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Management by Competencies and Differentiated Results: Systematic Literature Review

RC: 132065
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LANDIM, Liduina Maria das Chagas [1]

LANDIM, Liduina Maria das Chagas. Management by Competencies and Differentiated Results: Systematic Literature Review. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year 03, Ed. 06, Vol. 03, p. 5-22, June 2018. ISSN:2448-0959, Access link:


Through a systematic review of the literature, the present study analyzed the scientific literary production published in Qualis A1, A2 and B1 journals, under the theme People Management by Competencies, with the purpose of identifying differentiated results with the implementation of the management model of people in organizations. With this focus, the methodology of integrative systematic review was adopted for this research, consisting of 06 steps: 1st step – identification of the research topic; 2nd stage – establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria; 3rd stage – careful reading of titles, abstracts and keywords of all complete publications located by the search strategy; 4th stage – categorization of articles; 5th stage – analysis and interpretation of results and, finally, the 6th stage – presentation of the synthesis of knowledge. It was concluded from the research that although there are relevant studies addressing the topic management by competences, the research focuses on the definition of concepts or methodology for the identification of essential, individual and/or organizational competences or presents the theme competence linked to the results of strategic objectives. There is a lack of studies in which the effectiveness of the competency-based management model is verified to achieve differentiated results by organizations arising from implementation.

Keywords: People Management, Competency Management, Implementation, Differentiated Results, Systematic Review.


The issue of competence has been much discussed, both in academic circles and in organizations. The theme involves different levels of understanding, both in the individual sphere and in the organizational field, the latter more related to the organization’s essential competences. The concepts of organizational, individual or human and team competences are treated by several authors, among them: Brandão and Guimarães (2001); Dutra (2000); Fernandes et al. (2006); Fleury and Fleury (2001); Prahalad and Hamel (1990).

The interest in the strategic management of human resources, according to Brandão and Guimarães (2001), gave rise to a series of theories and practices of human resources, making concepts such as competence, performance and employability the object of discussion and studies of many organizations, sometimes acquiring different connotations, being used in different ways both in the business environment and in the academic environment.

The competency-based people management model emerged with a proposal to promote human resource management, both at the organizational, individual and team levels, and emerges as a real alternative to traditional human resources methods (CARBONE, 2009).

Theories on the subject emphasize how one of the objectives of competency management is to achieve differentiated results, although the organization may run the risk of implementing a competency management model and not achieving the objectives set or not being able to identify the benefits with the implementation of the model (DUTRA, 2000; MUNCK et al. 2011).

In this context, although there are relevant studies addressing the topic management by competences, the research focuses on the definition of concepts or methodologies for the identification of essential, individual and/or organizational competences, or presents the theme competence linked to the results of strategic objectives.

There is a lack of studies in which the effectiveness of the competency-based management model is verified to achieve differentiated results that come from its implementation in the organization.

The present study proposes, through a systematic review, to identify differentiated results with the implementation of the people management model in organizations.



Prahalad and Hamel (1990) when discussing Core Competence (term translated into Portuguese as “competências essenciais”) translate these as unique and distinctive strategies of an organization that give it an intrinsic competitive advantage and, therefore, give the organization a performance superior to that of its competitors. The authors approach the concept of competence at the organizational level, defining it as a set of knowledge, skills, technologies, physical and managerial systems and values ​​capable of generating a competitive advantage for the organization.

Only organizational resources have a competitive advantage, according to Barney (1991), when this advantage is sustained in a valuable, rare, inimitable and without substitute resource. Resources are valuable if they allow the organization to develop strategies that improve efficiency and effectiveness. For the author, not all the firm’s resources carry the potential to sustain competitive advantages. Thus, to be a source of sustainable competitive advantage, the company’s human resources must create value for the organization.

According to Carbone et al. (2009), “Organizational competencies are attributes of the organization that make it effective, allow it to achieve its objectives and generate benefits perceived by customers”.

Dutra (2013) says that, when we put organizations and people together, it is possible to verify a continuous exchange of competences, considering that the organization invests in people to develop their individual capacities and these people transfer their learning to the organization, which is able to face new challenges. In the conception of Brandão and Guimarães (2001), human competences are classified as those related to the individual or the work team and organizational competences related to the organization as a whole.

At the individual level, according to Pires et al. (2005), it is possible to define competences as professional or human, when they relate to individuals or teams.

The concept of organizational competence leads to the concept of performance, and this is linked to the results that an organization achieves in a given period (FERNANDES et al., 2006).

Human or professional competences are understood as synergistic combinations of knowledge, skills and attitudes, expressed by professional performance in a given context or in a given organizational strategy (CARBONE et al., 2005) and (FREITAS; BRANDÃO, 2005). The person’s performance, then, represents an expression of their competences (BRANDÃO; GUIMARÃES, 2001).

Carbone et al. (2009) understand competences as the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to perform a certain activity, but also as the performance expressed by the person in a given context, in terms of behaviors and achievements and currents of mobilization, and application of knowledge, skills and activities at work. According to the author, Human Competencies are: “synergistic combinations of knowledge, skills and attitudes, expressed by professional performance within a given organizational context, which adds value to people and organizations” (CARBONE et al., 2009, p. 43).

Rabaglio (2008), when dealing with competencies, also brings the concepts of knowledge, skill and attitudes, in which the first refers to the need that the position has for academic training, technical knowledge, specialties. The author states that there is no practical requirement for this stage of competence, only training and prerequisites necessary for the position. As for skills, these are understood as experience, practice, mastery of knowledge, and finally, as for attitude, it is linked to values, emotions, feelings expressed through human behavior.


The competency-based people management model has long ceased to be considered a “fad”, guaranteeing the validation of its techniques due to several reported experiences of implementation in several countries.

Competency management can help organizations in search of sustainable competitive advantage, as it allows people management policies to be aligned with the organization’s strategic guidelines (BRANDÃO; GUIMARÃES, 2001).

Carvalho (2006) justifies the adoption of the competency-based people management model because he understands that the model promotes the development of skills, produces a complex of social relationships and generates tacit knowledge. Competency management emerges, then, as an application or derivation of this theory, that is, as a mechanism to promote the strategic management of human resources and, therefore, generate a competitive differential for the organization. For the author, the model therefore seeks to increase the value of human talent, “based on the premise that the mastery of certain competencies is what makes professionals and organizations stand out, sustain themselves and have a competitive advantage in the market”.

For Pires et al. (2005), competency management aligns efforts so that human competencies can generate and sustain organizational competencies necessary to achieve strategic objectives.

Dutra (2013) shows that competency management, as it is a very broad model, makes it possible to align human resources practices with each other and with organizational strategies.

In the concept of Brandão and Guimarães (2001), the purpose of competency management is to promote efforts in order to plan, capture, develop and evaluate which competencies are necessary to achieve institutional objectives. Thus, according to the authors, competences add economic and social value to individuals and organizations, as they contribute to the achievement of these objectives and express social recognition of the capacity of a given person.

According to Albuquerque and Oliveira (2001) to start a management by competences, there is a need to define the company’s strategy by the skills that add value to the institution’s strategy. Such a definition makes it possible to direct the focus on the organization’s strategies, thus allowing the development of competencies that will have more impact for the institution.

Management by competences proposes to align efforts so that human competences can generate and sustain organizational competences necessary to achieve strategic objectives (PIRES et al., 2005).

According to Amaral (2008), people management through competencies provides the continuous exchange of competencies, considering that the organization transfers its assets to people, enriching them and preparing them to face new professional and personal situations, inside or outside the organization; and people, in turn, by developing their individual skills, transfer their learning to the organization, giving it conditions to face new challenges.

Many companies have adopted competency management as a management model, aiming to guide their efforts to plan, capture, develop and evaluate, at different levels of the organization (individual, group and organizational), the necessary competencies to achieve their objectives (PIRES et al., 2005). According to Brandão and Guimaraes (2001), several companies have resorted to the use of competence management models, aiming to plan, select and develop the necessary competences for the respective business.

Both private and public organizations are using the GPC model, which is considered a good people management practice (BRANDÃO, 2012).


For the present study, the systematic review methodology presented by Botelho et al. (2011). In this first section, the phases of identification of the research topic will be presented; establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria; identification of pre-selected and selected studies and categorization of selected studies. Subsequently, the analysis and interpretation of data extracted from the articles, results and conclusions are carried out.


For Creswell (2010), a literature review has several purposes, among them, to provide the reader with sharing the results of other studies that are closely linked to the one being carried out.

According to De Souza (2010), bibliographic research is one of the best ways to start a study, as it allows the researcher to find similarities and differences between the articles found in the reference documents.

It is possible to carry out a literature review in several ways, as there is no single way of conducting a literature review, and many authors present different methods of bibliographic research BOTELHO, 2011; COOPER, 1988; CRESWELL, 2010; DE SOUZA, 2010; WHITTEMORE and KNAFL, 2005 and each author has his own literature review proposal. Many of the methods presented have similarities, and may differ in only a few points regarding the review.

It is important to establish a rigorous methodology for the literature review and, according to Rother (2010), the systematic review uses all methodology and structure in order to avoid bias or bias in the result.

Botelho et al. (2011) states that the systematic review can be seen as an “umbrella” methodology, which incorporates different types of methods for the literature review process, among which the systematic review. The authors, in their studies, present an integrative systematic review methodology composed of 06 steps, based on several authors, among them Beyea and Nicoll (1998); Broome (2006); Ganong (1987); Stetler et al. (1998) and Whittemore and Knafl (2005).

According to the aforementioned proposal for a systematic review, the 1st step consists of identifying the research topic with a clear and specific research question, in addition to defining the search strategy in order to enable the meeting between a formulated question and the stored information in a database. In the 2nd stage, the inclusion and exclusion criteria are established, which must be clear and objective. The 3rd stage of the review aims to identify pre-selected and selected studies, at which time the titles, abstracts and keywords of all complete publications located by the search strategy are carefully read. The categorization of the selected studies is the object of the 4th stage of the review, which aims to summarize and document the information collected from the scientific articles found in the previous stages, which can be performed in a descriptive way and recorded the most relevant data of the study. In the 5th stage, the analysis and interpretation of the results are carried out and, finally, the 6th stage presents the synthesis of the learned knowledge, which is the elaboration of a document which must present a description of all the stages covered.

A systematic review can incorporate results from a meta-analysis research, such as statistical data, as according to Whittemore and Knafl (2005) the systematic review process combines evidence from multiple studies.

For the present research, the integrative systematic review method presented by Botelho et al. (2011), in organizational studies, composed of the phases presented by the authors, plus the meta-analysis of the data.


In view of the discussion by several researchers, as well as technicians in the areas of people and strategic management on the topic management by competences, the following question was formulated to guide this research: What differentiated results can be identified with the implementation of the management model of people in organizations? With this objective, the stages of research on the topic were directed.

Initially, publications through theses, dissertations, reports, congresses, seminars, meetings and the like were established as the first exclusion criterion in the sample, focusing the research only on articles. This criterion presents limitations to the research, considering that the topic addressed may have been the object of studies by other means of publication.

The selection of articles was carried out by consulting the database of journals on the CAPES[2] Portal and using spreadsheet management software to help organize the collected data.

In the first part of the research, some search simulations were carried out in order to identify the most appropriate criteria for the selection of the material to be searched. Keywords were used combined with the term “management by competences”: results; efficiency; performance. The searches showed very restricted results, finding few articles.

In this way, although it is a comprehensive term, the keywords “Management by Competence” and their respective translations into the language were adopted for the selection of articles, with the limitation of the publication period from 1997 to 2017, only articles, peer-reviewed. For these criteria, 2,334 articles were found. It should be noted that the criterion of selecting articles only by titles “management by competences” was not adopted in the research of articles, as this was the object of tests and resulted in a very restrictive number of articles.


To identify the studies, the titles, abstracts and keywords of the articles were read. It should be noted that certain articles, despite dealing with the subject, were not selected for the sample because they did not deal with the specific topic, for example, articles that dealt with individual skills related to certain professions, such as nurses, teachers, computer analysts, among others or articles that referred to competences within the educational scope.

In order to improve the quality and reliability of the research, articles published in journals classified in the Qualis A1, A2 and B1 strata of Capes were selected. Thus, the selection for the present study is characterized as intentional and non-probabilistic.

Table 1 shows the number of pre-selected and selected articles according to the criteria established in this research.

Table 1 – Pre-selected and selected articles

Article language Pre-selected Selected
Portuguese 231 11
English 78 02
Total 309 013

Source: Produced by the author.


To reach the objective of this phase, the selected articles were read in full and relevant information was extracted for the present study.

The information was systematized in spreadsheets, so that when reading the articles, articles were identified that answered the research question: What differentiated results can be identified with the implementation of the people management model in organizations? In addition to this lens, the following data were recorded: identification of selected articles, authorship; key words; identification of the publication of the periodicals; most cited authors.

According to the phases proposed for this research, the analysis and interpretation of the data extracted from the articles begins.


The analysis of the results of the research carried out in the 13 articles is divided into six topics: identification of selected articles; authorship; key words; identification of the publication of the periodicals; most cited authors and different results expected from the implementation of the model in organizations.


Table 1 identifies selected articles by title, author(s), year and journal of publication.

Table 1 – Identification of selected articles

Title Author(s) Year of Publication Periodical
Defining competencies and performance indicators for physicians in medical management Dorothy S. Lane and  Virginia Ross 1998 American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Gestão de competências e gestão de desempenho: tecnologias distintas ou instrumentos de um mesmo construto? Hugo Pena Brandão and Tomás de Aquino Guimarães 2001 RAE
Alinhando estratégia e competências Maria Tereza Leme Fleury and Afonso Carlos Correa Fleury 2004 RAE
A articulação entre estratégia e o desenvolvimento de competências gerenciais Maria Cristina Canovas de Moura and Claudia Cristina Bitencourt 2006 RAE
Modernidade organizacional em gestão de pessoas como base para a incorporação de modelo de gestão por competência. José Henrique Motta de Castro; Zélia Miranda Kilimnik and Anderson de Souza Sant’Anna 2008 RAC
Competencies and human resource management: implications for organizational competitive. Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos and Miltiadis D. Lytras 2008 Journal of Knowledge Management
Competências Organizacionais e Gestão Estratégica: Um estudo em instituições financeiras pública sob a ótica da visão baseada em recursos  Neemias Figueiredo Cardoso and Fátima Regina Ney Matos 2010 Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa
As competências gerenciais nas instituições federais de educação superior Aline Lucena Costa Pereira and Anielson Barbosa da Silva 2011 Cadernos EBAPE. BR
O Alinhamento entre a Estratégia e as Competências Organizacionais: o caso de uma empresa nacional líder do segmento de revestimentos cerâmicos Marinaldo de Brida and Jair Nascimento Santos 2011 Revista de Ciência da Administração
As competências gerenciais dos reitores de universidades federais em Minas Gerais: a visão da alta administração. Angelo Brigato Ésther 2011 Cadernos EBAPE. BR
Modelos de gestão de competências versus processo de validação. Um ponto cego? Luciano Munck, Rafael Borim de Souza, André Luís and Cristiane Zagui 2011 RAUSP
Competências e desempenho em empresas de pet shop: evidências de um levantamento em Curitiba Jurandir Peinado and Bruno Henrique Rocha Fernandes 2011 RAUSP
Competências e habilidades relevantes para um chefe de unidade descentralizada de perícia da polícia federal Odair de Souza Gloria Junior, Deborah Moraes Zouain and Gustavo de Oliveira Almeida 2014 Revista de Administração Mackenzie

Source: Prepared by the author.


Most of the articles were written by 02 or more authors, evidencing a trend that is increasingly found as a characteristic of scientific articles, the construction of networks and partnerships.


The most found keywords were: ”Gestão por Competências”, “Gestão de Competências”, “Competências Gerenciais”, “Competências organizacionais“Desempenho”Desempenho organizacional”. It appears that the term “competência” has many definitions, and can be a complement to other constructs.

Quadro 2 – Palavras chaves apresentadas nos artigos referentes à temática competências
Table 2 – Key words presented in the articles referring to the competences theme.


Table 3 – Identification of journals

Periodical Articles Qualis
American Journal of  Preventive Medicine 1 A1
Journal of Knowledge Management 1 A1
Cadernos EBAPE.BR 2 A2
Revista de Administração – RAUSP 2 A2
Revista de Administração Contemporânea – RAC 1 A2
Revista de Administração de Empresas – RAE 3 A2
Revista de Ciências da Administração 1 B1
Revista de Administração Mackenzie 1 B1
Revista Eletrônica de Ciência Administrativa 1 B1
Total           13  

Source: prepared by the author.


Figure 4 shows the frequency of the most cited authors on the topic Management by Competencies. These data are relevant for future research in which the topic “competências” is investigated, serving as a source for novice researchers to focus future research on the topic. It is observed in the analysis of Figure 0, authors such as PRAHALAD, C. K.; ZARIFIAN, P. HAMEL, G.; FLEURY, A.C.C., E FLEURY, M.T.L and LE BOTERF, G.;.

Quadro 3 – Autores mais citados nos artigos
Table 4 – Authors most cited in the articles.


Initially, it is worth mentioning that the scopes of the selected articles did not specifically deal with differentiated results with the implementation of the model in organizations. In general, these focus on the definition of concepts or methodology for identifying essential, individual and/or organizational competencies. Others present the theme competence linked to the results of strategic and organizational objectives.

Under the lens proposed for this research, it was found that some authors associate results with individual competences and others with organizational competences, or deal with both competences. Thus, these traits are observed in the following articles:

Brandão and Guimarães (2001), through a review of the literature on the concepts that permeate competency management and performance management, conclude that these seem to complement each other in a broader context of organizational management. According to the authors, both technologies propose the need to associate the organization’s performance or competencies with those of its members. Under an individual context (individual competences), performance management (competence) can lead, among others, to results aimed at “highly qualified professionals for innovative management practices”.

Fleury and Fleury (2004) discuss the contribution to the construction of a model relating competencies and organizational strategy. They conceptually discuss essential, organizational and individual competencies and seek to relate them to the definition of organizational strategy. It is inferred that the organizational competences result, among other results, in “innovative products” and “excellence: operational, leadership and customer orientation”.

De Moura and Bitencourt (2006), the authors approach the subject in the context of individual competences, in which “higher performance” is expected as a result of competences. In this perspective, they associate competence with performance, defined as a quality for solving problems, better professional performance or an emphasis on results. They mention that several authors make this association, among them Sparrow and Bognanno (1994, p4), whose individual competences “[…] represent attitudes identified as relevant for obtaining high performance in a specific job […]”. The individual competences would act directly in the performance, bringing a differentiation in the results intended by the organizations.

De Castro et al. (2008), investigated the extent to which people management practices adopted by a large Brazilian institution in the financial sector reveal themselves to have sufficient characteristics of modernity to enable and sustain the implemented competency model. They approach the subject in the context of organizational competences, in which the “innovation of products and processes and services” is expected as a result of competences, in addition to the “achievement of organizational objectives”.

Pereira and Da Silva (2011), highlight the individual (managerial) skills that lead to “higher performance” and “increased organizational effectiveness”. When identifying managerial competences in Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES)[3], the authors conclude that managerial competences are essential in driving changes, since they can contribute to the development of institutional competences, enabling the improvement of the social results of IFES ( DUTRA, 2000; RUAS, 2001). They emphasize the need to prepare public managers in the face of the transformations that the management of people in Federal Institutions of Higher Education is undergoing, resulting from a set of laws and decrees that raise a new vision of people management, more professionalized and aligned with institutional guidelines.

Cardoso and Ney (2010), in a study in public financial institutions, from the perspective of a resource-based view, the authors consider competency management and strategic management as important means to identify the potential of organizations and their employees, improving the team performance and the quality of relationships between employees and senior management, in addition to serving as a stimulus to efforts to achieve positive and satisfactory results for the individual and the organization (individual and organizational competencies).

Munck et al. (2011) deal with the issue in the context of organizational competencies, in which “increased organizational effectiveness” is expected as a result of competencies. In an approach in which the objective is to theoretically and empirically explore the stages, challenges and benefits of the validation process of competence models, the authors allude that the application of competence logic and its respective models as substitutes and superiors to the classical approaches of management, as a fundamental instrument to support decisions related to the management of people and the company, has confused many organizations, especially when questioning the relationship between the objectives proposed by the competency management models and their respective results.

Ésther (2011) addresses the topic of competences in the individual field (management competences). The author analyzes the competences attributed to the presidents of federal universities, with the expectation of contributing to a greater understanding of their action. Results such as “higher performance” and “difference in leadership” are managerial competencies desired by Higher Education Institution (IES)[4] managers.

Peinado and Fernandes (2011) present studies in which they examine the combined influence of the perceived environment, business skills and the performance obtained in determining the strategy adopted by small companies. For the authors, in terms of organizational results, despite the different types of strategy adopted by the companies, satisfaction was verified in the research both with the management results and with the economic results achieved by the companies surveyed. In terms of competencies, the object of study emphasizes managerial competencies.

Brida and Santos (2011) discuss that the alignment between business strategies and organizational competencies results in organizational development. They emphasize the importance of developing skills linked to strategy, which result in organizational development. This organizational development occurs with the training of employees and the growth of their respective individual skills, promoting the link between business strategies and organizational skills through organizational and individual learning.

Junior et al. (2014), present a study that describes the technical competences and skills (individual-managerial competences) necessary for a federal criminal expert in the exercise of the role of head of the Federal Police’s forensic unit. They consider that the diagnosis of the key competences of a manager of a criminal expertise unit will favor the identification of the gaps in skills and abilities needed for new managers, which will contribute to the results: achievement of institutional objectives and provision of better services to society.

Other authors, Lane and Ross (1998) and Pablos and Lytras (2008), bring as results of competency management the “unpredictability and creativity in the treatment”, “improvement in the quality of work practices to face the threats and opportunities of the market” , “in problem solving”; “expansion of the social function through the provision of a quality service”, “effectiveness in the use of public resources”.


The theme management by competences has many fields to be explored, considering that the implementation of the model in Brazilian organizations is still very recent and complex.

Although there are relevant studies addressing the topic management by competences, it was found that the majority of research focuses on the definition of concepts or methodologies for the identification of essential, individual and/or organizational competences, or presents the theme competence linked to results of strategic objectives.

Under the lens proposed for this research, which aimed to identify differentiated results with the implementation of the people management model in organizations, it was found that some authors associate results with individual competences and others with organizational competences, or deal with both competences. Specifically, the following results were identified: search for greater individual performance; increased organizational effectiveness; driving for changes in the organization; improvement of the social results of the IFES; innovation of products, processes and services; achievement of organizational objectives; highly qualified professionals for innovative management practices; innovative products; operational excellence, leadership and customer orientation; satisfaction with both the management results and the results; better team performance; quality of relationships between employees and senior management; achievement of institutional objectives; provision of better services to society; unpredictability and creativity; improvement in the quality of work practices to face market threats and opportunities; improvement in problem solving ability; expansion of the social function by offering a quality service; and effectiveness in the use of public resources.

It is noted that the present research, due to the established criteria, has the bias of not having included dissertations, theses and results of conferences and/or scientific meetings in the studies, as well as the delimitation of the analysis of articles published only in journals of Qualis strata A1, A2 and B1.

In view of the studies carried out, the lack of research becomes evident when it comes to verifying the effectiveness of the competency-based management model to achieve differentiated results that come from its implementation in the institution. According to Bertero et al. (2013), more comprehensive research should be undertaken by the scientific community in order to seek greater proximity between theoretical development and organizational practice, it is a very important mission of the area to contribute to an improvement of administrative practice.


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DE PÁDUA ARAUJO, Antônio; GALVÃO DE ALBUQUERQUE, Lindolfo. Gestão por Competências: um estudo exploratório em uma instituição pública não-estatal  qualificada como organização social. Desenvolvimento em Questão, v. 5, n. 10, 2007.

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2. Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).

3. Instituições Federais de Educação Superior (IFES).

4. Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES).

[1] Master’s Student of the Administration Course at the Universidade Federal de Rondônia; Graduated in Law from the Universidade Federal de Rondônia and postgraduate in Public Management from ULBRA.

Submitted: May, 2018.

Approved: June, 2018.

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