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Motivation in business Focus in a confection of clothes do Norte do Paraná

RC: 25314
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SIMÕES, Alessandro [1], JUNIOR, Ademar Francisco Lobo [2]

SIMÕES, Alessandro; JUNIOR, Ademar Francisco Lobo. Motivation in business Focus in a confection of clothes do norte do Paraná. Multidisciplinary Core Scientific Knowledge magazine, Year 01, Issue 01, vol. 10, pp. 196-221. November 2016. ISSN: 2448-0959


This article aims to explore, through theoretical references themes that influence the behavior and development of a construction, taking into account the point of view of motivation, seeking the main factors that influence to This labor keep motivated. The second time, for the case study, we used a clothing company in the North of Paraná, which made it possible to compare the bibliographic studies with the reality experienced within the factory, during day-to-day activities. Drawing parallels between theory and practice at work was also carried out a survey of employees to gauge your level of motivation, if were satisfied at work, and whether they were trained to carry out their duties. The search yielded a diagnosis of the perception of employees whose information was tabulated and quantified through graphs. Concluding that the employees, even though only monthly salary, are motivated.

Keywords: qualification, Motivation, employees, Company, production.

1. Introduction

After the great changes in the business world because of the theories of Henry Ford and Frederick Winslow Taylor, in the general theory of Administration (2012) and who have been striking for the season, setting a new pace of work, many other were happening in small and large companies, transforming the way we think, how to produce, how to manage the assets.

The introduction of new technologies, valuation and qualification of the workforce, are factors that have been of great importance to increase the quality of products and services, in the national productivity, deserving highlight how to manage the resources humans, focusing on the company's employees.  For Ford apud Oliveira (2012) the concern based on production, caused the developer to become integrated in the mechanical part production, where the goal was to produce quickly, reducing the values of the employees. However, there was a break in this paradigm, the concern with the methods of production and productivity have given way to highly competitive companies with innovative ideas such as the work in groups, returning the concern for employees and your quality of life.

According to the concept of psychologist Abraham Maslow in the book general theory of Administration (2009), creator of the hierarchy of needs, also known as Maslow's Pyramid theory presents a pyramid by bringing the various needs of the individual can feel/have. This pyramid is seen with the needs following an increasing sequence deliberately, indicating that when a need is met, another Springs eliminating the comfort, making that person, motivate yourself seeking satisfaction for this new needs arose, this theory does not have a closed loop, because it will always be popping up something new to be supplied, causing concern back to the clerk, making the company's main asset, taking into consideration that each have your own way of being and produce, which has diverse needs that can motivate you or demotivate you.

From the studies of Maslow, many other studies have been emerging, always to try to understand the factors related to the behavior and influencing the developer in your work environment, providing well-being and quality of life.

In this way, this work seeks to question the concepts of how the motivation takes effect within companies, with bibliographic research sources addressing the concepts of motivation and what effects that it causes in the life of the developer and the quality of your work, when motivated. Seeking information about the key factors that drive companies to promote the motivation and quality of life on a daily basis, providing benefits for the developer and for the company.

The goal was to develop a case study within a company, specifically the medium in the field of clothing do Norte do Paraná. With the theoretical basis and tools for carrying out the fieldwork, via forms the main question agents involved in the work, spontaneous and simple way what is the level of motivation of employees and what resources the company has used to motivate its employees to work statistics of case study.

2. Theoretical Framework

In this section you will be introduced theories that supports the importance of motivation of employees, based on theoretical main Maslow apud Ferreira (2014), and your concept of human needs, concluding that this theory does not have a closed loop, because There will always be a new need, the theory of Maslow is disseminated by many authors, presented also in Administration courses among other related courses.

In the course of time, many lines of studies were followed to try to explain the motivation in people and their main effects, many of them in a row today as source of research and application on reality, for better deepening is necessary to question what is the motivation, seeking through bibliographies some concepts so that you can guide the factors that happen in reality companies, so ask if what is motivation? But a definitive answer is not very easy to be given. Work done by many scholars in the area. However it is possible to introduce some theories that have been left.

To Maximian (2010, p. 250) "the word motivation indicates the causes or motives that produce certain behavior, whatever it is. The motivation is the energy or force that moves the behavior ".

This author adds that it's a feeling that's inside of people, an energy, we know that when we are very excited, if we feel with a lot of energy to accomplish something, and then we can see that the difficulties of everyday life can be overcome through this stimulus, when we are motivated, if we feel with a high spirits within the differentiated workplace or elsewhere.

The motivation is always a necessity. So each of us has his own motives generated by different needs and you cannot, strictly speaking, to say that a person is able to motivate other (GIL, 2007, p. 202).

Gil's statement identifies a lot with Maslow's theories, impossible not to notice that all the people have needs, some very visible, others not so much. This concept shows that the need is the fuel of motivation that is always moving people. Complementing Gil (2007, p. 202) says that "motivation is actually a result of unmet needs. These needs are intrinsic to people. Cannot, therefore, managers put the people's needs ".

On the basis of the affirmative is impossible for other people to use force or persuasion to get the same perform some action without the own person has interest in doing, dissatisfaction will cause have reason to react, get, move in the direction of the personal satisfaction. For this and need observing how individuals behave in places and get a way with it do not feel pressured by others to feel completely motivated, but the right one and make them understand that inside of them, and to give precision freedom to motivate in the environment that are.

For Chiavenato (2009, p. 121) "motivation is given in terms of active forces driving behavior and translated in words like desire and fear".

However the motivation is hidden inside people, needing to be desacomodada, this mixture of desires and fears the person passes the fetch itself, needs to overcome factors fear, in order to suit your wishes whether, with the goal of Awakening within yourself the ability to motivate, without these problems come and mess up your day to day, but on the contrary come to be dominated by obtaining a growing motivation within the individual in your live with other people, so that they also can feel motivated.

The needs or reasons are not static, on the contrary, they are dynamic and persistent forces that cause behaviors. With learning and repetition, the behaviors become increasingly effective in satisfying certain needs (CHIAVENATO 2009, p. 123).

Therefore, we can consider that the personal motivation is everything that can be related to human behavior that causes people to get out of your indulgence to accomplish something, face the challenges of your day-by-day, overcome barriers. Hence the need to meet people to analyze which factors make you motivate yourself to draw profiles that enable it to influence people to be interested to do something or to cooperate in any activity.

The reason is that drive and maintain the behavior of individuals. Are, so to speak, the springs of action. One can also identify the reasons with the needs and say that individuals are driven by the needs (GIL, 2007, p. 203).

Because of this great difficulty of standardizing how best the following theory and knowing the motivation and awakened in every person of particular manner, allowing multiple possibilities to work, because there is no ready formula, pattern, to solve collective problems of people. Therefore companies should practically strengthen the ties with its employees, using various techniques to meet the realities and aspirations of each employee, thus enabling individual profiling within the company, to positively influence employees and work groups, in order to influence the motivation of the same.

Motivate means "move into action", mobilizing energies and efforts in the pursuit of the achievement of certain goals. Motivation, therefore, is what drives a person to a particular direction. In a globalized and competitive world, the concern with the motivation has a strategic aspect; It means encouraging people to action, to the realization and achievement of goals, so as to prevent the accommodation (KNAPIK, 2008, p. 96).

Therefore, a person motivated, tends to get out of the doldrums, is open to new proposals, think differently, this open to develop, in front of a highly motivated, it is remarkable the difference. A motivated person performs in order to collaborate with the activities, live life, this willing to engage with work and new activities, faces the challenges with ease, seeks to achieve their goals to achieve personal satisfaction or team, and when present in the environment of teamwork, influence others to be motivational attitudes too.

2.1 how to motivate employees

One of the great difficulties in keeping employees motivated within companies currently makes the competitiveness and turnover, increase more each day, great challenge faced by administrators and human resource teams, must have Mission is to act as agent in motivational organizations using many methods to influence the motivation of their teams, in order to improve the performance of production, quality and sales in its activities. Are many factors that cause the employee is motivated or not, among them we can mention, the wage issue, activity carried out, the company's environment, mission, values and many others. So the word gold is motivation.

Gil (2007, p. 201) States "the increasingly competitive world of business requires high levels of motivation of the people". There is a need to find effective ways to this motivation is constant in employees. Many strategies are found in bibliographies as we can analyze. For Chiavenato (2009, p. 122) "the first step to learn about human motivation is the knowledge of what occurs in the behavior of people."

This need to know the developer must be a guiding axis of the company, to find out what he's needed at that time, search which factors influence your life, creating a database so that it can be used, when perception that the individual is dragging down for something and find give a support as best as possible with the aim of stimulating the person itself, also respecting the rules of the company, so there are no disagreements between the team members.

It is very important to recognize such a need to motivate the staff. Nowhere the recognition of own importance is more necessary than at work, because this recognition is connected to our livelihood (GUIMARÃES, 1991, p. 98).

To add value to the developer, the company expects in return an opening to meet the needs of the company, where you expect the developer an opening to accept new proposals and changes of routine, with the intention that it has other opportunities, and with that both parties succeeds in their work routines, the company eventually becomes a well for the developer, by which through these incentives he will always have reasons to give your best, and with it new opportunities, as a means of exciting home the motivation itself in, and with this purpose other people who are part of the team end up waking up, and having a high incentive for play activities in the company.

The commitment and involvement of people depend on several factors such as motivation, training and working methods. The motivation to work, for the improvement and change, for your time, also depends on a number of factors (CARPINETTI 2010, p. 44).

People need to face their daily routines, responsibilities, lack of time and all the contingencies that occur during your day to day to achieve your needs. For it is of the utmost importance that the company complies with your role is to recognize all efforts dismissed. To Mandal (1980, p. 57) "the man is positively contagious is able to transform weakness into strength, the limitations in vision and broader perspective or subordinate liabilities in active and creative collaborators".

The developer is currently featured in small and large companies, being the main concern of their managers. Understanding that the workforce motivated and qualified provides more benefits to the company. According to Gil (2007, p. 201). "Companies are increasingly valuing people's behavior. Employees committed is that have been summoned to be part of the solutions and this is exactly where most companies tend to invest ".

The company must always be attentive to the profiles of its employees by analyzing the issues of work and only the work itself, making this feel good in your organization environment, stimulating self-motivation, factor determines real gains in productivity, because an employee motivated back much to him as beneficial to the company. According to Chandra (2009, p. 18):

The involvement of people with the work they perform and the motivation to run it are independent of the importance of the activity with regard to be more strategic than operational, more intellectual than manual labor. The motivation, when present, releases the fantastic energy which leads to accomplishment.

Motivated employees are of great value to the company, motivated people live better, produce more, sees the world your back with optimism and has much more to offer to the Organization and the environment where it lives. Gil (2007, p. 201) claims

"Employees motivated to perform your work, both individually and as a group, tend to provide better results".

When the company has groups of highly motivated employees, easily realize positive results within the company, high productivity, integration among employees, greater efficiency in the production among others. With everything you can't lose focus on management of the motivation.

2.2 Motivating through incentives

For a long time it was believed that the highest form of motivating employees was through good wages, but many motivational studies indicate that the salary can be motivating, but it is not the main factor. Based on the theory of needs Maslow, realizes that something that the individual wants is reached another will arise if this is not met, certainly generates motivation, so if an employee craves a good salary and receive it, this is no longer the goal that motivates him to work. Emerging a new need, which can then be not only the salary factor and a large living room or other needs that may arise. Some bibliographies present us with some motivation from the person's own recognition as a motivational factor.

Many organizations seek to trigger the motivation of employees just for the money or job security. Opened up space for new management practices, so as to create conditions for personal growth that at the same time, contribute to the organizational objectives (CHANDRA 2009, p. 91).

Organizations thinking this way tends increasingly to value labour, turning to the needs and concerns of employees, in an attempt to be constantly causing the motivation, making the employee feel motivated. Search for introducing new actions and important for him to see how their activities within the company's value, a personal or individual recognition, but with the intention of bringing the team of the company and its managers, are ideas that serve to bring the contributor to the company's routine, causing him to motivate the reach their goals and therefore organizations tend to produce more.

The satisfaction of some requirements is temporal and transient, i.e. Human motivation is cyclical and driven by different needs. The behavior is almost a problem-solving process, satisfaction of needs as they arise (CHIAVENATO 2009, p. 124).

Therefore it is necessary that the direction of the company is attentive, regardless of company size, next to the employees to know their wishes. In this sense, Gil (2007, p. 201), States that "therefore, identify factors capable of fostering the motivation of employees and master the proper techniques for working with her come-becoming the most important tasks for managers".

The more the company valuing its employees, consequently will be stimulating self-motivation. Causing this appreciation is perceived by all explicitly, so that both are interconnected by performing this exchange a given the need of another.

Bowditch and Buono, 2004, apud Chandra, (2009, p. 96) reports "so that a individuals are motivated, he needs to value reward, believe that an extra effort will lead to a better performance and better performance will result in bigger rewards".

The motivation can also be triggered by stimuli through challenges, many employees are driven by new challenges, changing routines and environments, this strategy Gil, (2007, p. 212) States "so that people feel stimulated it is necessary to establish ambitious goals. Organizations that are content with modest goals they can't stimulate your teams to think big ". Simple but effective may cause motivators, management must be aware of your team to provide feedback, highlighting the work done in timely.

Receive precise returns on your performance makes the employee feel encouraged to persist in the direction of goals and allows you to adjust, if necessary, its methods of work (CHANDRA 2009, p. 96).

The simple fact of the leader or Manager follow the daily life of employees by providing them with information on the activities carried out, makes the motivation to grow in a specific group or individual, giving security to continue producing within the company, this important action has great results, because the developer ira feel safe to see people above him are willing to help, causing this availability more Union and commitment among employees and leadership.

Managers need to be attentive to the motivation of its employees. Need to be able to identify your needs and create the conditions for the tasks they are assigned, as well as your work environment, are able to satisfy them (GIL 2007, p. 202).

Companies find themselves in difficulties when it comes to motivation, seeking out solutions to solve problems of motivation, spending high values with lectures, with training among others, when the times lead to motivation cost very little, about this, Gil ( 2007, p. 210) States "the motivation generally reveals itself through expressions and gestures, such as a smile, an expression calls a confident look, or a quiet stance".

Analyses that the simplest of actions can be motivating, a smile, a good day, a congratulations, can do more effect than high wages. The motivation gives off of various actions, and that is does not depend on many external factors to be triggered, as it is the human being itself, and only he can open up to this provocation carried out by groups and people, so the motivation is a need that has not yet been reached and that tends to diminish or end when the need is achieved. There are many mechanisms and strategies so that businesses can stimulate and provoke so this dips into motivation in its employees. It's a great challenge to be achieved within the company, which must constantly ask themselves how best to motivate, this response can be answered by analyzing, follow the routine of work within the company, groups etc.

3.  Methodological Procedures

For research method was chosen the deductive method, for facilitating the methodology to be developed from the meeting with the purpose of the researcher. Were used to research tool, pre-established forms by the interviewer, to be applied in the field as needed the work that later will be tabulated and presented in forms of tables and charts.

The work was developed through bibliographical searches available, notes, drafts and collections of quotations, which best fit to support the research, which will be divided into three steps: reading and collecting quotes, for confronted with the reality to be established, the second will be held the digitalization of collected material and organization of the article, the third time will be held the necessary corrections and delivery of results.

4. Results

Presented in this section of the case study work performed in an apparel industry in the town of Rancho Alegre-PR. The Organization was chosen due to the researcher have worked at this company and would like to carry out an in-depth study in the institution, with the curiosity to understand how they could solve some problems identified in relation to the turnover of employees, mainly because it is an organization in a small town, which does not offer many career options.

4.1 Presentation of the collected data

Thirty (30) were applied questionnaires with structured questions to officials of the Organization, of the 45 (45) employees were interviewed thirty (30), accounting for 67% of total employees and one (01) questionnaire for the Manager of the Organization, also with structured questions. The aim of this research is to discover: the motivation of the employees were satisfied at work, if they were able to develop their functions and if the Organization had a plan of retention of its qualified staff.

The survey of employees owned the following questions: are you motivated in your job; What motivates you in your work; Do you understand what your immediate supervisor passes; The company offers some type of training; You participate in some sort of training that the company offers; Do you know the difference between Manager and leader; Do you agree with everything your manager proposes; How long do you have to;

The Manager of the company was applied the following questionnaire: the company offers motivational activities; How do you define your relationship with your employees; The company allows employees to participate in the decision-making process; And when you allow employees to participate in this decision making; Which benefits the company offers employees; The goals of the Organization are passed to employees; The company offers some training;

For employees the issues were presented as follows: the first question was regarding the employee be motivated and feel motivated in your working environment, because a collaborator motivated makes the workplace more favorable.

Relationship of motivation of employees
Chart 1: Relationship of motivation of employees
. Source: Researcher-2016

Of the 30 respondents can identify that 21 of the employees are very satisfied with the motivation that the company offers them. 09 and claim that the motivation offered don't like it at all. Motivation is a very important factor because it is what does the employee get up early to go to work, and produce more and more. The developer should feel important, be recognized and see that he's part of this team. The possibility to stay in the Organization, and the results are positive.

The second question relates to what the official Developer, understand how motivation factor and how it can influence its activities within the company.

The factors of motivation for employees
Chart 2: the factors of motivation for employees.
Source: Researcher-2016.

Through this study we found that 18 of the questioned consider that the company motivates them through wages, weekly rest 04 07 responded, believe nothing and 01 considers that are structural benefits the purpose of this question is to find out the main need of the employee and prepare the organisation to meet these needs and so present a motivational development plan. Every person has within itself a force, an ego that needs an action of the other party for her to feel motivated in such a way as to return. Many consider motivation as benefits: salary, profit sharing, holidays, courses, training, insurance, health insurance, among others.

The third question refers to the way the supervisor passes the information to its employees and if they understand your language.

Immediate supervisor communication X employees
Chart 3: communication immediate supervisor X employees.
Source: Researcher-2016.

It is possible to affirm that the employees at your most 29 are able to obtain the information that is being passed through your immediate superior, while 01 considers unable to understand his past. The developer must always be attentive to the information proposed by your supervisor. So that there is no conflict of information and may harm the company or even himself. A misinterpreted information can lead to serious damage. The supervisor must express themselves clearly and objectively, in a language that can be understood by all, clarifying possible doubts.

The fourth issue concerns if the organization offers some kind of training to employees and if they participate in any activity related to training.

Analysis of participation in training.

Analysis of participation in training
Chart 4: analysis of participation in training.
Source: Researcher-2016.

Research shows that 21 claim that the company never provided training and 09 said the company always seeks to keep them trained. In relation to employees participating in some training offered by the company, was presented

that never participated and that only 27 03 made some kind of training. It is very important to know if the company provides any type of training, and if your employees participate in some. The employee training can be considered as an investment for the company, because in a way educates the developer in the short term, causing it to get better knowledge and performance in your work, yielding more, with less time and more quality.

The fifth issue was for if the staff possessed knowledge between the difference of a boss and a leader.

Clarification between leadership and leadership
Chart 5: Clarification between leadership and leadersh
ip. Source: Researcher-2016.

Through the analysis, it was possible to observe that 25 of the employees don't know the difference between a boss and a leader, and only 05 said they know the difference. The difference between the boss and leader must be very clear on the concept of the worker, so he can know who collect certain attitude. A leader is the person who will guide you, will you represent, she takes a team up. Already the boss is a person more focused, the head of the team, someone who command.

What the sixth question presented to employees was for they agree with everything the Chief proposes on a daily basis.

Support to projects of the Chief
Chart 6: support to projects. So
urce: Researcher-2016.

The responses we observed that employees share their opinions between the Yes and no in question agree with everything your boss proposes. Half judges do not agree with everything proposed to him by the head, and the other half says be pleased with everything that is proposed by the boss. Agree with proposed decisions by a boss, it is not always easy. Because it sees superficially a due problem, but are the employees who witness him every day. In this case the developer participation and opinion are fundamental.

The seventh issue will refer to the length of service that each employee has within the company.

Company time.
Chart 7: Time. Sourc
e: Researcher-2016.

For the time of work in the company is evidenced that 14 people have two to five years, up to one year, 11 04 represent have one to two years and only 01 has more than five years. That is, the majority of employees are already in the company to more than 2 years, which makes us understand that they feel stable employment and that's organization prevents the rotation of officials. The age of the server within the enterprise is very interesting to know how the work is being done. A company with a large percentage of turnover just messing your image before the society. People go on commenting and judging without knowing the proper reasons. The issues were presented as follows, to the Manager:

The first question applied to the Manager was to find out if the company offers employees motivational activities in the workplace.

Motivational activities offered by the company
Chart 8: motivational Activities offered by the company.
Source: Researcher-2016.

According to the Manager, the company offers motivational activities, with the aim of its employees work more happy and satisfied for your production is more well developed and carried out, forming a pleasant and productive. The company should provide activities that are motivational for employees. Awakening in each the emergence of feel motivated. Each one has your way of motivation, so it takes the Organization to provide more than one type of benefit. The employee who feels motivated work happier, feel recognized, and consequently will produce more. We can observe in the graph 8, which the manager considers that the company offers motivational activities.

The second question referred as the Manager and employees relate to one another in the company.

As the manager sees the relationship with employees
Chart 9: As the manager sees the relationship with employees.
Source: Researcher-2016.

The result shows that the Manager's relationship with its employees was considered good, the good relationship between both parties in the workplace can bring greater efficiency and security, as employees feel more confident can demonstrate willpower in the work performed, and thus will strive to fulfill its tasks, always aiming to achieve the objectives of the company. The relationship between Manager and the employer must always be of much respect, anything exaggeration, all that is too much doesn't always work. The abuse of power can bring serious damage to the company. So the relationship of respect between the two parties is essential for there to be a peaceful and good to work with.

The third issue is concerning if the company lets employees can express their opinions and what are the moments that can be part of the decision-making process.

Participation in decision-making

Participation in decision-making
Chart 9: Participation in decision making.
Source: Researcher-2016.

Through the study of the Manager, the conclusion was reached that all employees participate in company decision-making, Yes, not only in weekly or monthly meetings, but at any time, in any organization it is necessary to know hear and analyse the opinions of employees, because usually the developer can view the cause of a problem that the Manager has not yet identified, and if suggestions are applied as suggested you can bring about change and improvement of the company. The participation of employees in decision-making is essential, they can see up close the problems pertaining to their respective areas. It is indicated that the company make meetings, either weekly or monthly, but at least once a month. Contributor may give suggestions for improvement and clarification of doubts.

The fourth question concerns the benefits that the company offers to its employees.

Chart 10: benefits.
Source: Researcher-2016.

For now the company is not providing any kind of benefit, because it is focused on improving and increasing of moulds for your products, but he never thought that the benefit could also be a form of motivation in which would stimulate employees to have a best professional development. It is already clear that the company that provides your employees some type of benefit has better performance and competitive advantage. There are many ways to provide some benefit, such as: health insurance, profit sharing, career plan, weekly rest, trainings and courses. But many companies are not yet aware of the great form of advantage it brings back.

The fifth issue was for if the Organization passes to their employees the plans and objectives for the future.

Internal communication
Chart 11: internal communication
. Source: Researcher-2016.

Analyzing the response you can verify that the Enterprise Manager lets your staff aware of the goals of the Organization, pass knowledge to all of the company and the objectives that are pursued is fundamental and becomes very valuable, as it is through these skills that each Member will know your real importance within the organization. Employees should be aware of all the objectives that are pursued by the company, so that they can produce at the same rate at which it is charged. They must participate in all the company proposes, therefore have greater sense of both which should produce at any given time.

The sixth question is referring to the company offer or offers any type of training training to employees.

Chart 12: train
ing.: Source-2016.

With the application of the research, it can be understood that the company offers to its employees any type of training upon entering and not over the years. Being trained employees can bring better development of routine tasks. Training is an investment in the growth of the company itself, is the source of competitive advantage vis-à-vis other competitors and bring great improvement in General for every company, it is essential for the employee to improve what you proposed to do. Many think that provide training to employees is a waste of time and money it's the other way around. The employee who has training makes your service faster and with higher quality.

In summary, research shows that employees in most of your work at the company for more than two years in the production sector. They claim to be motivated, and that's motivation comes through the monthly salary, praise the communication with the immediate supervisor and know the difference between Manager and leader, evened the question only agree with all the proposed Manager. The company for your time will have to review the part of training, because at no time offers to its employees.

It also shows that the Manager motivates his staff somehow and that relate very well inside and outside the company, the objectives are passed when necessary and can help in decision-making at any time it's convenient. The only point that the company is leaving something to be desired is that does not offer any kind of benefit and not training, because with the knowledge workers the company will become more productive and with less waste, and can still get more profit and just get offer some benefit to them, making it competitive.

5. Final Considerations

To propose as a theme of the work of conclusion of course motivation in enterprises in a clothing factory, the objective in deepening through bibliographies, factors, processes, programs and tools that influence the motivation of the industrial workforce. Therefore, it was necessary to show the developer as main source, focusing on your participation in the development of the company, the production of quality products and services. Causing the company to reach its goals and objectives. It was very important to understand the role of the company and its motivating actions seeking to understand the concepts of motivation and their effects on the daily life of the company.

The second time was performed a field research, with collaborators of the company concerned, reaching the following conclusions: employees in your most work at the company between two and five years, are motivated, motivational factor the salary monthly, communication with their supervisors is positive. Team work flows in a natural way, where all are focused to achieve the objectives of the company.

The questionnaire set out in the foreground, questions concerning the qualification of employees and what are the reasons that make them stay working at the same company for a long time. Based on this it was observed that the great deficiency of the company is not to conduct training and training for their staff, do not have other forms of incentives that can make employees feel more valued and motivated, taking as single item motivator's monthly salary.

Bibliographic studies indicate that motivating factors and respectively the production increase and quality this linked as the value that the company gives to its employees. Considering its human resources as well important to keeping them trained and motivated, offering significant benefits. In this way the company become more productive with less waste, and can still get more profits by increasing your competitiveness.

After extensive study, it is recommended the company to evaluate the results of field research undertaken taking knowledge of reality experienced within the enterprise in question. Analyze what are the needs that the company needs to overcome.

It is recommended that the company hire a professional or company to draw up programmes of motivation, incentives and training to be developed including the entire human resource that the company has, perform external trainings, providing employees possibility out of routine, deploying quality of life program, focusing on guidance on good health, physical activities and guidance for hypertensive patients.

Finally it is recommended that the company develop design thinking in the environment, such as reducing waste of natural resources, talks about how to care for the environment and recyclable materials to the right destination without polluting the planet, this form will be providing its employees, well-being and motivation to continue working at the company.


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OLIVEIRA, Djalma de Pinho Raheem. General theory of Management: A Practical Approach. 3 ed. São Paulo: Atlas 2012.


Questionnaire applied to employees of the factory.

1. You're motivated in your job?

() Yes () No.

2. What motivates you in your work?

() Structural Benefits

() weekly rest

() Nothing

Profit participation ()

() Salaries

() training/courses.

3. Do you understand what your immediate supervisor passes of information?

() Yes () No.

4. The company offers some type of training?

() Yes () No.

5. You participate in some sort of training that the company offers?

() Yes () No.

6. Do you know the difference between boss and leader?

() Yes () No.

7. Do you agree with everything your boss proposes?

() Yes () No.

8. How long have you been in business?

() up to 1 year.

() Of 1 to 2 years.

() Of 2 to 5 years.

() more than 5 years.

Questionnaire applied with the Manager.

1. The company offers motivational activities?

() Yes () No.

2. How do you define your relationship with your employees?

() () () Good

3. The company allows employees to participate in the decision-making process?

() Yes () No.

4. And when you allow employees to participate in this decision making?

() weekly meetings

() monthly meetings

() at any time

5. Which benefits the company offers employees?

() career plan

() health plan

() No

profit participation ()

6. The goals of the Organization are passed to employees?

() The times

() never

() Always

7. The company offers some training?

() Yes () No.

* Paper presented for completion of the course of administration and personnel management.

[1] Alessandro Simões – Professor of the course of College Educational Administration of Cornélio Procópio-FACED.

[2] Ademar Francisco Wolf Junior-Professor of the course of College Educational Administration of Cornélio Procópio-FACED

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