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Service techniques to convert leads into sales in the current economic scenario

RC: 76646
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REFFATTI, Guilherme Vanni [1], QUIRICI, Wagner [2]

REFFATTI, Guilherme Vanni. QUIRICI, Wagner. Service techniques to convert leads into sales in the current economic scenario. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Year 05, Ed. 12, Vol. 16, pp. 103-108. December 2020. ISSN: 2448-0959, Access link:


Like almost all sectors of the Brazilian economy, real estate has changed a lot since the crisis of early 2014. With fewer and fewer customers willing to buy real estate, the conversion of leads into sales has become essential for the development of this important segment of the Economy. This article brings the opinion and teachings of the largest realtors in Brazil, ways to circumvent the crisis and the best and most efficient way to convert leads into effective sales.

Keywords: Leads, sales, marked real estate, economic scenario.


The Brazilian economy lived a very prosperous period until 2013, with an extremely accelerated economy and an expansion never seen in the real estate segment of the country. Realtors have become accustomed to selling a lot and in a much easier way. Caixa Econômica Federal and the other retail banks provided a lot of credit, with attractive rates and little bureaucracy. At that time the leads were almost disposable given their abundance.

Currently the situation has changed. The financial crisis that has persisted since 2014 has greatly reduced economic activity and affected the housing market. In this new reality, few leads, that is, person interested in owning and/or purchasing a product or service, reach realtors and must be valued to the extreme in order to be converted into sales.

Realtors needed a lot of expertise, learning more about the financial area, marketing, consumer behavior and especially improving the service and treatment given to the few leads that appear in the sales booths.


Accustomed to a phase where many leads were attended and business appeared very easily, today realtors are faced with a period of little or no demand. Rare customers enter the sales booth of your real estate, few customers call on duty or even contact via internet. That lead that still seeks property must be converted into sale. Based on the works of real estate specialists Guilherme Machado and Paulo Angelim and the famous writers Dale Carnegie and Idalberto Chiavenato can: identify, improve, better serve and convert these leads into sales with extreme accuracy and efficiency.

Within the characterization and expectations of customers, Chiavenato (2006, p. 61) mentions that it is important to compare “[…] the expectations around you with the results you are offering. This gap between what they expect from you and what you’re delivering needs to be fixed.” The author puts very adequately a major problem of real estate activity, full customer satisfaction. This attitude should be revised and one must forget the old practice of pushing the client what realtors, real estate agents, developers and construction companies want to sell. The customer’s need is usually different from the need of the real estate agent and must be fully respected.

Characterized the client the second step that the real estate professional should follow is mental preparation. Paulo Angelim, in his work Be you the sales champion, comments:

If you really want to be a champion broker, the first big challenge you must submit to, before starting your preparation, is that of changing mental attitude. You must, from now on, create a mental disposition of learning. The preparation of the broker is nothing more than a continuous and uninterrupted process of learning. (ANGELIM, 2004, p. 13).

Working the same way and expecting different results don’t seem to be very intelligent attitudes, but that’s what most do. Continuous learning and improvement become vital needs for the development of the real estate professional and the only alternatives for the departure of the marasmus of negative or unexpressive results.

Within the sphere of excellence in service the famous author Dale Carnegie uttered the following wise words:

If you want people to like it, if you want to deepen true friendships, if you want to help others and at the same time be helped by them, try to remember this principle: Become truly interested in the other person. (CARNEGIE, 2012, p. 98).

You need to question and listen to the customer very carefully, much more than worrying about talking, selling or presenting the product. The lead is clearly looking for some product or service and needs to speak, explain and to some extent open up to the professional who serves you. Learning to listen carefully you can give the right card, offer the right product and convert the service into sales and new real estate business.

It should also be understood that each customer is different and seeks different products and services. Therefore, one cannot in any way have a pre-established rule and standard of care. The fact of listening to and deanating mental care strategies, combined with a fit between the lead and the realtor should generate greater possibilities of closing deals. The graduate realtor and speaker Guilherme Machado speaks the following on the subject:

If you understand that you can sell more when you leave autopilot and understand the customer more easily, you will certainly strive to build this new habit. Think about it, instead of thinking your customers are crazy, because they’re looking for you, but then they never come back. Free yourself from pre-established concepts. Focus on your customer’s demand, meet their needs and sell. (MACHADO, 2017, p. 128).

The well-attended client, well heard, who feels valued becomes faithful to the realtor and stops looking for real estate with competitors, waiting for the options that this has to offer and treating the relationship of consumption as a relationship of friendship and mutual exchange. Change of attitude is everything.


A correct identification of who is a customer and who is a mere curious speculating, without loss of energy and time. Treat the lead with courtesy and a lot of efficiency, arousing empathy and trust. Serve the future client with pro-activity, being psychologically prepared for the challenges that will be imposed. Finally, convert this lead into new business, new indications and mainly in sales and a lot of profitability. So it should be the script of the modern Brazilian realtor in the post-crisis era.

One can and should adopt the techniques of the authors mentioned, with tested and approved theories, leaning for excellence in service and professional management of clients. This is the only solution to survive this enduring crisis and continue to thrive in this unstable economy and slow or no recovery, overcoming the lack of credit and market reliability.


ANGELIM, P. Seja você o campeão em vendas: como vender mais imóveis em menos tempo.  São Paulo: Mundo Cristão, 2004.

CARNEGIE, D. Como fazer amigos e influenciar pessoas. 52. ed. São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 2012.

CHIAVENATO, I. Cartas a um jovem administrador: o futuro está na administração. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2006.

MACHADO, G. Você não vai mais conseguir vender assim: quebre as regras e torne-se um profissional de alto impacto: reconstrua o que você sabe sobre vender. São Paulo: Gente, 2017.

[1] Master’s degree from the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), MBA in Commercial Management from the Faculty of Serra Gaúcha (FSG), MBA in Real Estate Business Management from the Faculty of Development of Rio Grande do Sul (FADERGS), MBA in Business Management from the Brazilian University of Training (UniBF). Postgraduate in Teaching in Technical and Higher Education from Qi College (FAQi), Bachelor of Economic Sciences from the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), student of the 4th Semester of Degree in Mathematics from the Faculty of the Americas (FAM), Technician in Real Estate Transactions by the Brazilian Institute of Training (IBREP) and Expert real estate evaluator also by IBREP.

[2] Advisor. Master in Administration. Graduation in Electronic Engineering.

Sent: July, 2020.

Approved: December, 2020.

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Guilherme Vanni Reffatti

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