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People management practices: a case study of an insurance company in Brazil

RC: 14582
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SILVA, Luisa da Motta William Guilhermino [1], ANDREOTTI, Isabelle Toyoda [2], ALMEIDA, Anne Catherine Oliveira [3]

SILVA, Luisa da Motta William Guilhermino; People management practices: a case study of an insurance company in Brazil. Multidisciplinary Core scientific journal of knowledge. 9 Edition. 02 year, vol. 01. pp 95-114, December 2017. ISSN:2448-0959


In the current market scenario, many organizations seek to implement people management practices in order to, among other things, improve the quality of life in the work environment, motivate your employees and improve the performance of the company. Using the main theories of people management, strategic management of people, movement of people, performance evaluation, compensation and development, sought to understand what the theory is applied in businesses and in what way. For this he was made contact with representatives of the human resources Department of a large company, which operates in the insurance in Brazil. Complemented with the assessments made by the employees themselves through an online platform of valuation, it has been possible to establish a parallel between what the company claims that plans, organizes, directs and controls in your daily life and what is the real perception of employees about these practices.


This work has as its purpose the creation of a practical activity of applying concepts studied in the discipline of managing people, taught at the Faculty of Economics, administration and accounting at the University of Sao Paulo by Prof. Dr. Wilson Amorim.

For this, will be studied the policies and practices of personnel management of a real company, insurer with operations in Brazil, based on the theories learned in the course. Will develop the work in order to relate the content with the organizational reality, through a careful analysis about the company.

1. Methodology

First, the context involving a company and industry characterization of her performance. Will be held, also, an in-depth study on the theme of managing people and their main theories, based on readings from the course indication.

Then, the group, in contact with representatives of the human resources Department of the insurance company, through questions and based on material and information provided by the company, will study the reality of policies and management practices of people of order to analyse them from the theories studied. Will also be taken into consideration for the analysis of the processes of personnel management of company assessments and comments given by its employees through the platform "Love Mondays", in order to compare the strengths and weaknesses pointed out by the company with the singled out by officials.

2. The Company

The company was founded in 1945, as a general insurance company, with around 50 employees. Today, the company has 13000 employees and service providers, 12000 has 135 branches and regional offices, in addition to an insurance company in Uruguay. She meets, by these means, more than 24000 insurance brokers and more than 6 million customers in Brazil. Its seat is in Elysian fields, in the city of São Paulo. In all, 23 companies have divided into several segments. The company operates in all branches of insurance, Assets and People, which are complemented by other businesses that are related to your main activity.

The Mission of the company points to the your intention to offer quality services and low costs, and she "take risks and provide services through a family service that exceeds expectations, guaranteeing agility at competitive costs with social and environmental responsibility ". Their core values are cooperation, transparency, justice and attitude to meet with interest. To get in touch with the values and mission of this organization is possible to notice that she focuses a lot on the human side of people, is to talk about the family's experience and even in the phrase of Érico Veríssimo, which she says driving their values, "Why build skyscrapers if there are no more human souls to live in them ".

3. Sector of activity

Under a current look, Dick (2006) highlights the increasing market demand for the insurance sector in Brazil, reporting also the high competitiveness between companies of the same as well as your relevance and impact on the economic activity of the country. Is a market heavily characterized by a concentration of companies that compete significantly by volume and market share. According to SUSEP (Superintendence of private insurances), only the top ten groups holds about of 80% of Direct Awards.

The insurance market in Brazil is mainly composed of segments of automobile insurance and health insurance. Within each segment, there's a middleman who has key role in the operations of insurers: brokers. They provide assistance to customers in the evaluation of the risks in Exchange for a Commission. In this way, they establish a relationship with the consumer and have higher chances of capturing new clients for the company. According to the consultancy Axco, analyzing insurance marketed in Brazil today, about 70% are intermediated by brokers.

Currently, two of the larger trends pointed to are the policyholder base enlargement and the increased use of electronic media. The first refers to the fact that companies have designed more operations to marketing popular products than in the past, increasing the accessibility of the population to this service. The second, to the fact that many insurers already peforming various operations electronically, using digital media, a trend that follows several other sectors of the economy. In other words, insurers are and remain in constant service innovation to remain competitive in the Brazilian market.

The focus of the analysis insurer underwent a trajectory consistent with national. In more detail, at the time of your Foundation, was enabled to operate in insurance and reinsurance of property/casualty. Today, she expanded your activities and works in all branches of insurance, Assets and People, your main activity in addition to other segments: Auto, Business, Health, Life and transport, welfare, Consortium of real estate and Automobiles, investment management, finance, capitalization and credit card Protection and monitoring services to Condominiums and residences and telecommunications.

In comparison with the other companies in the insurance market, she has a very favorable situation, what can be perceived when the value of their shares is compared with that of other companies and she is in 4th place, second review of Exame Magazine. Even in a context of crisis that was the year of 2015 for several companies in the market, the insurer was among one of the 25 companies that grew back in the year.

4. Business features

The insurance business, the company's main features, as well as others of their business, as familiar, dealing directly with people, in order to ensure your satisfaction. To understand and analyze the points mentioned above can be concluded that corporate strategy has guidance for services, because it aims to meet the needs of specific clients, in which case they would be the people who have insurance and you need some type of aid. According to Fleury (2002), companies that adopt this strategy seek to approach the customer to satisfy their desires and to anticipate them, something that is sought by the insurer, in view of your mission ("provide services through a service that exceeds expectations ") and the various awards for customer satisfaction we received throughout your career.

5. Theoretical Review

5.1 strategic management of People

The model of people management is the way in which a company is organized to manage human behavior in it, composed of principles, policies and management practices and processes that implement guidelines and the relationship between those who work (FISCHER, 2002). It gains importance as organizations become more dependent on human behavior consistent with their actions and goals, being determined by both internal factors, like your strategy, technology, culture and organizational structure, as external to it, as legislation, labor culture in society, role of the State and other agents.

Fischer (2002) points out that for various historical contexts or in the industry, the management approach is different. In the early 20th century, the management of people referred to a personnel department, area of bureaucratic processes-oriented company that saw the official as a factor of production, from the company's needs. In the decades of 30 and 40, the use of Psychology led to concern about human behavior and his management. In the 70 and 80, arises the concern to link human resource management strategies of the organization. From the late 80, changes in international markets, incited the search for competitiveness, competitive companies would be those that were able to reinvent yourself and change the sector. The management of people, then, began to be seen as a competitive advantage of the company to get narrower links between human performance, development of human skills, with the company's results, its powers. So, people are seen as a strategic resource of the Organization, skills needed to achieve a differentiated positioning.

In this way, organizations compete through skills, seeking to attract and develop people with knowledge, skills and attitudes that meet their own core competences (FLEURY, 2002). Competence, thus it is the intertwining between the person, your education and your professional experience (LE BOTERF, 1995 apud FLEURY, 2002) and is defined as "a knowing Act responsible and acknowledged that entails mobilizing, integrating, transfer knowledge, resources, skills, that aggregate economic value to the Organization and social value to the individual "(FLEURY, 2002, p. 55). The demand for some companies by a new system of remuneration and the fact the job no longer a reference led to the use of complex patterns, gradients of competencies to measure the different contributions of people (DUTRA; COMINI, 2010).

Following this line of competition through skills, is reinforced the idea of the need to link them with the business strategy. According to Prahalad and Hamel (1990 apud FLEURY, 2002), to have key role in the Organization, powers should offer real benefits to customers, be difficult to imitate and allowing access to different markets. Fleury (2002) still points to an essential competence must be associated with a systematic learning process, involving discovery, innovation and training. In this way, the Organization, depending on the context, define your strategy and skills to her, in a continuous process of learning. Therefore, a strategy for innovation in products, operational excellence and a guidelines for services require different skills. A company with service orientation, for example, requires skills to meet the needs of specific clients, creating a closeness with them and even anticipating their desires to offer differentiated services.

That competitiveness of the 80, in the following decade, the emergence of a new psychological contract between people and organizations, that if built on mutual development (DUTRA; COMINI, 2010). People began to worry about your autonomy and your development, moving more on market, have shorter careers and living longer, wanting to stay active. In the years 2000 appear more trends that intensify the demand for development of people along with the organization. These are the growth of the working distance, the increasing concern of people with your family and the generation of babyboomers "in Brazil to exert great pressure for space in organizations, expelling them other generations.

However, Dutra and Comini (2010) indicate that, in Brazil, most companies still adopting the traditional model of people management, a situation that can be explained by cultural issues. The Brazilian, despite worrying about your development and your career, rarely assumes the management of them, leaving this at the expense of the company and charging her, while she introduces a protective posture and dismissed.

In the case of this development, Delhi and Comini (2010) highlight that the occupational space, that is, the set of roles and responsibilities of the people is dynamic and varies according to the needs of the company or of the environment and the ability of the person to meet them. So, when the person is able to take on more complex responsibilities, she develops. This development by expanding the level of abstraction of the person, the level of understanding of the context, when one deals with a situation more demanding (STAMP 1989, apud DUTRA; COMINI, 2010). To develop the people, can use formal or informal actions, structured through performances in own work and more important as greater complexity of assignments, since she still demands more knowledge and use experiences that people already have than new ones.

However, rarely development programs provide this important confrontation with the most demanding situations. Similarly, many times the person assumes such situations, develops, but receives no signs of it. Still, there is an imbalance between the level of contribution of people and your remuneration. Another problem arising from this search for mutual development, according to Dutra and Comini (2010), is that, often, companies develop people but have no condition to absorb them in order to take advantage of your potential. The fact that high-level positions are already filled career progression disrupted the lower levels. To solve this, there should be a review of the career stream, providing the growth of people up to a point and then prepare to leave the company, involving the movement of people. This review would offer a professional progression adjusted to company and industry should prepare successors, since it is common that there are gaps of succession, namely, large differences between the highest level of complexity of a position and the lower position following the stream.

5.2 moving people

For Delhi (2002), the movement of people in the labour market can be viewed under two perspectives: the company and the person. When speaking of the companies, major decisions related to the drive are the planning, and the attraction of people, your socialization and acclimatization, repositioning, and replacement. In the perspective of the people, the decisions are the insertion in the labour market, better job opportunities, and finally the withdrawal from the labour market.

An important point emphasized by the author is that the personnel management and strategic management influence one another, not isolated factors, as they used to believe. This is for several reasons, but mainly because of the people influencing the company's strategy and also because they are to implement. According to Fleury and Fleury (1999), strategies and expertise, become each other through a process of learning.

Thus, the strategic management of people can be defined as a structured process of interaction of people, and this relates mainly to the alignment of expectations, that is, both parties have clear to you what to expect from each other.

According to Delhi (2002), the drive can be divided into the following categories: catchment, internalization, transfer, expatriation and replacement.

The collection relates to the search and selection of people, internalizing allows people to act in the Organization, knowing the culture and your role within it. Transfer about the movement of people within the company, expatriation relates to employee change movement of country and, finally, the replacement is the movement out of the company (Dutra, 2002).

5.3 Performance Review

According to Fernandes and Hippolytus (2010), there is no doubt about the importance of performance evaluation, since it subsidizes decisions in various dimensions of management, however, difficulties in the process of performance evaluation persist even in the present day : high subjectivity, lack of feedback and unpreparedness of managers would be framed as some of the principal.

To work on top of these issues and develop a proper assessment to the Organization, the text points out what the purpose of the evaluation (individual and collective actions converging towards what was previously planned) and their categorizations, as what the organization intends to assess: the evaluation can be centered on knowledge skills and attitudes; in goals and objectives; in professional development; object-oriented analysis of the profile and the potential.

In all of these guidelines, the text reveals the concept of jurisdiction as being a fundamental parameter is currently reviewing the employee, either at the time of guide you. Each organization, as their needs and culture, will adopt performance evaluation processes with different focus, but always in order to analyze the performance of the processes of the Organization and how the same come reaching what was expected.

5.4 Development

According to Delhi (2002), support for the development of employees is important to maintaining the competitiveness of an organization, considering that the people should be prepared for increasingly complex contexts. The development of people, whose definition is "ability to take on roles and responsibilities in increasing levels of complexity" (DUTRA, 2002, p. 102), is directed by the concepts of competence and career, which is a sequence of poses and work involving the development of the company with the official. So, there is a continuous exchange of expertise between both.

In relation to career plans, Dutra (2002) points out the need to have a system of Career Management to reconcile the two developments pointed, structuring and organizing opportunities for careers in planning for most people, as well as an identification of suitable people for the organizational needs (WALKER 1980, apud DUTRA, 2002). This system is composed of principles, which guarantee the consistency of what has been agreed upon between both parties; career structures, defining succession, recovery and access requirements of positions; management tools, which support individual career decisions, career management and communication between people and company; roles in the administration of careers, and the role of the person to manage your own, knowing yourself, your professional project and opportunities, and encourage and support staff in this matter, taking care of the system definition, the strategy of making him the principles of modeling methodology, implementation and update (DUTRA, 2002).

Following the logic of deliveries required, the careers can be professional or managerial, operational, and the change to a different career presents difficulties for both people and companies. According to Delhi (2002), every career in the company is an axis coupled to fundamental processes, for which the major powers should be defined, and the characterization of deliveries expected at each level of the career should be observable, so that the development can be accompanied, in accordance with the level of complexity.

Dutra (2002) points out that people don't plan to both their careers unless they are pressured by external stimuli. Some of them are related to greater diversification opportunities, to the idea of stronger possibility of people influencing your own career and the value of flexibility and growth. It is also the company stimulate this planning, due to your quest for a more entrepreneurial profile, which is achieved when strokes career plans. It is of great importance because, in the absence of a defined trajectory, the person may be stuck in a position that requires a lot of your weaknesses and little of the strong, hindering development, not have focus and have low vision about development alternatives. According to London and Stumpf (1982 apud DUTRA, 2002), so that the person you plan your career, you should do a self assessment, establishing objectives and implement the plan.

Dutra (2002) also points to the importance of the knowledge of the market before settling the objectives, the establishment of a strategy before defining the plan, and to accompany him after your implementation, in addition to the matter of negotiation with the company, followed by the choice of including it or not in the project, the assessment of opportunities and requirements to proceed with the plan. This career choice for people can be due to the compatibility between the person and the work chosen, or the path of a person's life, influenced by various types of environmental pressure.

The chapter also focuses on structuring of development actions, which can be categorized into formal (developed with methodologies, guidance and specific materials) and non-formal (structured based on the situations employee). In this way, using a system of roles and responsibilities and an evaluation scale, you can determine which competencies the employee needs to develop more and from that draw a portfolio of actions to achieve them.

5.5 the remuneration

The remuneration within the organizations is often seen as the main form of valorization of employees, but this is a much more broad. According to Delhi (2002), "the valuation is carried out with the rewards received by people in return for your work to the Organization", and these rewards that are cited are not limited to the salary, since according to Delhi they range from of people growth, through economic compensation to the possibility to express yourself by your job.

The key point in this discussion is how to individualize the people in your organization to define who will receive the reward, and to achieve this goal are used two criteria, the labour market and internal standards of fairness (Dutra, 2002).

The point that most defines the importance of determined activity to organization is how much value it adds to your organization, how can you measure the levels of complexity of the tasks, according to Elliott Jacques (1994 apud Dutra, 2002), that makes it easier fit people at a certain level of complexity and measure your performance easier, as each level has their expectations in relation to your final product. The acceptance of this concept is mainly the design of evaluation which currently has, in which the person is assessed by your delivery and not the activity that is performed.

For Delhi (2002) the remuneration may be direct or indirect, with the direct is referring to salary, that is, what you get in pecúnia and indirect is the trade-off that is not in the form of money, can be, for example, a health plan benefit.

There is another type of classification for remuneration that is the basic remuneration that is associated with the exchange of money for individual skill, seniority remuneration which is related to the seniority of the employee, pay for performance that depends on the results brought to the company and finally a hint that is presented in the form of benefits, services or facility (MARTOCCHIO .1998).

In General, what we see in the literature studied is that regardless how you rate the pay, this will remain a relevant theme in the management of people, since in a market where more and more talent contest in which they make it possible to gregar more value to the ways to know the appreciation is through salary or other benefits, this discussion will still have plenty of room.

6. Search results

6.1 handling of People

The completion of recruitment is conducted by Selection area with the participation of the contracting area. The final opinion, however, is given by the Manager, supported by analyst. There are criteria for the participation of the candidates, both internal and external, as company time, time in the field and in the Office, education and requirements established by the Manager.

The interviews follow the model of behavioral interviewing, based on the skills required by the position.

The company performs four types of recruitment: internal, external and internal, interníssimo. Inside, for dissemination to all employees, inscription made by them, historical analysis, group dynamics, application of technical evidence if necessary, interviewing skills and profile evaluation. The candidate chosen is then forwarded to the medical exams to change of function. Interníssimo recruitment, vacancies are published by management or coordination supplicant for all employees of her own, but is the area of Selection which carries out the selection process, with the participation of the contractor. Already in focused, vacancies are advertised by management or coordination requisitante, focusing on officials of the area for which it has an interest. Target area managers and stakeholders of the vacancy shall comply with the disclosure of the vacancy. Finally, on external recruitment, there is dissemination of vacancy and search of resumes through the company's Web site, social networks and other sites. Are held press conferences, interviews by organizational skills, tests, evaluations and technical evidence, if necessary. The candidate chosen is then forwarded to medical examination and delivery of documents for signing.

Are also conducted selection processes, existing Diversity program since 2006, aimed at the social inclusion of people with disabilities in the company. Special positions are defined through a survey with the Manager to identify the best candidate profile and what type of disability best fits in the area. In the selection, for an initial screening and individual interviews.

6.2 performance evaluation

The evaluation process is carried out on the basis of the objectives and organizational skills, taking place throughout the year to constantly establish a dialogue between managers and employees, to align the goals of individual objectives and areas translate the strategy into action. Is the basis for the development of employees and for the variable compensation Program.

There is a bi-annual evaluation and monitoring of goals throughout the year. The feedbacks are given to employees in a structured way at least once a year and all employees participating in the process of defining criteria for salary actions, promotions, transfers, training, among others.

So are achieved better results, are carried out in addition to the monitoring of performance and formal and informal feedback, management indicators, internal meetings, courses and offering scholarships and study.

6.3 development and training

The company has several projects for the development of your human part, within them the internship program that aims to attract and develop new talents so that they build a career within the company. Another project is the Home office, so the employee has the possibility to work from home, this measure was taken so much because it allows the optimization of the physical space of the company and contributes to happiness and improvement in the quality of life of employees. Then there's the young apprentice project, in which provides a course and enables young people from 16 to 24 years are inserted into the labour market.

In relation to training, they empower leaders through internal and external institutional training to verify the need to provide them to employees through understanding of the request through the process of psychodrama, through interviews and questionnaire with both the leaders and the led. This is also done through the analysis of the goals and how they relate to how the training team can collaborate. Finally, through constant performance analysis is possible to understand what are the biggest difficulties and thus help them to improve.

The training can be both face-to-face and distance as after all they are made a post-test to check and evaluate it. The training that the company offers are about time management, leadership, team training, interpersonal relationships, project management and integration of new employees. In relation to training in the Branch are used the same techniques as in the headquarters, but who performs are for technical content and external consultancies behavioral.

6.4 Remuneration

The company carries out a salary survey once or twice a year, depending on the segment. Apply two types of wage increase, by collective bargaining and on merit.

The classification of positions and salaries is based on market values, without applying a higher percentage for competitiveness. Employees who perform the same function are paid according to the pay grade that the position belongs, but there may be differences due to individual performance. However, the company does not pay for skills, in which the employee earns for skill practice and initiative.

In addition to wages, some areas work on Commission, or campaigns, as forms of remuneration for additional wage incentive for good performance or results achieved. Are also offered several benefits to employees, such as: profit sharing; medical assistance; check up; dental care; meal assistance; food stamps; vehicle acquisition; aid nanny; daycare allowance; aid disabled son; aid scholarship; language assistance; drugstore; life insurance; Valley Transportation; Payroll loans; supplementary pension plan.

6.5 Organisational Climate

The company conducts an organizational climate survey every two years and both the result as the improvement actions are presented to all employees. To improve the organizational climate, so this diagnosis as other tools, like breakfast with employees, team meetings, integration between the areas, training programs to enhance the relationship of the employees, development of skills, among others.

Besides the climate, the human resources consulting and Diagnostics carried out by areas contributes to align employees ' interests with those of the organization. For developers realize internal equity and justice, the company has an open-door policy and also employees ' conversations with the President.

6.6 quality of life programs

Depending on the spacing of several employees with RSI (repetitive strain Injury), the insurer imposed a work of Gymnastics, in addition to specific activities like Yoga, relaxation, Tai Chi Chuan and dynamic (and integration activities stimulating teamwork and motivation).

Later, realizing the need to not only have a care with the health of employees, but also allow them to have a good relationship with the rest of the Organization, was created the program of quality of life. With the implementation of the same there was the decrease in the indices of READ and search for clinics, as well as the improvement of the interpersonal relationship of the employees, that is, a positive result both in health as in the organizational climate.

7. Analysis of the data

A general analysis of the evaluations given by the staff allows us to conclude that the company is considered to be good to work with, being your weakest point the career opportunities offered, with note 3.3 to 5. The issues of compensation and benefits, culture and quality of life all feature Note equal or above 4-4, 4.1 and 4, respectively. Still, the vast majority of the officials who assessed the company would recommend, a sign that they are satisfied with it, something also pointed to by General index of satisfaction, of 4.1. The following image shows the average of the evaluations made.

Figure 1-Average insurance assessments by the staff. Source: Love Mondays (
Figure 1-Average insurance assessments by the staff. Source: Love Mondays (

For the analysis of the processes of personnel management, in the following topics, were considered the data obtained about them through the account of the insurer and the 339 evaluations and comments made by officials through the Love Mondays and the theory presented.

7.1 Handling

Through the analysis of the recurring comments regarding movement on the Love Mondays, attachment to work, it was possible to obtain impressions that employees have in relation to handling processes.

First, as regards the promotion process, there is the emphasis on the fact that there is high stability in the company, with reports of employees who are or who know several others with many years of business, something that seems to be shared in a positive way on organizational culture. However, a constant dissatisfaction with the slow and/or difficulty that many find to want to climb inside the company. Among the main reasons given for this are:

  • The high degree of fellowship between the company's employees. Promotions appear to often be based on friendships, and not on issues of desirable skills or levels of delivery and
  • Instability in the number of vacancies for promotion
  • Lack of internal communication about the criteria used for promotion even with such difficulties, officials believe that overall the company has several growth opportunities, as well as several comment that had the insurer as your gateway to the labour market. According to Delhi (2002), from the perspective of the people, the organizational role in the movement of people is to provide the insertion, permanence and withdrawal from the market, which seems to be being observed in this case.

As for the recruitment and selection processes, the company reports seem pretty consistent with the comments of the site Love Mondays: there's a big focus on internal recruitment processes (internal selection, interníssima and internally focused), beyond that great part of the selection process and decision making is under the figure of the manager responsible for the area in question. However, the officials, although aware of this situation, do not seem to be satisfied with the same and even had the expectation processes of human resources structured in such a way. This shows that at this point in particular there is a mismatch between company and employee in Delhi (2002) claims to be one of the main conditions of the strategic management of people: the alignment of expectations.

External selection processes were less discussed, but stood out the that insert people in employment, internship and trainee programs.

Finally, as for the transfer processes, observed a high dissatisfaction on the part of employees about the inflexibility of the Organization in this type of action. One of the reasons given, the more applicant was the lack of unity between the areas of the company, which would make an official with talents and skills required to migrate to another function.

7.2 Valuation

Through the comments left by employees in the social network, Love Mondays, attached at work, one can realize that in general the company offers benefits that are well valued by employees, as in comment 4, are cited health care and dental insurance, retirement and end-of-year parties. However, there is a point that has been raised with certain frequency by the staff that is not feel so valued by direct remuneration policies, that is, some of them pointed out that salaries are not the most attracts in the company.

According to the comments the programs offered by the company makes employees feel good, in the material provided by the company are quoted several support programs, such as losing to win Program (intended for obesity morbid), nutritional re-education programme (weight watchers), flu vaccination program, Program of hypertension, diabetes and vascular disease prevention, Preventing hypertension, Weeks of health, dental health week, Week of good vision, Accident prevention week and Gestate (program for pregnant women), which demonstrates the concern that the company has to take care of your collaborator. In addition, employees can also count with a team of safety of work and activities such as Party Reminder that honors employees with the participation of family members by their years. With it you can relate these measures taken by the insurer with what was said by Dutra (2002) "companies seek to highlight the value of the benefits offered to employees can evaluate your importance in relation to the fixed remuneration", and order as it ends up being perceived by her collaborators, that is, looking for that perspective the company invests a lot in indirect compensation that is equivalent to an additional salary (remuneration), as it is not received in kind by employee.

7.3 Development

From the comments made by company officials, were selected and analyzed some of the considered most relevant to the assessment of development processes, available in annex.

The general analysis of the feedback allows us to realize that while there are several training and development processes, there is a problem in the structuring of the careers of officials (whose note given was 3.3 of 5, the smallest of the company) and in performance.

As for training and development processes, the data provided by the insurer show that there are several programmes involving youth and development since the new talent through internships and projects of young apprentice, non-formal development, until the development of officials who are already in the company, counting with institutional and external trainings on various topics, which show how formal development actions. There is also the use of the working distance, appointed by Dutra and Comini (2010) as a trend that intensifies the demand for development of the people in conjunction with the organization.

These actions are evaluated later to check for changing needs them, highlighted by Dutra (2002) as important, and the company is concerned to verify the need for further training and to give importance to requests from officials about it. Most of the comments made by officials confirms this positive aspect, stating that there really is a lot of stimulating development and learning, with constant training. Some comments also point to the motivation that the company gives to employees so that they seek to develop, an issue of great importance according to Dutra (2002). However, there are officials who claim that there is need for greater professionalism in some areas, but these are the minority.

In the case of performance evaluations, the company States that they are constant, with delivery of structured feedback to employees at least once a year and ongoing monitoring, seeking their development and the formation of a foundation for other actions such as variable compensation. The assessment is made based on competencies and organizational objectives. Few comments were made about this issue, but the staff that evaluated stated that the process is shallow, only a bureaucracy, which does not truly development collaborates by not giving feedback properly. Some stated that this issue should be overload or the unpreparedness of the supervisors, who cannot properly evaluate employees, giving confusing information to end the dragging down, which are singled out by Fernandes and Hippolytus

(2010) as being difficulties in evaluation processes. This is a problem in so far as, according to Delhi (2002), the development of people is the most important performance dimension and, therefore, he should be given special attention, indicating how people could improve on this question by evaluating , something that doesn't seem to be happening.

Finally, as regards the structuring of careers, not company data were obtained, but the comments made by officials make it clear that there are problems in this regard. Some claim that there are many opportunities for growth, but these can be specific cases, because many claim that there is a lack of career plan and opportunities for higher positions. These positions are occupied by people with many years of company, which makes the career progression of the lower levels, even if these are provided several training and learning tools. Thus, the company develops in people skills, but can't provide opportunities to apply them, which means the development of them. This is a problem pointed out by Dutra and Comini (2010), which, according to the authors, is very common.

In addition, the company doesn't seem to be prioritizing the skills required for the position in question and the level of complexity of the tasks of the staff time to promote them for him. Analyzing the comments, instead, she seems to prioritize staff time or those who have a close relationship with the high levels, such as friendship, even if they are technically unprepared or which do not follow the values of the company . Thus, some claim that the issues of career advancement and meritocracy are confusing, and that many stagnate in a same function for years.

Final Considerations

The analysis of the processes of the company allows to infer that she uses the strategic model of people management, with a strategic human resources vision, whereas a source of competitive advantage. It is perceived from the recruitment, which takes the notion of skills required, until the various trainings for which the employees to give them the personal skills that enable the core competencies of the company. It is noted a large appreciation of the employees of the insurer, the feature model.

In General, the company shows how cozy when applying the management processes of people, in particular the processes of capture, to recruit young people to provide a long and stable career within the Organization, which is valued by many who work there. However, when encountering promotion processes, see if a constant dissatisfaction of employees with the structure of the selection process, which claim to be very focused on opinion and interpersonal relationship of the Manager with the candidates. In addition, there are also high dissatisfaction with the inflexibility in movement between areas, often they are disconnected from each other and not for lack of internal talent to take on new positions. In view of these aspects, the balance tends to be negative in terms of handling processes.

Through the analysis of the recovery of the organization can realize the company has a focus on indirect remuneration, that is, it has a great focus on developing programs to improve the quality of life of the employee, either through your health or your recognition and does not have a focus so great in developing a differential for the direct remuneration of its employees.

As for the development process, the company presents positive points on the issue of training and education programs, as well as encourage the development of skills in employees. However, presents problems in performance evaluations, both in their execution and feedback, which makes the development of the employees themselves. The biggest problem involving development, however, is shown as being the issue of career, because while the employees are trained to new levels of complexity, not find opportunities for career progression, because the higher positions are already occupied and because there is a prioritization of people with too much time or who have good relations with important people.

In this way, it should be noted that the insurer of this analysis work, overall, presents itself as a good organization to work, with good reviews by the officials, because they identify with the culture and enjoy the benefits, training and the company climate. However, when you study the details of the processes of personnel management, note that there are certain problems in relation to specific aspects, such as career and fixed remuneration of some positions. Thus, it is seen that the company should focus on a continuous improvement of its processes, without be content only with the strengths highlighted by your staff today.

Limitations of the work

The analysis had been made based on material provided by the company itself, and to give more credibility to this, comments made by officials on the platform Love Mondays. However, it is necessary to consider that the data provided by the company may be skewed. In addition, the Love Mondays allows any registered person make a company evaluation where she says work or have worked, so the source can contain some unreliable information. The job sought, within these limitations, making a comprehensive review of the management processes of people, seeking to get a reasonable number of comments to minimize the effects.


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Appendix 1: examples of comments on Love Mondays on moving

  1. "… many opportunities for employees. I was one that had and started as a service provider and today I am part of the Corporation… ".
  2. "… When I boarded in the professional market did not have any experience, 15 years after today it is my privilege to be able to continue in the headcount. "
  3. "Does not stimulate competitiveness between employees"
  4. "… many internal vacancies at the gate. "
  5. "There's an opening for home office if you are within the criteria."
  6. "Due to the autonomy that leaders possess, an area is very different from the other, it takes a bit of courage to change area internally and the company and the employee come out."
  7. "… promotions appear to clearly be made based on friendship than technical competence. Also lacks a more direct channel of communication and anonymous with the RH, which could capture opinions like that… "
  8. "The evaluation processes of internal waves could follow a more institutional pattern, which often are only in charge of the evaluation of managers from each sector, which end up being influenced by relationship with candidates for"
  9. "The promotion depends on the number of slots … And how the company is very good. Nobody wants to leave. Then you get into the dilemma of being in a good company, but with a long-term career.
  10. "Internal recruitment Method fail, from my point of view, not to be judged so on merit".
  11. "… some Supervisors/employees who are not trained enough to perform certain functions, classify this as "HR" hole for not selecting what company has the best in your staff. "
  12. "Not to take advantage of talents within the company so that the same receive an offer if aims to grow, you have to apply to vacancies existing internal and sometimes there are interesting talents in a person, but it occupies a function"

Appendix 2: examples of comments on Love Mondays on recovery

  1. "… attention to the quality of life of employees, benefits package, opportunities for learning and growth "
  2. "Where do you think human Company in its staff, helpful and help you up and always move on giving many opportunities for growth…".
  3. "Salary, benefits, recognition, party, well-planned training and applied. Leaders who are together with you, who really care about the employee and help … ".
  4. "Great employee benefits such as health insurance, dental, pension and scholarship. There is also an amazing cultural complex in the array. Receive training.

Appendix 3: examples of comments on Love Mondays on development

  1. "Encouraging employees to be always renewing and vocational courses, investment in employees.
  2. "Some areas feature leaders unprepared to perform the function, which could harm the"
  3. "… helps you up and always move on giving many opportunities for growth "
  4. "… well planned training and applied. Leaders who are together with you, who really care about the employee and in "
  5. "… receive training "
  6. "A company of all the growth opportunity for the employee."
  7. "The career plans are frozen in it. His career in Y, where there are expert in YOU is not being implemented at the rate we expected. "
  8. "Current Managers without leadership structure."
  9. "Few growth opportunities for managerial positions. The pyramid is very narrow. "
  10. "… new leaders who do not follow the values of "
  11. "Company still lacking in professionalism in some areas."
  12. "… There is no career plan.. The promotion depends on the number of slots … And how the company is very good. Nobody wants to.. "
  13. "The human sensitivity and the genuine interest by the next motivates want to grow and take on new challenges always!"
  14. "The superiors are so overworked that they can't take time to better assess (follow) the development of each employee. Little chance of "
  15. "Ancient Officials and unprepared, few opportunities to leadership positions. Operating employees stagnate in its functions, without support for growth. There is no "plan
  16. "Development opportunities. Business diversity and can expand and change the direction of your career. "
  17. "In positions of coordination, management, Board of Directors are people with many years of business, hinders the development of the new, because the company"
  18. "Lack of opportunity for growth. The issue of meritocracy is pretty messed up with strange reviews and subject to managers who are not always "
  19. "Many people who have years of business, has no technical preparation to occupy positions that are. Lack of personnel management, and valuation of who dedicates himself to his studies. There's financial incentive to study, but it is not leveraged this workmanship "
  20. "Lack of growth opportunity for new employees and visibly beneficial to employees. You have to put a lot of stress and pressure to be accepted by the company. Just so you (maybe) gets a full level, senior and Coordinator in the future. "
  21. "I have the impression that there is no career plan. Keep-for many years the same position and performing the same "
  22. "… managers encourage and at the hour of performance evaluation end some distorted information. Where the employee feels "
  23. "The form of staff assessment is superficial and only made for compliance with goals, not instructing truly employees in improvements to your growth."

[1] University of São Paulo School of Economics, administration and accounting

[2] University of São Paulo School of Economics, administration and accounting

[3] University of São Paulo School of Economics, administration and accounting

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