied, “I was up until now, but I’m glad I noticed signs of my sadness.” In addition, he participated in all physical education classes and in the volleyball game he managed to make great offers. This encouraged him to participate in practical classes. He was also actively involved in geography, English and science classes. In the art class was visible his progress, essentially in the painting activity, there was improvement in motor coordination. He was enthusiastic when he participated in theater activities.

In the final record of the 2016 school year, there is information that J.K.L. cried upon receiving the mathematics assessment. The value of it was 2.0 and took 1.1. The PAEE continued to emphasize that there was unnecessary to have so much suffering, because it would have recovery and could improve the content and the grade. When Teacher R.J. spoke the average and his was 8.7, celebrated and wiped away tears, verbalized: “Teacher F.A., I learned that I don’t need to get it right, but also, I don’t want to get low grades and make recovery because I study.” The PAEE replied, “Very well! The secret is dedication. But if you have to make the recovery, you don’t have to suffer like this.


In the portfolio of the 2017 school year, there are several activities, among them: a sonnet authored by J.K.L, 14 years old. Portuguese language teacher F.J., the same since the sixth grade, has always encouraged him to report feelings. The class, in general, performed activity with ease. Everyone read his productions aloud. Following: “Soneto de Amor”

De tudo ao meu amor serei
Cuidadoso e delicado
Gentil e educado
Bondoso e sincero

Quero vivê-lo
A cada momento
A cada hora do dia
A cada dia do ano

E assim, quando mais tarde me procure
Eu estarei esperando por você
Para te amar e adorar por todo o sempre

Que eu possa dizer do amor que tive:
Foi intenso, emocionante, divertido e apavorante
Todavia foi muito apaixonante.

Then, to the presentations of the sonnets, it is stated in the records that the PAEE launched a challenge to the students. They should come into their homes, hug someone and tell about the importance of the person in their life. Next, you’d have to watch her reaction. J.K.L., started this activity in her own school, hugged two teachers and upon arriving at her home hugged her mother and declared his love to her. His mother informed the school the same day. The following day, the students reported the classroom experience. It was observed that 10% of the students could not perform the requested and the possible cause: affective distancing between their family members.

Another fact, which occurred in May 2017, was the death of a classmate. The student was astonished, as were the ones. PAEE described that the souvenir was delivered, J.K.L. he took it, remained with her until the end of class. As she left in silence, he returned it and continued walking with his head down. After fifteen days, Teacher F.J., from Portuguese, conducted a survey to find out the topics of greatest interest of students about appreciation of literary texts and were indicated the following: love, death, friendship, dating, joy, sadness, happiness, anger, pain and violence. Death was among the most cited. Then, the teacher recited the poem “Se eu morresse amanhã”, by Álvares de Azevedo. Then, the students discussed in groups and wrote poems, informing about the importance of the moments. These pedagogical activities have opportunistic reflections regarding the need to cope to deal with their difficulties related to the concepts and experiences of feeling/affectivity.

Um estado emocional não implica automaticamente na percepção da emoção. Monitorar os próprios estados emocionais é uma capacidade que o ser humano tem que aprender. A percepção de uma emoção ativa é baseada, provavelmente, na detecção dos sinais corporais e comportamentos em combinação com a análise da situação atual, na qual ela surgiu, referindo também a lembranças de outras situações vividas. O conceito de emoção gradualmente se torna um fenômeno mental no desenvolvimento típico. É importante o aprendizado do nomear a emoção vivida, o que é conseguido pela combinação da informação introspectiva com várias observações a respeito do vivido e com a informação verbal, frequentemente proveniente dos outros (ARAÚJO, 2011, p. 188-189).

It was found, through the pedagogical reports that, during the school year of 2017, the student presented difficulties in the content of Mathematics, but Teacher D.B.F. managed to teach it in his portfolio and used the collaborative learning strategy. When he received a score below the minimum average in mathematics activity, he was frustrated. On this day the teacher delivered the evaluation and J.K.L had stopped doing three exercises that were on the back of the sheet, totaling 10. The value of the same 1.0 and took 0.5. He was upset and when he was going to cry, the PAEE said in a firm tone: “Don’t cry! Get up and go to the bathroom, wash your face.” He went and she watched him from afar. Passing by the dumpster in the courtyard, you threw it in the trash. On his return the PAEE asked to see the evaluation, because they would talk to the teacher. He said he had thrown it in the trash and was asked: “How can we request another chance from the teacher if he discarded it in the trash? Go back and get it.” He leaned over the brass and picked it up. He came back to smashes the paper and muttered, “I’m dumb. I didn’t do the exercise and I know how to do it.” The teacher was called and asked for one more chance, because J.K.L had not done the exercise because she lacked attention and she kindly responded to the request. The student did the remaining exercises and got a score of 0.9, scribbled the value 0.5, showed relief, kept it in the bag and the PAEE asked him to show it to his parents. His mother was informed of the incident before his arrival at home and to request the activity, without commenting on anything he had been told. His reported justification is that the teacher had misunderstood her grade. The PAEE took advantage and advised the family to ask again, but without pressure, because it would be important to find out why they hid the facts. At that time there was the effort between psychiatrist, school and family in the removal of ritalin medication. The anxiety level was still on the record, substantially, when receiving an evaluation schedule. In these intervals it took a lot of patience to calm him down, as he was extremely “agitated”.

During the teachers’ explanations, the PAEE remained attentive to make sure that it was actually paying attention. She continued with the previous strategy: she would sit in the last class class wallet and ask questions or call him by his name. Most of the time, J.K.L., i was making the positive sign. When he perceived a greater frequency about his distraction, he would place a colleague sitting next to him as motivation and also to signal him about the activities that should be performed, especially when the PAEE went to the other room, because he attended several students on the same shift. Homework continued to be considered problems, he repeated: “School content is to be performed at school and not at home.” He even proposed doing them in a period of turn. In the student’s speech it is evident that it was not about escape or laziness. He participated in other activities, for example: classes in catechesis, English, jui jitsu and workshops promoted by the Psychosocial Care Center for Children and Adolescents – Capsi.

It was verified, in the reports that during the school years from 2014 to 2017, there was the concern that the student did not have knowledge about his diagnosis and the school professionals always knew the importance of him understanding about his condition. J.K.L. he was uncomfortable, he perceived something different, because he insisted on talking about the functioning of his brain and, in some situations, he showed restlessness. The situation was passed on to Capsi professionals and asked the psychologist to prepare him to inform him about his condition, but this was not due to his opposition. The family also had a lot of difficulty in talking to their son about the matter. The J.K.L. had a lot of resistance. Every time the girl diagnosed with Down syndrome came near him and the PAEE, she expressed, “I don’t have a syndrome.”

According to Gentilin (2021), the stigma attributed to people with disabilities is not only in relation to what is visible in their physical characteristics, especially the mentioned picture, associated with another, resulting in the stigma of inferiority, disability and discrimination. These are constructed under a socially elaboratejudgment pattern based on normative expectations.

In April 2017, PAEE told the student about their diagnosis. For this, the following strategy was used: it began to present all the potentialities and limitations of the students in the class, it was last. You heard it from everyone. In turn the PAEE said, “J.K.L., has autism.” Then he asked, “What is autism?”. It was explained in a simple way, that in his case it was related to little initiative in relation to social interaction and potentiality was punctuated about his cognitive ability. He was silent for a few seconds and verbalized to the whole class to hear, “Will you stay with me until I finish my studies? If you stay, it’s okay.” The next day to hear that one of the students would be the shyest and quietest in the room, J.K.L, came to him and said, “W.S, you need to talk more. I can hardly hear your voice. Talking’s good. When you came to school, I even thought you were dumb.” He demonstrated that even seemingly distant for those who did not know him, he paid attention to the behaviors of the people who were around him daily.

For Araújo (2011), the individual with ASD has an overload. In addition to its inherent difficulties of the condition, it also lives with the stigma and over time, learns to read the gaze of others and feels “strange”. Therefore, this search for attachment seems to be for safety.

It is noteworthy that trust in the other arises from the relational experience that takes place over time and leads to the perception of reciprocity.

Furthermore, in the 2017 school year, there was other progress in the socio-emotional area: J.K.L, decreased crying when faced with challenges. He showed confidence, used the pen frequently. He didn’t express frustration when using the rubber, he saw the error as a right process. He told jokes to classmates and movie passages to teachers out loud. Another positive factor reported is that the student increased his attention and concentration time when he listened to the teachers’ explanations, as well as in the performance of pedagogical activities. As for the result of school performance, in his report, all averages were above the minimum required.

It is important to mention that emotional intelligence needs to be understood by the child essentially in the family context. However, it is mainly in the school context where children with autism will develop their social skills with other people, thus favoring their emotional and social development and that of other children, who end up learning to deal with differences (ABECEDÁRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO, 2019).

Also, when the student arrived at the school, he was looking for a specialized teacher. When he found her, he smiled and said, “I’ll wait for you in the living room. Today we will have some evaluations and I really need you.” Teacher F. A, I love you!” It also decreased the intensity of running in the courtyard at the time of the break and of exhibiting seemingly hostile behaviors, such as: picking up the students’ necks, throwing sticks and picking up the caps. When these situations occurred, the other students of the school were instructed on how to proceed with regard to the student’s action and, in most cases, they sought the PAEE. At the same time, at the same time, he attended and incurred inappropriate behavior through the dialogue between him and the other people involved in the events that occurred. At school he already fed on differentiated snacks, talked to several employees, teachers and students. It is also in the notes, that when finding Teacher V.C., from History, in the halls of the school asked him: “Am I your best student?”. He was very much admired by that Teacher.

In view of the above, it is observed that: students with ASD need to have a reference person within the school space who is almost or always available to listen to them and interpret their “silences” and the causes that generate their anxieties. In these cases, interventions need to happen on time and as movement in the school space is dynamic and need differentiated attention, it is necessary to have the specialized professional to serve them and accompany them in their school routine, regardless of the levels of support.

For Araújo (2011) people with ASD observe the world in a subjective and peculiar way in excess, showing themselves to be rigid in their points of view. They lack adaptive malleability. Interpersonal relationship situations tend to be stressful and poor and superficial bonds and failures in interpersonal relationships impoverish imaginative life. Moreover, for the author, the difficulty in having shared attention can be considered one of the largest and most persistent problems in the development of children with ASD.


In the pedagogical opinions of high school, from the school year 2018, there are notes that in the composition of the group prioritized the strategy of leaving 20% of the students who followed the same class since the 5th grade and the other 80% with students from other classes, with the objective of giving priority to J.K.L., and other students, new experiences of social interaction. He still had difficulty associating people’s image sits with their names. So he was always asked, “What is this person’s name?” Then, when he couldn’t remember, he looked discreetly at paee and asked for clues. He commented that he did not understand the reason for this difficulty and was afraid that in his old age he would develop Alzheimer’s disease.

(…) Os testes mais recentes avaliam o reconhecimento de faces, o reconhecimento da emoção mediante a expressão facial e a aquisição da Teoria da Mente, sendo muito úteis para o processo de psicodiagnóstico em TEA. Tem sido demonstrado que pessoas com TEA têm prejuízos na percepção, engramação e reconhecimento de faces. Possuem prejuízos na capacidade para reconhecer afeto e expressões emocionais faciais. A memória para faces é a capacidade para engramar, evocar e reconhecer faces, sendo essencial para a percepção social e para comunicação. Dificuldades para engramar e evocar faces pode ser uma expressão de modos atípicos de perceber faces visualmente, por exemplo, focar mais em características não faciais ou mais na região da boca do que nos olhos ou na configuração da face (ARAÚJO, 2011, p. 177).

Another concern of the student and very verbalizated in the reports, would be the lack of understanding about their difficulties in expressing themselves through crying in the sad moments related to the deaths and not in the most joyful. He said there were no tears and that the only moments when they fell was when struggling, then their eyes burned. He was uncomfortable realizing that the people in his life cried easily and he did not.

Finally, in high school, there was a need to apprehend contents of the socio-emotional area.

According to Martins and Ceia (2013), it is important to work with the child with ASD the original cause of the emotion felt and, together, to find the best way to express it, in order to identify the respective gestures with each emotion exposed. The reading of the expression is essential for understanding emotions, as well as sharing them and for the improvement of interpersonal relationships, it is essential to observe nonverbal communication – posture, tone and intensity of the voice, the gaze, gestures, among others.

It is narrated in the records of 2018 that the student was wanted by the school community. He was an education. Most students admired him. Previously, she had difficulty relating to girls. At that time, i participated in teamwork without restrictions, that is, he did not bother when changing team, in fact he calmly accepted their presence. At first, it was common J.K.L., commenting that the students hardly chose him first to participate in group activities, in that period there was a lot of intervention. After a while, the students chose him first and rarely stayed to be chosen last. Thus decreased anxiety and stereotyping, hand movement.

According to The DSM-V, stereotyping[4], also known as stimming in autism, is defined as “Steriotyped Movement Disorder”. It is a certain motor behavior with repetitive character, apparently impulsive and without reason, but they serve for self-stimulation and may be necessary to regulate the person at certain times.

Still, it appears in the pedagogical opinions, that J.K.L., presented a direct and objective way to communicate, sometimes caused strangeness in people who lived with him for a short time and when classmates tried to signal him, he was always defensive. To improve their understanding of behaviors considered “inappropriate” for others, PAEE asked some students to play in front of the classroom, playfully, behaviors of their friends. When they presented J.K.L.’s, he laughed a lot and said: “This is a joke, isn’t it? I do not do this.” The room, in chorus: “It’s just like that”. He was impressed and at the end asked: “Teacher F. A., do you know the story of the Sunflower and the Gardener? I think the author is Carlos Drummond de Andrade. The moral of the story is that we must never underestimate others. Sometimes it’s just my way of being and it doesn’t mean I don’t like people.” His speech was impactful and shared with the class, so that they could understand his manifestations about the subject and also his way of being.

(…) A aquisição de uma Teoria da Mente funcional é necessária para que se compreenda seu próprio funcionamento. As reações emocionais primárias são causadas por processos involuntários, e serão compreendidas por análises posteriores que incluem a análise da situação objetiva integrada à análise das atitudes pessoais frente à situação. Essa autoavaliação ajuda a compreender os desejos e as crenças que estão na base das atitudes decorrentes de uma determinada situação. Assim, para estabelecer a natureza específica do próprio estado afetivo, necessita-se uma Teoria da Mente que funcione.  As crianças, adolescentes e adultos com TEA têm prejuízo nessa forma de autoavaliação (ARAÚJO, 2011, p. 188).

Thus, it is understood that, for the author, an emotional state does not automatically imply the perception of emotion, so monitoring the emotional states themselves is an ability that the human being needs to learn.

In the Minutes of the Class Councils the information is repeated in most of them: It is a disciplined student, educated and shows concern for teachers and when colleagues in the room make a lot of noise, asks for silence. J.K.L interacts, with other classes, in the interval period, through actions developed in groups, for example: volleyball and burning. As for social interaction with respect to their teachers and classmates, it was considered optimal. It was verified that he also participated in all individual or collective activities proposed in the school.

Another question perceived in the records was that the student in evidence used his school materials until he finished them, the pencil was tiny and while it was not finished, refused another, even if it hindered their writing and forces their fine motor coordination. Still, it was observed in that period, J.K.L., showed concern about his appearance, as he asked PAEE: if he liked his new style, the beard. At school, the preference for differentiated snacks increased. He began communication with several employees, teachers and students. During the classes, PAEE took advantage of the moments when regular school teachers were working on academic content and, whenever possible, to meet the educational needs of the student worked together with them. In this way, curricular flexibility was performed. The teamwork of both students and teachers of regular education and special teaching modality, almost daily, opportunistized everyone, different forms of methodologies that favored the academic development of students in the class.

It was observed in the records of the teachers that J.K.L., maintained the attention and concentration for a time considered very good, always being responsible with his studies and in the evaluation period demonstrated organization with the objective of obtaining good results, but needed support to balance the level of anxiety. Although, the student had friendly behavior, however it was necessary to control his games because he grew too much and lacked a notion of space and often acted on impulse. However, it was noticed that with this he also learned to defend himself. The PAEE, whenever possible, remained inside the classroom to perform the necessary pedagogical interventions, especially in relation to the behavioral issues of the other students in the class, because they directly interfered in the teaching and learning processes in general, especially in the academic performance of J.K.L. In the room there were 42 students. In the 2019 school year, I could listen to third-party conversations, copy from the board, ask questions to teachers, and interfere with their colleagues’ parallel conversation at the same time. Therefore, it improved its superior psychological functions and, in particular, attention and concentration without the use of medication. However, to reach this result it was necessary to perform a work of more than a year and a half, with the support of the family, school and psychiatrist.

It was seen in the records that the strategy used in moments of sensory overload, by excessive stimuli offered at the doors of meaning and that are not properly processed, J.K.L, was instructed to get up from his wallet, go out and walk in front of his room. He walked back and side. He then stood next to a tree and simulated movements as if he were throwing punches, but slowly. Then, in silence, he returned his wallet, rubbed his hands, rotated his pencil or pen three times, and resumed activities.

Sometimes the PAEE took the same route, with discretion. When he understood her, she would say, “I also need to walk a little and I chose your strategy. It’s good.” In the class there were several students with high levels of anxiety, some were accompanied by psychiatrists and psychologists and when the PAEE perceived signs of crisis, guided them to walk alone in the green area of the school and taught breathing techniques, in order to develop and/or improve the psychophysiological self-regulation ability. This strategy contributes to prevent and minimize psychic suffering. It was observed in the records that all teachers and students understood the need presented by the students in the condition described, at specific moments. According to Alves (2013), among the difficulties of people in the autistic spectrum is the identification and self-regulation of emotions. They make it easier for the person to regulate their way of acting, allowing them to react to events, make decisions and transmit emotions in a non-verbal way. Hence the importance of understanding and dealing with emotions.

It is worth mentioning that the task of developing emotional intelligence in students with ASD is not simple, because it is essential to have a multidisciplinary team in the area of health working in the Network, but we do not have it. The school, as good as it may be, will not address the lack of appropriate therapeutic interventions that meet individual needs. However, it is necessary scientific knowledge, patience and persistence, because the reactions of students in the researched condition, in the face of working with emotions can be unpredictable, as well as can demonstrate attention and interest, are also able to present aversion through crying, crying and/or physical aggressions. This is because people with autism have difficulties in dealing with emotions, especially negative ones, such as: anger, fear, sadness and shame. Unfortunately, negative emotions are experienced more frequently than positive ones (VALLÉS and VALLÉS, 2000).

Among some of the recorded facts, related to academic contents, one can mention: in the geography assessment, the teacher asked a question that had been explained and recorded on the chalkboard and at that moment the student was distracted and did not register. The student, upon receiving the result, was dissatisfied and tried to prove to the teacher that there was no content in his notebook. He verbalizated that the teacher had been unjust. The PAEE tried to explain that this happens to everyone and should not suffer that way and possibly got distracted. Then he added, “That’s why I hate having autism.” The PAEE guided teachers regarding the information presented by the student and stressed the importance of increasing the frequency of the use of visual resources. Moreover, it presented difficulties in maintaining attention for a medium period of time and when the teacher’s methodology was only through an exhibition class, the student was impaired in terms of his academic performance. In short, J.K.L., he showed excessive irritation when he encountered evaluative questions, the subject of which was not noted. He strictly followed the contents recorded in the notebooks and textbooks.

In the 2018 school year, in the PAEE register, homework remained a problem for him. However, complaints decreased considerably in 2019. Regarding the evaluations, the majority performed them independently, asked the specialized teacher to remain in the classroom at specific moments, for example: evaluation of the disciplines of the exact area and external evaluations. He said he felt safe and when he was very nervous when he received them, the PAEE asked the teachers for permission and both went to another school space. After calming him down, he resumed the activity. In addition, it is described that student J.K.L., in that period, when receiving a score below the minimum average in the evaluation, showed frustration. In those moments, he was oriented on how to deal with this feeling. That is, the high level of anxiety continued in periods prior to receiving an evaluation schedule. In these moments, it is stated in the pedagogical opinions, that it was necessary to have a lot of patience, because he was very “agitated” and nervous. During the process of punctual evaluations, he made a point of scratching the schedule that was affixed to the wall of the classroom at the end of each unsuccessful evaluation. After smiling, relieved. After 15 days of the end of the evaluations, I began to ask if it was time to pick up the agenda and asked the teachers about the next evaluations. So that it did not have crises, the PAEE anticipated the intervention. Moreover, there are notes that student J.K.L had ethics. This can be seen at several times, one of them: he was performing his physics evaluation in the library, because it was a silent space. At the conclusion of 90% of the exercises, he showed anxiety because he did not remember a formula he would need to finish the rest of the proposed activities. The PAEE gave him two options: a) Look quickly in the notebook to remember the formula you should use; b) Deliver the evaluation to Teacher L.J. He: “But if I look quickly in the notebook to remind me of the formula, won’t I be cheating? Wouldn’t it be unfair to other friends?” PAEE: “No, because I was told that the teacher would pass the formula on the board to the other students.” Then he agreed to open the notebook and searched for the formula and when he found it, closed it. According to the specialized teacher, she wanted to verify how far she could solve the exercises alone and at what point she would need pedagogical mediation, if she could complete them, she had certainly learned the mechanism of solving the problem. Faced with the situation, he was congratulated by the teachers and L.M.T.B., director of the College, for carrying out the evaluation with dedication and revealing moral values. In the end he stated that there would be no problem if he did not complete them, because he had accomplished most of them and showed the mastery of various concepts. Therefore, in this passage, it is possible to identify the result of the work on the feeling of frustration carried out in previous years by the professional team of the Igléa Grollmann State College.

In the 2019 school year, he admitted his condition, that is, he accepted his diagnosis, this was verified through the speech of A.AP.O., mother of J.K.L., when they came across the sign which informed that people with autism and disability they prefer the service, he commented: “Look, Mom! I will be assisted quickly.”

In addition, he participated in the Campaigns of the World Autism Awareness Day, on April 2 and Seminars promoted by teachers, for example: in the discipline of Sociology, taught by Teacher L.M., for the performance of the activity had the support of friends, they recorded a video and the student spoke openly about his condition. It was not long ago that I had assumed the diagnosis of ASD. The programcontent was public policies and the group of students exposed the content of Law No. 12,764/12, also known as The Berenice Piana Law. The strategy used by PAEE for its participation in the video was through the message that the result of its effort would inspire the infant-juvenile population with a diagnosis of ASD, because in the College it was among the best students, in general, with regard to learning, behavior and dedication.

IN: Inclusão Natural – Para descrever o trabalho realizado na 3ª série Isaac Newton e no 9º ano Castro Alves, é necessário frisar que os resultados alcançados são fruto de anos de convivência e empenho dedicado a cada estudante desse meio. O prestigio que gerou congratulações rodeiam o processo inclusivo de crianças e adolescentes especiais no mesmo ambiente social com os demais, dando-lhes o direito de se sentirem socialmente ativos, firmando sua confiança, enquanto aprimora a cultura de uma geração direcionada à empatia. Por intermédio da intenção implantada, outra situação nítida que percebemos entre os estudantes é que a diferença não interfere nas relações. Independente da orientação sexual, estilos musicais, etnia, religião ou capacidade cognitiva. O funcionamento da coexistência só é possível com o respeito incondicional a todos. Sem delongas, esse trabalho ainda é incapaz de mudar drasticamente a realidade, porém, é o mais próximo feito a tornar o mundo em um lugar melhor de se viver (Depoimento do estudante A.C[5] – 3ª série René Descartes, 2017).

According to Gentilin (2021), it was after the approval of Law No. 12,764/12 that the subject of autism entered the agenda of public health policy. That law included the person with ASD in the group of people with disabilities. However, although the laws are available we still have many difficulties in having access to public services and there is a large attention deficit focused on the subject in question.

In the records of the second semester of the 2019 school year it was also possible to verify a lower frequency of pedagogical mediations performed by the PAEE, there was an increase in the degree of autonomy. Regarding this ability, the following was perceived: J.K.L., organized its evaluation schedule, with less direct interference from the EAP. He looked for the teachers and asked, “Please write down the contents you are for studying and the pages of the books.” He participated in the trip to LAPA – PR, historical city, with his class, accompanied by Teacher M. G., geography and PAEE, F.A. He was actively involved in all scheduled activities and at the same time was motivated, through the specialized teacher’s cell phone, to communicate with his family and share the moment lived. This action was necessary, due to the fact that her family would have been very anxious, because it was the first trip without her presence.

He also showed greater ease to help colleagues, but the difficulties in lending his belongings continued, he said, “I need to save money.” He had no behavior problems, no indiscipline. However, it needed support to solve everyday issues through conflict resolutions, mainly from a socio-emotional order. As the PAEE followed him for six consecutive school years, it was easy to read his behavior, as well as the mediations regarding the atheusinal, academic and social barriers that arose in the school context. According to Araújo (2011) people with autism would have a deficit in the management of social and emotional cues.

In the reports referring to the school year 2020, it was found that it was a challenge for the school community, because it had to resignify the teaching and learning processes. The need for social isolation as a measure of prevention and coping with the pandemic, resulting from coronavirus, resulting in the closure of the physical space for the performance of pedagogical work impacted everyone. The activities in the remote teaching modality generated at first a lot of anxiety, because it was necessary to introduce into daily culture a new way of learning. Soon, there was a change of routine and a period of adaptation was necessary for students and professionals. To meet this purpose, different study environments were created, the most used tools were: Google Classroom platform and WhatsApp application. Even with numerous difficulties coming from remote classes, with respect to the system itself, J.K.L., at first, showed many expectations. The performance in some disciplines was unsatisfactory, but did not give up. He said: “I search the internet, i watch classes, but alone it is very difficult. I’m not learning much. I can’t find some content.” That was also the complaint of many students. In the case of the PAEE, one wondered how to help him from afar because the curricular contents of the third grade are complex and the student seeks meaning in solving the problem-situation. In addition, the contents require a higher level of abstraction and to help it make sense of learning, in some situations, it required much mediation from the teacher regent.

The PAEE described that J.K.L did not have a fixed time to study and in the face of the abrupt change of routine, this time then, the specialized teacher adapted to the times chosen by him. Regarding the area of social interaction, most of the time, he was encouraged to check and discuss his academic tasks with his colleagues. The PAEE passed on the dialogues from one to the other via WhatsApp. As the tool was new in his life, one had to restart communication almost the same way when he arrived at school. He only used his cell phone when he needed to ask for help. If they forwarded a message outside the period when the student was performing the activities, they had to contact their mother or sister to warn them. It is perceived that the strategy was successful. It is mentioned in the records, he always very kind, forwarded audios thanking the support. The classmates, most of them, attended to him quickly because they knew of his anxiety level. The J.K.L. he repeatedly verbalized that he would have better academic performance with the presence of the teacher in the physical space of the school.

In a nutspanpoint, the development of student learning at the end of the 2020 school year was considered satisfactory, despite the fragility given the reality that the pandemic, unknown demand, put us. Some of the academic difficulties have been overcome, others have not.

In the 2021 school year, according to the principal of The Igléa Grollmann State College, L.M.T.B., J.K.L is studying Civil Engineering and on the day of the entrance exam requested the presence of PAEE to accompany him with the objective of feeling safe when entering the new environment and facing the challenge of performing the evaluation to enter the University Course. It was talked with professionals from the Educational Institution and approved the participation of the PAEE, but without interfering in the evaluation process. At the end the teacher and the student talked and she encouraged him to face the next stage. They recently received the following information from the Faculty: “J.K.L., is a great student both in behavioral matters and in relation to academic performance. He’s very dedicated.” There is also in the Institution, a reference person for him to look for when he needs to.

The 2019 higher education census showed more than 1,500 student enrollments with ASD. However, the number may be higher considering people who do not declare their condition before the Faculties. To enter the competitive labor market it is essential that they have opportunities to attend higher courses, technicians and other ways of professional improvement. According to Araújo (2011), some are able to follow standard learning, but most need the help of inclusion laws and need supervision. Usually, many young people go one college after another or dedicate themselves to graduate school, since the insertion in the job market is quite complicated. Even with the inclusion quotas provided for by the Law, people with ASD rarely benefit. They are interviewed, have their skills and resumes recognized, but are perceived as unautonomous beings, who would need close monitoring, to be guided and, for the author: the world of the craft of hypermodern times, more anthropophagic than ever before, has no space or time for unautonomous adults.

Thus, it is noted that the problem is not directly in autism but in the excluding social system. However, we must fight against this imposed model because it does not favor the humanization process. Behind the phrase: “Working with autism is not a simple task”, there are a number of complex issues to be studied and deepened pertinent to the cultural theme.


This article worked with the following problem: How to perform pedagogical mediations with the purpose of the student with ASD to be able to recognize, express, manage their emotions and be situated in regular education, without disregarding their specificities? Regarding the main objective: to present the result of pedagogical practices performed by regular education professionals between the school years 2014 to 2020, in the schooling process of student J.K.L., with a diagnosis of ASD, it was possible to reflect that the educational inclusion of the student challenged the education professionals in the personal and professional aspects, so that they could assume the central role as agents of change. The nature of the curriculum presupposes flexibility and diversified curricular proposals instead of a uniform and homogenizing conception. Curricular contents are essential in the process of cultural mediation and, most notheless, in the relationship between teacher, knowledge and student. They can and should contribute to a greater state of consciousness of the student body about the paths and mispaths of society, allowing them to better understand themselves by looking at the whole.

Scientific knowledge added to history allows the humanization of men and through pedagogical medication it is possible to generate fundamental variables in the revitalization of the curriculum, such as understanding the act of learning, enabling the proposition of new athetic practices and pedagogical intervention for the development of cognitive and socioaffective structures of students with or without disabilities. The interdisciplinary action strategy favored the break with the rigidity of the disciplines, allowed greater communication between the various fields of knowledge and, most of the most, resulted in the internalization of the systematized knowledge on the part of the students. There was an understanding that in the mediation of scientific content, the object of the teacher’s work, involves school planning. It is impossible to expect the student to issue opinions that go beyond spontaneous concepts, acquired in his daily life, without offering him effective conditions to overcome them.

During the study of pedagogical documents, the perception was proved as a greater highlight that, when planning a school change for students with ASD, it is necessary to act, observe the process, the causes, consequences and, above all, reflect and act, in order to promote academic development, as well as visualize the importance of the school space in the sense that human beings become subjects through social relations. It is in school that symbolic representations are improved and bonds are established. Learning takes place as they are opportunistic with the appropriate mediations for the various learning styles and, moreover, through the interrelationships between students, colleagues and education professionals.

It was verified in the pedagogical reports that the presence of student J.K.L. in the school environment, it provided very important moments regarding the training on the theme Autism. He managed to occupy his place as a social subject within the Educational Institution – Constitutional Law. Thus, in this case, the school fulfilled its true social function. Therefore, it was essential that the other segments, especially the family, social and health areas also fulfill their roles. However, our greatest fragility in terms of municipality lies in the areas of health, qualification and referral to the labor market. It is a fact that, at the local level, there is little incentive in the direction of qualification, however, recently there has been an effort by some segments of society to make matters about these needs part of the agendas of the government and private entities. At the moment, the Sector Center of Educational Institutions is being created to develop joint actions to prepare young people for the labor market and entrepreneurship. However, the lack of a multidisciplinary health team working in conjunction with basic education makes it impossible to perform schooling with excellence, since the school alone does not have the capacity to supply the function of other external services necessary for the development of students in the researched condition and many others, without disabilities.

Furthermore, knowledge can only be raised, in the processes of teaching and learning, through desire and permeated by affection. In the case of student J.K.L., was fully included in pedagogical practices and participated in individual and collective actions. Most strategies focused on team activities and the biggest result is that all students in the classes involved in the activities developed the following competencies: autonomy, empathy, self-esteem, communication, creativity, patience, solidarity, responsibility, decision-making, among others.

In relation to the work with all the education professionals of the College, it was carried out during the hour-activity period, within the classrooms and in specific training. The Portfolio with daily records containing the pedagogical interventions performed was available in the teachers’ room. These, they were able to read, question, argue, as well as give suggestions. All employees who worked in the cafeteria, kitchen, patio, concierge, canteen, secretariat received information through folders, trainingon specific dates provided for in the school calendar and punctual orientations. The students of the other classes of the College were guided by teachers in the classrooms, library, computer lab and courtyard, with the presence of professionals of the modality of special education, director, auxiliary director and pedagogues.

At the end of the 2014-2020 school years there was 100% approval of students in the classes directly involved in the actions of the Identity vs. project. Prejudice: interpersonal relationships and school success[6].

Given the situation of Cianorte-PR need to advance in the care and qualified follow-up to people who present ASD and their families, the specialized teacher F.A. for years he has been working to mobilize society with the objective of implementing and implementing an Autism Reference Center or other Specialized Service that meets the needs of the municipality. In the first half of 2021, there were two relevant indications from the City Council: Bill No. 144/2021 that proposes the implementation of the mentioned Center and Bill No. 057/2021, which suggests the creation of the municipal census program for people diagnosed with ASD. The census is being conducted and to date a total of 140 people have been raised, 107 with diagnosis and 33 with indications of ASD. There is a Committee of Studies working to enable the development of actions and allocation of public policies aimed at the public in question.

Finally, it is observed that the limitation of access to public policies has been one of the greatest barriers for citizens diagnosed with ASD to exercise their rights. This is an important subject for future studies.


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2. Specialized Educational Support Teacher is a professional with proven qualification to work in the educational institutions of Basic Education and Youth and Adult Education, of the Public School Network of the State of Paraná, to assist students with medical diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, with proven need related to their condition of functionality for schooling and not related to the condition of disability, being an agent of mediation of learning and schooling. (INSTRUÇÃO NORMATIVA N.º 001/2016 – SEED/SUED. Accessed August 2, 2021).

3. According to the National Health Surveillance Agency, between 8 and 12% of the world’s children were diagnosed with ADHD. In general, they are children with behavioral difficulties, agitated and restless. However, according to experts, in many cases there is a misdiagnosis proven by parents’ anxiety for an answer, in addition to the lack of understanding and patience. For them, this is the main reason that has elevated Brazil to the rank of second largest consumer of ritalin. (Source: Accessed August 5, 2021)

4. Available in Accessed August 15, 2021

5. Student who followed and participated in some activities of the Identity vs. project. Prejudice: interpersonal relationships and academic success, together with the J. K.L.

6. The curricular activities of the Identity Vs. Project Prejudice: interpersonal relationships and school success are part of the Pedagogical Political Project of the Igléa Grollmann State College – EFM, Cianorte-PR, since 2012.

[1] Specialization in Geography and Environment, Special Education Integrative Vision – Special Education / Regular Education, School Pedagogy: Supervision, Guidance and Administration. Graduated in Social Studies and Geography.

Submitted: August, 2021.

Approved: September, 2021.

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Ana Floripes Berbert Gentilin

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